Who I think the new characters are

I always try to explain it through like text everywhere I go but I decided just to make an unlisted video specifically for this forum to explain why I think Nemesis will be the killer and the survivors will be Leon and Claire. Also I forgot to include some things so I'll talk about the things I forgot right here. The first high we got was the STARS thing. STARS is a big thing in RE1 but is bigger on RE3 since the man monster Nemesis is made to kill STARS specifically.
Can someone tell me if the video is working on PC?
Post edited by TheDarkTyrant on3 -
I think Cap Com and Behavior will do RE 8 characters. Because it's better for marketing. Do you really think they won't go for the obvious money grab? But I guess we will have to see. Almost to the new chapter!
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I don't get how that's the obvious money grab. An obvious money grab is the most popular characters.
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Video seems to be working
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Thanks for letting me know.
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I honestly think it'll be Ethan and Jack Baker. Mostly due to their stories being told, Capcom is more likely to license them instead of one of their flagship characters or villains
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You're forgetting the most blatant Nemesis tease. From the mouth of MCote himself, all the way back in his New Year Dec. 31, 2020 message, where he talked about the then far away Year 5 Anniversary. Now with hindsight on the CH 20 being RE, it's obvious who he was talking about. ;)
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I put that in the post.
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Problem is it cannot be Ethan because his face has not been shown. Capcom is doing that for a reason so it won't be Ethan Winters.
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doubt they would use DBD for Ethan's face reveal.
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they already revealed his face though, we know what he looks like
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No they didn't. The community did but that's not Capcom. Even though we know what his face looks like Capcom is still gonna move forward with not showing his face.
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I really don't know why so many people think it'll be anyone from RE7 or 8, whenever DBD has a licensed chapter, they generally tend to go for characters who act as the face of that license.
Just look at the Silent Hill chapter, I'm sure the devs would have had the permission to add James or Daliah if they had wanted to make the chapter based on a singular game, but they didn't. They chose the characters who were the most recognisable from the series.
I really don't think that this applies to Ethan or any of the antagonists from the more recent games.
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To be fair, Nightmare on Elm Street license holder insisted on the reboot version of Freddy and they have chosen Quentin as the survivor instead of Nancy, even though the character of Quentin wasn’t even in the original (at least I think he wasn’t?)
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Yeah that's a good point, however Capcom have given the rights to the earlier characters to other businesses before. I remember seeing a load of the original cast added to a mobile game a while ago and I'm pretty sure they weren't as profilific as DBD is.
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Yeah, I do completely expect characters from the first few games as well. And the NoES license is pretty much the outsider in this.
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They went with Quentin as he was the largest character unique to the remake film. They did not want to go with remake Nancy as they considered her inferior to the classic Nancy. It's obvious the devs did not want the remake, but given the choice of the remake or no NOES, they made the deal with the devil.
Plus with legendary cosmetics and the in-game store you know they have been trying to get WB and the Craven Estate on board for classic Freddy and Nancy skins. We can only hope one day WB says yes.
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Wait so that's fan art in RE8
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We haven't seen a multi-killer release since the original killers were released.
I'd bet my money on multiple killers and multiple survivors.
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I expect 2 survivors as it very much fits with (classic) RE games.
but multiple killers? I can just imagine the bugs..
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I'm sure they would love having a scapegoat like that to blame their limited framework coding on.
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In the extras section is concept art. One of which has Ethan. I guess it's only concept art, but that's still something.
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Concept art isn't his real face though. It looks nothing like how he actually does.