Bloodwarden is meta now guys

I don't personally hang around to T-bag and save if I know I can't safely rescue someone. That doesn't stop my other three teammates from trying.
I have never lost a game due to Bloodwarden, however the rest of my team has multiple times.
I find it honestly pretty funny when the remaining two survivors t-bag by the gate only to realize BW went of and they're positively #########.
Killers, if you find it frustrating that your survivors keep t-bagging and BMing you, just get your hands on Bloodwarden and teach those ######### a lesson
Although keys might counter this so sorry.
Bloodwarden needs a buff. The requirements are way to strict. Survivors already 99% gates and are warry when the killer opens the gate.
So I wouldn´t mind if killers could press a button to activate it.
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That’s what they get for trying to hold a killer’s game hostage.
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I personally slug in the End-game and proxy camp the survivors on the ground then I pick them up when there is like 50 seconds left on the endgame timer and hook them, ez 4k. Unless a survivor is smart
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End game perks in general are a bit underrated.
But yeah keys mess it up
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I think a reasonable buff would be to make it so that once the exit gates are POWERED, if you hook a survivor, blood warden goes into effect.
If the gate is open, it works like it does now.
If the gate is closed, then as soon as it is opened, bloodwarden activates.
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I use Blood Warden specifically for jerk teams
Sure, sometimes some poor innocent bastard gets caught by it to but for the most part, it's almost exclusively used to punish jerk teams. It doesn't come into play very often (to the point where playing it is almost certainly a detriment to me as I'm basically playing with 3 perks for 80% of my games) but the utter F'ing SMUG SATISFACTION I get when I play some jerk Seal Team SWF squad that get themselves caught with under a minute left makes it so very very very very very very very very worth it...
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Still to restrictive. I mean, its an endgame perk. Lets compare it to another endgame perk: Adrenaline. It triggers the moment the gates get powered. No other restrictions. If you are hooked while the gates get powered, you leave the hooked fully healed (if someone unhooks you).
Endgame perks should be strong and game changing for both sides.
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I love survivor you fall victim of the afk strat 😂
I remember a match where I saw bubba standing afk, tho I'm always very weary with that.
So when the last gen popped I just ran out the exit.
Went back to spectate and saw them t bagging him till there was little time left, and surprisingly he just used his noed, hooked 1 and activated bw.
Was so satisfying to see how they fell so easily for that 😂
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Bloodwarden would still be very powerful in that case. Adrenaline isn't completely free, like all end game perks, you still have to work for it (finishing gens). Requiring a hook for Bloodwarden isn't a bad design, it just means you don't get it for completely free.
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The activation conditions and limits would need to be compelling otherwise a killer could simply wait until the 50% mark on the EGC timer to guarantee to kill everyone left in the Trial. The devs have already said they don't want EGC to be a killer tool which is the direction a lot of these ideas are headed towards. Sometimes it is strategic to open the door yourself to trigger BW, it depends on the match.
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No, you don´t have to complete a single gen for it to trigger. The killer just needs to close the hatch and Adrenaline will kick in.
So basically no restrictions.
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Currently with the way gates work (survivors 99% the gates) there is no reason to wait for the timer to go as low as 50%.
Most survivors that get caught by Bloodwarden are BM the killer at the exit gate. If the killer could trigger it by pressing a button, then survivors would instantly leave and not stay for their butt dance.
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Someone could be in a chase and even at 50% with the slower timer, you could rescue and escape. So there are reasons beyond BM. I like the idea of an improved BW because I think it would make EGC more exciting. I just don't want to see a near guarantee win option either. My favorite times are when NOED and BW are active and the rush to cleanse it lol If teams are smart, they will allow someone to get slugged or hooked to extend the timer to search for it.
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Not stupid tbags anymore. I liked.
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It also just guarantees a kill you probably didn't deserve, oh, I got pallet stunned and the survivor is about to leave, press E and now they die because they're stuck in the match for 60 seconds.
Despite them out-running you, despite them doing their objective, they just die.
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I also liked that too. You stunned me and time for pay.
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Sounds unhealthy for the game, hard pass from me.
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I would buff Bloodwarden to make it regress exits over time. (Kinda like ruin) But the numbers are changed from 100%/150%/200% to 120%/135%/150%. Then Bloodwarden might actually be really good.
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I almost want to buy Freddy just for BW.
And then combine it with Franklin's.
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How about it activates if the killer opens the door? That way if yoh see it's at 99 you could choose to just open it up
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Ah, this thread brings me some sweet sweet memories from when I first started playing DBD.
Back then I only had Freddy's DLC, so it was just his Teachables and the perks which are available to everyone. The NOED + Blood Warden combo saved me countless of times.
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I remember this game with bloodwarden. Was very great.
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I've almost never seen it be used.