Keys are so tiresome

First match of the day, one hour in queue as killer, the survivors find a key in a chest and 2 escape and then proceed to mock and be extremely toxic in end game chat.
When are they gonna do something about them? I even stood on top of the hatch for like 3 minutes while they were in front of me, not being able to hit them because they could get through me and open the hatch, so I hit the guy who doesn't have the key, and they still were able to get through the killer's body and escape.
At least with lobby keys I can dodge. Here it's a 20 minutes match only for an "entity displeased" for the two toxic survivors who hid the whole game to get a free win.
They did nerf keys this last mid chapter. They’re still extremely annoying but they’re going to do more work on keys some time in the near future.
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So you think you deserved the 4k even though you don't even know the basics of the game (i.e. you're losing collision when hitting a survivor) ?
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Can you point out in his post where he said that?
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All they did was make the key that left the hatch open for 30 seconds make it so now it opens for 10.
Not a single match ever had that be relevant. People group up so they can all t-bag and escape together.
What I deserved was a fair match not some magical item that opens a magic door tha gives the survivor an insta win with no way to stop them.
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Keys are.. *looks around, lowers voice* ..boring
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"I hit the guy who doesn't have the key, and they still were able to get through the killer's body and escape."
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"Fair" matches don't exist in DBD. The game is based around luck.
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Still not seeing where he said/implied he "deserved" a 4K.
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I thought the keys were nurfed a while back? But swear to god I've had a few matches and at least 5 of those I opened a chest and there was a key. Safe to say once the killer clocked it, I was his obsession through out 😂
Not gonna lie I've got 5 keys for most of my characters in the load out and never use them. Because it's a massive crime to now and its only going to upset the killers. So I don't use them 😳
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Standing on hatch for several minutes clearly indicates the 4k mentality.
I couldn't care less if someone escaped via a key as I play the G-A-M-E for F-U-N and not to boost my virtual ego.
Who cares if someone escapes via the hatch?
Just play the next match and stop acting like you had to stand on the hatch for several minutes because anything less than a 4k shortens your lifespan.
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You should always strive towards fairness, even if it isn't completely attainable. Just as you should try to be better, even if you'll never be perfect. With your mentality the game would still be in its 2016 state.
Doing what you can to get a 4k/3k and believing you deserve a 4k are two entirely different things.
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Whatever floats your boat.
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Ill stand on hatch and block hatch if thats what youre playing for. Finish them gens and walk out idc, youre not getting hatch. (petty AF i know)
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Not all of us are used to losing like you to the point we take pleasure on it. If you enjoy losing and getting t-bagged at the hatch then, suit yourself. As you said, "whatever floats your boat".
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I would agree, hadn´t i just been camped to death for no other reason than going down first, giving the killer a free kill with no way to stop him.
Since the ds-nerf, killers camp and tunnel way more than before. We know keys will get another nerf, so people use them (or perks to find them). Yeah, noone gets fair matches at the moment.
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Where did he say that i love to know. So can you point out in his post where he said that
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That's not petty. That's just embarrassing.
Nice salt there bud.
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hopefully in the next PTB we'll hear something.
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Keys are a symptom of the real problem: hatch. It's a get out of jail free card for survivors that would be made a laughing stock in any other game.
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I can understand keys being considered a problem, but if you have an issue with the hatch itself, you should not be playing DBD, it's not good for you.
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Its not embarrassing I block hatch and walk away. If youre gonna hide in a locker and wait for hatch with 3 or 4 gens left you can get bent. I had a swf try it the other day. One of them DCed so the hatch would spawn and he could escape. It spawned next to me and I blocked it. It was glorious watching youtube while he didnt do ANY of the 4 gens that were left. The messages were even better. I couldve just moved on to the next game but nah ######### em. Play like a cheap trick get bent like one.
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Eh, I think people who are not able to win fair and square and need a mechanic that rewards them because of luck instead of skill are the ones who shouldn't be playing DbD, or any game for the matter.
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As I said: Embarrassing.
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Like you said, just dodge the key users if you see them in a lobby. Make their queue times even longer.
As for the chest keys, not much you can do about them. Luckily, those situations are pretty rare.
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Survivors can put keys just before 5 seconds
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This guy is going to be the next sluzzy after lord tony dies lmao
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Forgot about that lol.
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Sorry to hear that you had a rough match like that, OP!
I play Survivor 99% of the time and I can't stand keys either. The same goes for moris. Anything that dramatically alters the flow of the game and hinders someone from playing or cheapens the experience for any other player is really unfortunate in my opinion.
I've seen posts with Survivors complaining about moris and Killers complaining about keys, it'd be great if the community kind of shifted away from those things. Personally, I've seen way less of both since returning to the game so perhaps some people are of the same mindset!
Hang in there and happy gaming. <3
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No, hatch has ruined DBD. Like I said, in any other game where it's 1 side vs another and a random thing appears on the map that gives the other side a free win for you playing well, it's a joke. The game would be laughed out of the whole gaming market, and that's a fact.
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An hour wait for a match as killer huh??? Doesn't seem hyperbolic at all (eyeroll). Approx 1700 hours as a killer and my absolute longest wait was on stream: 16 minutes. I did have a 19 minute wait once as survivor though (Approx 1500 hours as survivor).
I see you registered like 12 hours ago and have basically just complained about survivors in every post (30+) - says all I need to know about your statements :)
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You're going to be hard-pressed to make any argument about fairness when it's one versus a team. It's not very fair either when your teammates screw you over and force you to just give up, surrendering a free kill to a player that, likewise, didn't win 'fair and square'.
Funny you should say that, since Dead by Daylight is the only asymmetrical PvP game that DIDN'T get laughed off the market.
If you can't be happy with a 3K, DBD is never going to make you happy.
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I sincerely doubt you are waiting an hour for every single match unless you are rank 20 playing at off times in a region with a low population.
Why do you think you deserve a 4k every game? It's a annoying mechanic, but still a mechanic nonetheless. Stop tunneling 1-2 people out of the match immediately and perhaps the hatch won't spawn as quickly so you will have more breathing room.