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General Discussions

Remember when Surv perks were, like... "5% faster gen repair"...

Member Posts: 301

Now everyone's got, like, ACTUAL extra abilities, twelve sprints, a weird dab-dash, flying across the map, auto-revives, auto-unhooks, auto-escapes, attack negates, killer ability negates, aura negates, and just a general total disintegration of the game's base mechanics, utterly devolving into this abomination perkfest battle royale game, except one team forgot to bring 3 of their teammates.


I'm aware that power creep hits every game. But even so, it rarely actually mutates the game into a totally different game. You used to be able to just play your core kit, and the only thing you even had to worry about is a Meg sprint... from Meg.

But now, you have to hesitate on every single little thing. Maybe I can't swing this max range lunge attack, they might dab-dash it and I whiff. Maybe I can't hit this unhooked Survivor, they might have Borrowed. Maybe I can't look in the direction I'm walking, they might have Spine Chill. Maybe I can't leave this guy slugged on the ground for a moment, he might self-revive. It just god damn feels like every little thing is wrong. Like every decision is just trying to cut my losses. I can do this thing and get punished, or that thing and get punished more. Well, I'll do the thing I'm least punished for. But ultimately, I'm just always punished for anything I do.

I know I've made my fair share of threads today, but just holy #########, dude.

Playing Killer in this game... You know what it feels like???

It feels like I'm playing a children's game.

It feels like I'm, like... the teacher.

"Alright, kids! Let's load up some DBD!"

And they all cheer happily, "YAYYYY!" And they all get on.

And I join the game, and I'm BIG BAD SCARY MONSTER!

And the game starts, and I pop out from corners and go RAWR, but in reality, I'm just totally powerless and couldn't harm a fly if I wanted to.

And the kids all go, "AAAAHHH," and most of them don't do anything because they're like 5 years old and probably just picking their nose. But then one of them accidentally hits their left mouse button, and it bonks me on the head with a frying pan and I fall over defeated, with X's for eyes.

And I say, "WOW you did it! You defeated the big scary monster! Ice cream for EVERYONE!"

And they all scream, "YAYYYYY!! ICE CREEAAAAMMM!!!"

And it's the classic happy ending fairy tale story that the kids are accustomed to hearing.

And everyone's happy.

That's sincerely what I realized DBD is feeling like to me. That is me putting words to it.

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  • Member Posts: 301

    Anyway, I'm going to bed...

    Good night, Gen Disc.


    May Krueger hope to hell he doesn't show up in my dreams. He'll just get pallet stunned and body blocked all night.

  • Member Posts: 1,414
    edited May 2021

    No it wasn't. OP was just sick of how the game has fundamentally changed over time and doesn't like the new direction it's going.

    Maybe you should try reading some more if this post was too incomprehensible for you.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 1,414

    Perks were and still are an important part of the game, yes. But I think OP's main concern is how they've affected the fundamental aspects of the game just by existing.

    Before, a survivor jumping into a locker was completely unsafe. Slugging was very reliable. Survivors unhooking directly in front of the killer was always a death sentence. It reinforced the killer role by not allowing survivors to get away with every action. Now, pretty much everything a survivor does can be completely unpunishable.

    Some of these things I think are good changes. Lithe enables survivors to plan routes they otherwise wouldn't make in chases. Same with Dance With Me, Smash Hit, and the new Lucky Break. But these are actions that require survivor planning and good execution to work.

    Actions that are a result of the survivor being punished by the killer, (getting injured, downed, hooked, etc), should not allow them to be rewarded unless they did something to earn it. The only perks that requires the survivor to earn their second chance are Mettle Of Man,(extremely unreliable), and Deliverance, (which has risk-reward and counterplay).

  • Member Posts: 350
    • Old Save the best for last machine gun build?
    • Saboteur with no hook respawn was so fun.
    • No entity window blocker for truly infinite loop, you better play trapper .
    • Super fast self care and botany knowledge that allowed you to heal in like 3 second.
    • Real infinite loop 🥲.
    • BT gave you and your friend a 2nd health state.

