Why it is always red ranks that is crying a lot?

CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

Whenever I play a match (Especially killer) most of the time when I am facing with purple-greens even if they destroy me I will say gg and they usually responds back like gg and etc... I even play with them as survivor team later on. When it comes to red ranks it does not matter. If they get me I am EZ Baby-Noob Killer, if I get them they will talk about map is killer sided, they have stupid teammates and etc.. or they dont even respond(which at least is better they prefer to silence) . Same applies for killers as well. I guess people forget that is just a game that you enter and chill. If I am facing a red rank I will know at the end there will be insults and etc... Is it same for all or my region of the game contains more stupid?


  • Hussein
    Hussein Member Posts: 29

    As a red rank survivor, what annoys me is when a survivor unhooks me in front of a killer without BT, or when I do a 1-2 mins chase, and the other survivors are walking around like adventurers looking for treasure when they should be doing generators. Other than that, getting tunnelled isn't fun and is quite boring. But I don't waste my time waiting for match to end to insult the killer. They're not worth my time.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2021

    You can't be chill and play at red ranks on most servers at peak hours. I've heard from people swfing down here that AU is actually the worst when it comes to sweating, though no-one here really BM's. I guess we're just really competitive.

    But, that kind of gameplay creates frustration which is released via general toxicity. I for one am glad to not deal with it too much. Though now that I'm down to purple/green ranks it's actually come up a lot more, especially since it's so ingrained in me to not chill out.

    Edit: to clarify, it's toxicity and complaining directed at me by opponents and teammates. I'm not going around being a #########.

  • Hussein
    Hussein Member Posts: 29

    Yeah what Jack said. Killer tends to tunnel someone out if they are not amazing at looping, so you're expected to sweat a lot. And sometimes when you do sweat, killers spend the entire match chasing after you in the hopes of killing you off. Like they take it personally.

    There's no win win.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,485

    Because the majority of them think theyre much better than they actually are and blame the game for their mistakes

  • KlapzCheeks
    KlapzCheeks Member Posts: 171

    Most likely because they are playing to win and are uber competitive. Lest we forget how easy it is to actually get to red ranks on the survivor side, so a lot of them are boosted.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited May 2021

    Because red ranks in the tryhard arena. People in lower ranks will actually have fun be good sports and play with people. Its why I love green ranks.

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804
    edited May 2021

    I don't want to be a red rank. The game insists I'm a red rank and won't let me go. Even despite dropping from 2 to 5 recently after enough games I'm back to 4.

    It's not a game where it's like "you play at this skill level so play with others at this skill level." This game is "you are going to play with people so much better than you, learn or suffer."

    And it's so rude and frustrating and you can try your best and still have a bad time due to a million factors outside of your control. You can be mega proud of having done a long chase against a good killer, then have it all shat on by a killer who camps you or team mates that will let you go from first hook to death. Like "wow I'm really trying to get better but with all these cut throat try hards I'm outmatched in every way and it shows."

    It's very easy to get tilted. I come looking for a good time, but all I end up with is a mandatory competitive mode where the game expects me to git gud or get off the ride.

    I much prefer green ranks. Nobody is top tier minmaxing mind games with full meta builds. They are just playing and there's so much more room for mistakes. It feels far more relaxed and even if a game doesn't go my way I can say I still had a decent time and some small victories along the match.

    So yeah I can see why people are made of salt at red ranks. It's a ######### experience if you didn't want to be there. It's the weirdest elo hell that actually exists.

    I've considered making a smurf account just so I can go back to having fun. But that's stupid, I'd just rather take a break. So that's what I'm doing. Still reading the forums though.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Right it's basically impossible to play chill at red ranks, as both killer and survivor. Although you can play more chill as survivor, but as killer you have to play sweaty. Or you are guaranteed to get 1 hook. It's just killers are likely to play to get 4ks at red ranks. And survivors are in to a 4k escape.