Idea for dead hard

Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Before you say it, dead hard is strong survivor perk. If it were bad, it wouldnt be used every match.

That being said, dead hard is used to help bad survivors escape and punish good killers.

I doubt it, but if any dev reads this, here is my proposal.

In order to have DH ready to use, the survivor must escape 3 chases before it can be used.

When you escape a chase, you get a notification on the upper left sign of your screen, so give that notification a reason to exist just besides giving bloodpoints.

If the survivor is not good, then they won't be able to use this perk, and reward the killer for not allowing dead hard from being used.

If the survivor is truly good, then they should be able to escape chases without using dh.

By using dh, it would reward the survivor for actually doing something.

Thank you for your time.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited April 2021

    accidental repost, ignore please

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Dead hard is fine since killers like deathslinger exist.

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72

    Almost every game you are running from the killer. In order to activate mom, you have to take protection shots. After you take a hit, you either get downed or go and heal. Considering how running from the killer is just as common as hitting a skill check, it wouldnt be that hard to activate, you just have to play good.

  • Jerek
    Jerek Member Posts: 92

    I honestly feel you about dead hard. With the new change to DS, dead hard has seem to taken its place as a must have for any and every survivor. Chasing down really good survivors just to have them use dead hard and reset all the time you just spent closing the gap in the chase, is very frustrating. But to have to deal with this scenario almost every single match, and also on every survivor, just get boring and annoying.

    The fact that it causes exhaustion is fair. But the fact a survivor can use it on command and not worry about finding a vault spot or something to trigger their speed perk, is a bit OP. My idea of a change would just to give it tokens, then survivors wouldn't be able to abuse it as much as possible. Either give it a set limit at the start, or they gain a charge if they take a protection hit or something similar.

    It's not that big of a deal on inexperienced survivors, but we all know how cruel it can be on those that can perfectly loop every map. And when the really good survivors have looped you for awhile and use DH, suddenly all that time you spent is just wasted entirely. Your only choice is to commit and sacrifice more generator pressure, or leave them and chase someone else. But by the time you find them again their DH is ready to use again and your back to square one.

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72
  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Against killers that can end chases quickly like Deathslinger, Nurse, or Spirit, you won't really be able to escape their chase unless they're mediocre or unless you get lucky and they lose you. I say it should require you to escape a chase at least once in order to activate it.

  • Riif0
    Riif0 Member Posts: 57

    lol... escape 3 chases... soon we will have to exit the game to use dead hard... LUL

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    This is the change I would somewhat suggest. I would say give it 3 tokens to be used 3 times afterwards they are permanently effected with the exhaustion status effect.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Just delete it and replace with different perk like they did with Ruin. We don't need survivors pulling free escape card from their asses ignoring hitboxes

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited April 2021

    There are currently two meta survivor perks i kind of dislike. Iron will and dead hard. I guess it subjective, but i think these perks change everything. I think deadhard is as oppresive, in a sense, as old DS, as killer you have to respect it. Almost all good killers wait with the last m1 on a injured survivor unless they are open field or would deadhard against some obstacle. You have to respect it, even if they dont have the perk equipped. Good survivors use dead hard for distance most of the time, so as a m1 killer you have to catch the survivor 3 times (first time to injure, 2nd time you would catch the survivor he uses dh for distance to get to a vault/pallet/loop and 3rd time you down)

    Balance wise, i think the game would be better with a weaker Deadhard (and probably nerfed exhaustion perks as a whole) and a nerfed iron will, of course other things would need to be fine tuned as well, but that would never happen anyway and is just my subjective opinion.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    DH should not give any distance, that's it. Then it should be fixed.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    Or maybe you are just mad because good survivors use DH to there advantage and are in fact not bad survivors.

    In regards to your idea. How about making it so you escape 2 chases and can use it in either the healthy or injured state.

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72

    No its when bad survivors only escape a trial BECAUSE of dh.

    Regardless on how dh would be nerfed, it needs to be nerfed.

    Now excuse me while i use the good ol "I play both sides" tactic.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    I mean bad survivors escape all the time. Even without DH. If they used it to escape then they used it appropriately.

    Good tactic. But worthless.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    If the killer tunnels me the entire game, right off the hook, I don't get to use my perk! GUESS THEY PLAYED BETTER THAN ME.

    Dead Hard isn't used every game, stop.

    If Dead Hard was only used by bad survivors, no one would have a problem with the perk, as they'd know how to actually bait it.

    Dead Hard is used by good survivors to extend loops, which is fine, as other Exhaustion perks give more distance without the requirement of being injured.