    Those are just exemples , this game is the reverse of power creep, what are the new perk you actually see people issuing from the last 4 killer or survivors? Anything that’s considered meta is remnant of the old school mentality of DbD and is getting nerfed into oblivion. Lot at all the newer perk and none of them actually has as big an impact as those old 4 years old even nerfed perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Old perks were abysmal when it came to their percentages, I mean Unrelenting used to go 3/6/9% for missed and 2/4/6% for successful hits.

    Old Urban Evasion went 10/12/15%. Clearly the devs were scared that the perks could be too strong back then.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Like I said, BT and Unbreakable were added in July 2017, so they are not new. And before those perks were added, there were other broken things. You might need to worry about head on now, but your traps are now safe from being sabotaged.

    I'm pretty sure that OP is a new or inexperienced Player who is really frustrated with the game (which is understand able, dbd can be very frustrating, especially for new players) and seems to thing that dbd was better back in the days. But dbd was never balanced and will never be balanced. And in general wallowing in the good old days of dbd does not help because you can not go back.

  • Member Posts: 506

    And while you're going to great lengths to make it sound so horrifying, there are actually people that just make it work.

    Did you ever think about what you're doing wrong, that they are doing right?

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    Why are you mentioning all of the old, broken stuff? At no point did I imply that old dbd wasn't broken. It's actually way more broken than current dbd. My point was new dbd has problems that old dbd didn't have. Not to claim that the latter was perfect.

    As for your counter-argument against power creep, I need only mention BBQ&Chilli, Ruin, Devour Hope, Undying, Bamboozle, Dead Hard, WGLF, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time and unbreakable. You technically don't need to buy the characters associated with these perks to help you win games. But they're part of the meta for a reason: every other alternative isn't as good, if not outright terrible, and players who want to improve their chances of winning games will get these perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Remember when Self Care allowed you to heal mid-chases? Or when SB CD recovered while running? The good ol' times.

    Sincerely, the game is in a better state than it ever was. You changed.

  • Member Posts: 171

    Youre truly wasting your time trying to explain this, nobody is gonna listen. KILLER BAD SURVIVOR GOOD HAHA GG EZ.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    Back in the day, perks were way stronger. Today's perks are mostly useless even compared to the nerfed versions.

    Megs Sprint burst was so busted back then. Or Old DS, my god. 20 seconds of standing still per game. Iron Grasp across the map straight to the basement. Machinegun builds.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I see both sides. Before I began playing this game I thought that survivor abilities would be more simple and practical, like "run x meters faster" or "take 1 extra hit before being injured", that kind of thing. I can see how it would be annoying for a killer to be going against a group of survivors who can have a total of 16 different mystical powers among them.

    At the same time that's already how it is for the survivors' side. Playing against killers that have all kinds of magic abilities, plus any random combination of perks that give them other unknown abilities.

    I don't know. I think that the system works more or less fine as it currently is, but as someone who's already getting wary of how much they keep tinkering with various aspects of the game, I can understand the frustration of someone who prefers how things used to be.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    "Remember when survivor perks only gave 5% on a gen?"

    You mean back when insta-gens were a thing?

  • Member Posts: 385
    edited May 2021

    Pretty sure this is bait, but holy ######### I never, and I mean ever, want to go back to 2016-2017 version of this game, 4-5 second self care, like 30 second sprint burst with no exhaustion, traps under hooks, saboetur getting rid of hooks forever, agitation iron grasp meta, infinities, BNP's insta completed gens, holy #########. You thought the game was survivor sided today? Go back a few years. Playing killer then from my perspective was a fair and balanced game (just not infinities) because it was the norm. Oh I wanted to add a few things, stacking perks bug, machine gun unrelenting, my god...

