Explaining why DC Penalties are bad

DC Penalty aim is to discourage a player from disconnecting during a random game. In the current state it is working in all ways except on for what it's intended, ande here's why:
- Is a 100% completely survivor sided feature: survivors can still DC by hook suiciding. All you need to do to bypass it as survivor is hook struggle, then miss a couple of skill check and you're out; it is effective just on killer players
- Moreover, it is super-effective when you DC unintentionally due to internet issues, when you get the Monster of Fame Error 8,012 (which they still refuse to fix);
- All they reply when you try to pinpoint these problems, all you get is "fix your internet". And now I reply back dear Devs our internet is not your problem: your DC penalty is.
So what we should to do to make DC Penalty a fair feature? Response is simple:
- Remove hooks from the game. Just make survivors respawn somewhere away from the killer when they die (this would also fix the infamous camping); they can't suicide? they can't bypass it
- Just make it always last 5 minutes. From the information acquired I know it can cumulate until you reach a 23h ban in the worst scenario.
And now I reply back dear Devs our internet is not your problem: your DC penalty is.
Yeah, no. If your connection is causing you to disconnect, then it is your problem. The DC penalty has its flaws, but this isn't one of them.
So what we should to do to make DC Penalty a fair feature? Response is simple:
You are literally demanding that the devs restructure one of the game's core features (hooking) because you refuse to think about this from the other players' perspective. That's nowhere near fair and you know it.
Post edited by Rizzo on11 -
- Remove hooks from the game. Just make survivors respawn somewhere away from the killer
Do we give them a cookie and hot cocoa too?
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While we are at it lets remove gens from the game as well. We can just turn this game into a game of hide and seek. If youre not found in a 20 minute time-span you escape.
We will just rename the game Hide and Die, it will be a smash hit.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
- "Is a 100% completely survivor sided feature: survivors can still DC by hook suiciding. All you need to do to bypass it as survivor is hook struggle, then miss a couple of skill check and you're out; it is effective just on killer players"
And you call this survivor-sided? You can call it killer-sided - for the Survivors, there is 0 difference if that guy suicides on hook or DCs, for the Killer, they get points and their BBQ-Stack.
Let alone that it became even more killer-sided, since Survivors dont die immediatly, which gives the Killer more time to get to the Hatch. And it does nothing for Survivors, since unhooking someone who does not want to play the game will not make them play the game.
- "All they reply when you try to pinpoint these problems, all you get is "fix your internet". And now I reply back dear Devs our internet is not your problem: your DC penalty is."
Error 8,012 is losing internet connection, if I am not mistaken. And if your internet dies, this is on you and nobody else. In general, you should ensure to have a stable internet connection when playing Onlinegames. If your internet is weak, you ruin the game for the other players. And well, I personally dont care if someone DCs because they are salty or because their Internet gave up, it does not change the fact that I play the game with 1 less person (or it ends right away, if that player was the Killer).
- "Just make it always last 5 minutes. From the information acquired I know it can cumulate until you reach a 23h ban in the worst scenario."
This would just encourage people to DC. 5 minutes is nothing. And the penalty does also something else (except for penalizing) - it makes sure that someone does not go into the next game immediatly and ruin that as well.
If someone is stubborn and tries to play while their internet is disconnecting them all the time, they at least have a bigger penalty - which means a) they can try to fix the problem and b) other players dont have to deal with them.
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What about something where your survivor just stands still or struggles while on the hook if you DC with the ability to respond back in so thay if you get an accidental DC you can still come back. And if you don't come back then you get the penalty as regularily
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Players whose internet is bad enough that they run into prohibitive DC penalties and not just the occasional 5 minute ban... probably should not be playing an online multiplayer game of the type where players rely on all other players being present. It's a bit callous to say, but it's true. If I'm in a match and one of my fellow survivors disconnects at 5 gens... I'll only be actually angry at them if they did it deliberately versus if their internet crapped out, but it's not like I know that on my end, and ultimately it doesn't change the fact that my match is now boned and I'm going to die and quite probably depip between Lightbringer and Unbroken. If you do that often enough that the game starts locking you out, you've created a slew of ruined games in your wake. You're not the only person getting hurt by your bad connection and you should probably work on that - or if it's a temporary problem that's just flaring up today, stop playing until it's resolved.
