@Survivors: How do YOU want me to play?

I'm the Killer.
Everything I do seems to be wrong, so what would you like me to do?
Make sure all 4 Survivors are injured before I can start downing anyone?
Make sure everyone's hook counts get evenly spread?
Make sure I don't chase for more than 10 seconds?
Make sure to run away in a straight 200 meter line after hooking someone?
Make sure to spend my time looking for the hatch while you guys do the gens, that way by the time you're ready, I'll be able to point it out to everyone and we can all escape in time for tea & crumpets on the bayside?
Really. Tell me what would make you happy & satisfied with your gaming experience. I'm the Killer; I'm here for you.
Help me...
Help you.
Foot rubs.
Plenty of them.
When I'm satisfied, I may then let you hook me - but only if you beg first.
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this just sounds like an average wraith game.
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Play both sides so you don't get locked into bias opinions and thinking everyone on the other side is bad, toxic or entitled.
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You have a very easy solution in front of you. Simply try the other side out and see for yourself.
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I think you have it right. I love when killers I play against tilt. It makes for ez games.
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Well, if you're offering, i'd like you to pick me up a pizza at the Pizza Hut 4 blocks down.
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I think I may have just commented on another one of your threads with a similar premise - if so I apologize in advance for redundant posting!
But don't stress out about this kind of thing. It's easier said than done but really at the end of the day as long as you play a clean game and are kind in chat then you've done everything you can and should do. It's important for you to have fun with the experience and to play in a way that suits you and is enjoyable!
Though since you offered I'd love if a Killer would graciously help me find the charm during EGC. 😂 Killers! If you see a Kate pinballing madly across the map and circling trees like a crazy woman, spare her. She's charm thirsty. LOL <3
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Play both sides.
After you've done that, play how you wish.
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In any way that's not you actively preying on solo que and solo que only, or being sadistic for cruelties sake and not to win.
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I'm a survivor main.
I can't speak for everyone but I would like a hug from time to time from the killer.
Other then that play how you want I guess. As long as you aren't being mean.
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While i am aware of the undertone in your post, i give you my answer sincerly.
I just want you to be respectful and remember we are your fellow gamers. The problem with this is, a lot of survivors seem to not realize that. Its hard to ask killers for respect if so many of my fellow survivors are just rude and disrespectful. But i am.
In game terms, spread out hooks make for the best games in my opinion. However, i belive this game is survivor sided (even though i only play solo survivor), and i know its not easy to pull of. I wont expect such a thing from the killer.
Basicly, dont camp for no reason (yes, there are tactical reasons sometimes, and no, hooking someone between the 3gen you set up and then patroling those gens is not camping at all, neither is following a survivor you chase back to the hook, and if you see scratch marks around the hook, yeah, searching for that survivor is the thing to do) and dont intentionally tunnel (i met killers that run into you after you were unhooked that go out of your way to avoid you. I consider that really good sportmanship , but would never expect that from any killer. Bad luck happens, down me if i made the wrong decision. Just dont ignore anyone else to kill that one person without even hitting someone else).
Yeah, and i dont like tea that much. But if it was a good game, i like a good chat afterwards. But again, with the toxicity in this community, i know why a lot of players dont.
The problem is, this only applies to me. A lot of survivors think different from me, so you can never please all.
However, if you remember we are your fellow gamers, you might find terms how you would like the game to be played if you are/were a survivor. Then be that killer.
(please note: i, when i play killer, dont live up to that myself. I consider myself an above average survivor, but i am a bad killer, and when facing a good swf, i will tunnel just to keep up. But when i notice the survivors are not on my skill level, i try to make the game like i would as a survivor. Also, while i understand why killer do it, since i dont care about rank, i never slug for a 4k, but race the last survivor for the hatch (just to get the game finished. 2 Survivors wont win, but might hide long enough to make the game unenjoyable to me. But then, i dont run whispers)
So basicly, find your own terms. Just dont be a bully.
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Play how you would want a killer to play against you as a survivor - that is what I do.
If you don't have a lot of experience as a survivor - get some. I have found playing killer makes me play better as a survivor and vice versa.
And do yourself a favor and turn off end game chat - it serves no real purpose except for sweaty and salty players to attempt to degrade and demoralize you.
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However you want, as long as it's not to intentionally piss off every other player. Simply put, don't be a dick.
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To make sure as many survivors die
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"Tell me what would make you happy & satisfied with your gaming experience."
I want you to play as Spirit with your hottest outfit.
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Play however you want, just don't slug all four players and dance over their bodies for four minutes. Anything other than deliberately wasting the other players' time is fair game in my eyes.
If this question is meant seriously... I'm happiest playing against killers that, when presented with a person who just got unhooked/is running away from the hook, and the player who came to unhook them, go after the second target. Those games always feel the best to me, whether I live or die, and I always give the killer a thumbs up and thank them if they're also on PC.
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It's really quite simple.
Start the match, play hard.
If you out class the survivors, you will know. Pull back, draw out the gameplay, even try to communicate to get challenges done, control the match and have fun.
If the survivors are good and pressuring you, continue to play hard, you can't afford to hold back if gens are popping and you have very little Kill pressure.
It's about being able to weigh the pressure. If you are wrecking a team, pull back, let everyone play, they are at your mercy. If they are challenging your skills, play hard and GG.
Also, haters gonna hate.
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I got some groceries I need to grab, but I really don't feel like taking a shower and doing... things. I'll give you the list and some cash. I'll even toss in an extra $20 for lunch.
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You seem very bias to one side and think everyone wants you to disappear from map well guess what? They don't maybe play both sides so you don't get urself stuck in that entitlement
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I think it's important to have a sense of sportsmanship in how you play, and to consider how your actions affect others, but the standard can't be that everyone you play with has to approve, because you're never going to find a strategy that meets with universal approval.
Instead of asking what you need to do to guarantee people won't be mad at you, you need to have an internal sense of whether what you did was right or wrong that doesn't just depend on other people judging you.
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I'd say don't camp. Not when your winning or loosing or are the start of the match. Just don't do it.
Also don't cheat I suppose but I take it you knew that one already
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Play as you would want the killer to play while you're survivor.
If you don't, and end up being a dick about it, you can't really expect much different since it would be hypocritical af.
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If you could walk around the map holding my hand while I do gens that would be great, thanks for asking. Finally a fair and nice killer in this game.
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I'm happy if you are happy, buddy. Play the way you want, and don't let those excuses of 'survivors' ruin your games. I'm sorry if we've been rude or something, but the only thing a survivor main like me can do is hope we meet in-game and have a good time.