  • Member Posts: 593

    Umm are...are you ok you should probably take a break it sounds like you're mentally exhausted. Take care of yourself and come back refreshed and with the mindset of "it's just a game"

  • Member Posts: 438

    Wth happened to my original comment?

    Anyway, I know what OP said. It's still mental diarrhea made into a post. They're complaining about how survivors use to be in the past, but they have more options to defend themselves and to shake up the gameplay a bit. Killer's side has also changed over the years.

    It's all perspective. If a game stayed the same and nothing changed, you'd lose interest and wouldn't play.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Man, you realize killers perks are worse? Whenever one of my teammates gets hooked, I have to choose from faking to avoid BBC, or just keep doing what I was doing. Cleansing totems is painful sometimes, and boring too, but if I don't, there's a possibility of NOED. Maybe I can't use my flashlight because the killer has that ability. There's too much to think as a survivor, and adding the killers power just creates variants of those thoughts.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Soo, we ain't gonna talk about that Sheryl literally have superpowers?

  • Member Posts: 544

    Dbd while it has its flaws is in the best state it's ever been. Also most of the perks alluded to in the original post are niche and memey ex. no one runs distortion except for Jeff's adept. One more thing people forget is just how much survivors base kit has been nerfed into the ground compared to the old days of vacuum vaults/pallets and when balanced landing was base kit.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Here's an interesting video for people who either missed out or wants to relive the "good ol' days"!

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    I kinda agree with the sentiment, but if survivor perks were basically just stat increases then the game would be... really boring.

    For everyone.

  • Member Posts: 128

    Yeah 20s sprintburst that went down in a chase was really weak :/

  • Member Posts: 128

    No, I don't remember that time, because all those perks you mentioned were already in the game when I started playing at the end of 2018.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    I did specify percentages, didn't I? Of course there were perks that were completely busted as well.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    How is power creep a thing in DBD when the strongest stuff is literally years old and makes all the new stuff look weak ?

  • Member Posts: 981

    Power creep?

    Sorry, I just do not get it.

    The power level of DbD is quiet consistent and the most broken things are from aeons ago: Unbreakable, Deceisive, Dead Hard. Newer perks usualy pale in comparison: Smash Hit, Power Struggle, Head On.

    Even Killers are like that: Ruin came with Hag, Save the Best came with Meyers, Nurse Calling well, Nurse and Trinkerer is Hillbilly. And if you consider NoeD its even a basic perk.

    Newer Perks? Oppression, Crowd Control and Coup de Grâce...honestly, Star Struck is the most dangerous new perk.

    Most dangerous perks are old and / or even come for free. You can play Survivor just fine after leveling Bill, David and maybe Meg and finding a Spine Chill. All free old characters for the good Spine Chill, Borrow Time, Dead Hard, Adrenaline / Unbreakable.

    Only if you want to play something "funny" you maybe need some new stuff. But "funny" is not equivalent to "strong" here. So I fail to see the power creep, when the worst offenders perkwise come from something like chapter III (we are at chapter XIX).

  • Member Posts: 8

    This is the best analogy I've ever heard and quite frankly as a killer main I approve of it 😂 we would of gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Yeah, if anything DBD is in power decline. Original perks, items and add ons have been nerfed heavily. I mean 5 blink Nurse used to be a thing, how can anyone seriously think this game suffers from power creep?

  • Member Posts: 301

    Because the SURVIVORS are getting stronger, while the Killers are getting weaker, LMAO.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Survivors are getting stronger after having items nerfed, add ons nerfed, perks nerfed, base gen repair speed nerfed, and looping nerfed? Sure, LOL.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    One major issue is that with each new survivor OR killer, 3 new perks have to be cooked up.

    As time goes on, effective perks that don't conflict are going to be more difficult to think up.

    That's why we are now starting to see new characters with one reasonable perk and two useless ones or two which are basic tweaks of older perks.

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