I've DCed plenty of times through Steam's weekly refresh or temporary network issues on my end. I've never gone over the 5 minute ban. You have to really consistently DC for it to start adding up.
Penalizing survivors for repeatedly killing themselves on hook within the first few minutes of the game/when they're the only person hooked, dying, or dead would be a better move than overhauling the entire game, and I'm not sure I'd support that anyway because it'd be easy to trip in situations where it's justified. And maximizing the penalty for 5 minutes would be terrible. That's not a deterrent for the players that cherrypick their matches and quit as soon as they hear the Nurse wheeze or see a pool of devotion. Queues can already take longer than 5 minutes anyway.
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Remove hooks from the game?
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You want survivors to respawn in a random location if they get downed? ...do you also wanna lose 99% of your killer games due to losing all of your pressure everytime you down someone? Because that's what you're asking for.
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remove hooks. Ya what now. Lets remove gens while we are at it. And exit gates
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Here we go again. Didnt we have the same post not even three days ago? Im pretty sure there is enough info about the dc penalty in this forum. Respect for the people, who answer this every time.
I have some internet issues, but i never had it that often that i got over a 5min penalty. But maybe killers should really have the option to always start the endgame. I had enough yellow ranks with one perk who dced bc they got 4 red ranks and had no chance.
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I stopped reading when OP claimed him having garbage internet is not his fault, but him being punished for forcing others to play through matches when he DCs is BHVR's fault.
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I would love a hide and seek game mode.
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if you have bad internet it is your fault
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I think they are in a better position now to punish people who suicide one hook since they updated the struggle mechanic. In the end I dont see it happening either way.
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It's not a bad idea - it's just impossible to differentiate between cases where a player had a reason to give up (i.e. my teammates are doing literal nothing or really obviously sandbagging me, the killer is a flying ghostface throwing hatchets, the game became unwinnable early on and I'm not going to prolong the inevitable, I'm in a Bubba/Trapper/Hag basement and I don't want my teammates to die rescuing me, I want my teammate to get hatch, my pizza is burning) versus when the player suicided during a completely winnable game because they didn't like something that happened in it. You could get around this by only penalizing players that do it to excess, but even then, it's bound to accidentally hit some people that were just trying to nope out of unwinnable games. Or baby survivors that don't understand that they shouldn't try to wiggle off hook and have to press buttons to struggle when they hit phase 2.
So yeah, I don't see it happening either. If the chat filter is any indication, BHVR isn't ready for this kind of normal human judgement call type programming.
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I mean, your solution to the issue presented by hook suicides bypassing the DC penalty was to reconstruct the entire game, making about a quarter of existing perks invalid, completely removing the concept of pressure, survivors needing to tend to their own team, and the killer being able to defend their downs if it's the most prudent thing for them to do. So I think the struggle delay works better. It's by no means a fix to the problem, but I've already force-saved a few people who were trying to bail out early. If they're going to screw me over, then I'm getting my due bloodpoints out of them.
It's just not possible to prevent players from being able to die at will on hook without removing the ability to escape and removing the skill checks in the second phase. That isn't the solution here (though it's still a better solution than deleting hooks entirely.)
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Talk about entitlement. If you buy an online only game and expect everything to be catered to you then good riddance please stop playing.
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With that change, it just becomes a game of racking up kills until they eventually escape.
Killing them but not actually killing makes killing by itself feel obsolete, i prefer the current version of just ending the game, perma-escapes & perma-deaths.
It's also not simple at all, a ton of Perks and some Killer Powers are going to need big changes or completely new ideas.
That's a lot of time to sink into this.
5-minute bans are nothing but a smack on the hand, so if you want to have it always be 5 minutes, expect to see players leave your game cause they don't like 1 Perk you put on.
And if you think that happens a lot now, then you haven't seen the old days of DbD.
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The thread has become argumentative, and as such, I am closing it up. This conversation has been moved to this category so your voice on the matter is heard, but I ask in the future, that everyone remains civil and respectful with others and their viewpoints.
And as a reminder, your internet connection is important and your responsibility when playing any online multiplayer game.