What Is The Most Underrated/Under Utilized Killer In DBD?
Me in my opinion it has to be Twins. I play them everyday, and have been maining them since release and its such a pity the community just writes them off as this really boring slug heavy/camping killer, which they aren't 🙄 I understand they had a buggy release and are still a little buggy now... But that doesn't change how cool they are!
Anyway id like to know your thoughts down below! "This isn't talking about overall strength, its about killers which aren't really given a chance by the community, or killers that you believe deserve more attention.
Please pick one of the killers from the list below and tell me your reasoning behind choosing that killer!
What Is The Most Underrated/Under Utilized Killer In DBD? 79 votes
Me in my opinion it has to be Twins. I play them everyday, and have been maining them since release and its such a pity the community just writes them off as this really boring slug heavy/camping killer, which they aren't 🙄 I understand they had a buggy release and are still a little buggy now... But that doesn't change how cool they are!
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As a Legion main, I kinda have to mention them.
So many people think they suck for some reason.
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I LOVE playing legion, just going around and injuring the whole team within the first 30 seconds of a match is SO satisfying! His deep wound also makes him have a bit of gen slow down to! Very fun killer to play! Great choice xd
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Yeah, their fast paced playstyle is why I main them.
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I think Pig is very underrated. She does need her nerfs reverted, but she definitely isn't the weakest among killers.
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As a plague main I think she's pretty underrated her & pig both of them are really underrated
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How so many people think he's C tier is beyond me, hes high B tier imo, and a lot better than people give him credit for.
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I feel like Clown's power is very underrated and can be decent if used properly.
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I think people know that Twins are good, but they also think they HAVE to slug and camp to win. This isn't true.
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No one plays her, like twins.
She is very strong and survivors have no idea how to play against her which makes it more difficult for the survivors.
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If they fixed her bugs, I would totally main her.
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Deathslinger/Pyramid Head/Blight
I think Blight still has so much room to learn new tech and different places to bounce, and can have so many different routes through loops depending on map spawns.
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Both Legion and Plague are heavily underrated by most.
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He's that OP people are scared to play him due to fear of the nerf hammer coming in to play!
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Trapper and Clown
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Yes, and this one:
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While I'd love to say Doctor since he's my main and I don't see him often, I think Twins is criminally underrated. I'll never forget the time I played against a really good Twins player that really understood them and their capabilities. It was oppressive honestly, but in a way that's fun to watch/play against, at least to me.
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People just have a bad taste in their mouth from Twins' buggy release, so they dont give'em a chance.
They're pretty good & pretty damn fun
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Has to be hag
Only semi-recently have people caught on to how strong she is but she plays the game by different rules than the others like Nurse and Spirit
I'm of the belief if hag was really popular, people would want her nerfed really badly.
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Hag is a very strong killer but probably not many people are used to playing her. She has great map pressure and good add-ons.
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Legion is fun for me but every one says he's the worst but i like playing him and im not to good with him but im getting better but if you play with like 4 new players you can kill them pretty easily
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Wraith might be the most slept-on killer in the game. Unlike killers such as Pig or Twins who have almost no chance of winning against competent players, a good Wraith can take anyone by surprise and stomp them.
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When the RNG is in your favour the pigs game delay is insane.
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It's a draw for me personally, Twins and Plague are both just extremely underutilized. Plague is pretty well designed and strong, while Twins are so close to greatness, but are held back by a design that makes less skilled players camp almost exclusively.
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I think that Wraith is pretty underrated killer.
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People still think wraith is weak
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People underestimate him and talk ######### about him
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Both Legion and Plague.
Pig i'd say two but pig isn't so much underatted as... "bad luck" magnet.
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Wish I had picked him now. Been playing him pretty much exclusively for the past 3 weeks and I've been getting a lot of 4ks with him at rank 1! HE'S definitely underrated! My favourite thing to do is pre fire as I'm going around a corner, so that my throw rate is faster and I get the extra control with the blades! Absolutely love this killer ♥️
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OMG! Hi xd, love the vids <3