    Can people stop making these boring Dead Hard threads, please?

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72

    Um no its used by at least one survivor every game.

    If your seeing so many dead hard threads, then its safe to say dead hard might need some form of rework.

    Dont even get me started with swf.

    Have a great day!

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277
  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    you see, this is basically turning the perk into mettle of man 2.0. . no one would run the perk anymore which would make the perk not even half as good as sprint burst considering its gonna be too hard to activate. you cant really lose the killer if you get tunneled for the entire chase. also we got the strongest survivor perk nerfed recently so i think its time to chill out with the nerfs

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    It's really not that broken imo. It's fun to use but not broken. All you have to do as killer is wait out DH after you know they have DH. Just stick on on their ass and do a light hit.

    And even when you miss the hit, if there isn't a window or a loop near by, congrats cause in about 5 secs you get the down.

    Literally just waiting a few seconds is all you need.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    so you're saying DH should be nerfed just because at least one survivor uses it every match???

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    And after Dead Hard, it'll be Iron Will. Then Spine Chill. Then BT. Then Sprint Burst. Then Lithe. Then Dance With Me.

    All the way down the list until killers HAVE to complain about flipping Red Herring being OP.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    DH is not fine. When used to get distance, there's no counterplay to it, the "wait for the dead hard" argument is ridiculous, this only works with potato Survivors, against the good ones, of course I'm going to wait for them to Dead Hard to that pallet or window, what else can I do? Nothing. If I'm not using a Killer which can avoid this(Huntress, Deathslinger for example), I just need to accept being outplayed because some dude pressed a button on their keyboard.

    People who use DH for avoiding hits instead of distance(sometimes you can't choose but 90% of the time you can) are just using it wrong.

    I have 3k hours in this game and I play Killer a lot, and the average of people using Dead Hard in my matches is like 2.5 up to 3. Just like Ruin was nerfed because it was overused in most of the matches but that was because it was the only reliable perks for regressing gens (I do prefer the new Ruin), the case for DH is not the same, there's a lot of second chance perks for them to recover from their mistakes.

    DH is a old perk that just don't belong anymore to the current gameplay, in that time maybe, but not anymore.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    Dead Hard for distance also nets you 3 seconds max.

    Unless they use it perfectly lined up with a loop, in which case it's quite a bit more than just 'they pressed a button'.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Using Dead Hard for distance to reach that pallet/window has no counterplay. That is my point here.

    "Unless they use it perfectly lined up with a loop, in which case it's quite a bit more than just 'they pressed a button'." Yeah sure it's very hard to just move your character to where you want to go and press a button right? Very skillfull right? It's not "quite a bit more", it's NOTHING.

    "Ohhhh ######### he will get me before I reach this pallet..... Oooh I have DH :)" They can do any mistake but in the end get away because a perk allows them to do so.

    This is a fact, Dead Hard has no counterplay and most people escape chases(including me because I can't resist to it too) just because of this perk.

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    Dead Hard is needed to counter killers like Spirit, Nurse, Deathslinger

    It wont be changed

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Thx, so you're automatically wrong by trying to pass off anecdotal data as completely true.

    Got the data for you, your argument is gone.

    About 10%.

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72


    Did you actually sit down and play the game, or did you look at the devs numbers?

    This is not me saying the devs are wrong, quite the opposite actually.

    But if you sit down and PLAY the game, you would realize dead hard is brought pretty much every game.

    I also read a post that asked me if the reason dead hard should be nerfed.


    pebble is op though.....

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72

    Lol i meant to say that if they asked if it should be nerfed because everyone used it. Lol.

  • VenixFiriurx
    VenixFiriurx Member Posts: 20

    Dead hard is fine as it is and does not need an unnecessary change to make it more complicated

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Dead Hard is used just about as often as Lithe in my experience.

    Stop saying every game, you’re still wrong.

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72

    Dude lithe is used maybe by one survivor every 3 games.

    When i say that, i mainly mean solo que.

    Stop saying dead hard isnt used every game, your still wrong.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Um, can you read? I said in my experience.

    And statistically, Dead Hard is not used in every game. Saying that I’m wrong and you’re right does not make it true.

  • Sinatyxmas
    Sinatyxmas Member Posts: 72

    You know what, your right.

    Our sole opinions dont really matter since its just the two of us.

    I will go start a poll and check back in with you in 2 days.

  • 7AJFUN
    7AJFUN Member Posts: 26

    DH is fine as it is. You dont want to see all the survivors running SB, trust me. You would really quickly reconsider your idea.