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Any tips for playing demo?

Member Posts: 87

Do you have any tips for playing the demo? Do you have any tips for making better use of his powers? Good builds are also welcome.

Thanks for helping ;)

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  • Member Posts: 588

    The build that I would recommend is STBFL, Pop, Surge, BBQ

  • Member Posts: 6,025


    • Faking your shreds allows you to zone survivors.
    • You can shred in jungle gyms and plenty of loops.
    • Try not to commit to shreds quickly, as survivors can predict your movements and easily dodge it.


    • You can place these in hidden areas so survivors don't see you OR they don't see the portal.
    • Portals activate when you enter or exit from them.
    • Activated portals show the killer instinct of the survivor on top of these portals. You can use this to your advantage by placing portals below generators, totems, etc.


    My personal build on Demo is BBQ for info and bloodpoints, Pop Goes the Weasel for insta regression, Save the Best for Last (a must for Demo as it can hit the obsession without losing stacks by shredding them), and Corrupt Intervention for setting up portals.

    Its best easy-to-find add-ons are Black Heart and Barb's Glasses, though Lifeguard Whistle, Rat Liver, Eleven's Soda, and even Rotten Pumpkin are pretty good.

  • Member Posts: 69


    first of all, Demo have 2 major playstyles

    1.hidden portals

    2.portals under gens

    My build combine with method .2 is:

    -Spirit fury enduring combo, ruin, pop

    As you can see it is very aggresive and focusing on minimalizing chase time

    for addons I go Black Heart and Barb's Glasses becose they are making Demo's chase potential so much better

    go for shreds that gonna hit, risk, remember you can slide to pallet on L wall and killer shack.

    all above depends on your game sense and overall game knowledge tho

    you asked for some tips, that can be simple as it is that Demo is predator, go into chases, if it takes to long look for people under gens you set portals on (I know, I preffer this one coz it's more efficteve, just think. if you hide it you can't tell is someone under gen or not and if they destroy it it's worthless and by the time you are there the will vanish) to get another prey.

    and that was aggresive playstyle. if you decide to play hidden portal I reccomend tinkerer or BBQ or both.

    I'm better at teaching by telling not writing so I can also reccomend you watching all ,,pyrus" Demo guides on yt (yes, not bronx, trust me)

  • Member Posts: 69
  • Member Posts: 1,246

    eat people my dude

  • Member Posts: 544

    Be mindful of your portals once there all set if you need a new one you have to hope survivors close one. Also your slower than survivors when holding your shred base kit so be careful when using shred at loops.

  • Member Posts: 193

    I'll give you more tips in a bit, but as a template use 1 Gen Monitoring Perk (Tinkerer, Discordance, Surveillance), 1 Gen Regression Perk (Ruin, Pop, Surge, Oppression), 1 Utility Perk (BBQ, Corrupt), and STFBL. You can find different perks to suit your playstyle, but that's what I think suit Demo the best.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Screaming in real life every time you land a hit is a great way to increase your power.

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    It's pretty outdated now since the recent changes to Demo but there should still be a good amount of useful information in this video, made by someone that mains Demogorgon -

    I particularly found the Shred tips useful when I was getting started with Demo.

  • Member Posts: 193

    So, if Demo is pretty versatile and can fill a few niches. But here are some overall tips.

    Portal Use

    You should either place portals in obscured spots behind generators so you can sneak up on people minding their business. Red moss is very good for this and can help you quite a lot. The other type is general transportation. Put these in hard to reach spots across the map and use them if you know there are people there. They are best if they are hard to find and cleanse, so put these in spots where nobody will look, like completed generators or behind walls at the edge of the map. If you don't have Rotten Pumpkin, have 4 spread across the map and 2 in your back pocket so you can place them down. If you have Rotten Pumpkin, you can place down 5 and one that is destroyed every time you use it. This can help if you have a Rat Tail as well so you can teleport as fast as possible.

    Shred Use

    I'll put these down as dot points, since they are quicker and easier tips.

    -On TL walls, if you're going round a corner, and you know someone is going for a window, precharge shred and do it the second you're around the corner. It's a 50/50 chance whether they go for the window or not, but if they go for the window, they don't have time to fake or double back, giving you a free hit. This goes for shack as well.

    -If someone is holding W heading for a pallet or window, and you're in a position so that you can't M1 Lunge them, charge a "Baby Shred", where you charge to the very minimum, so that it's essentially just a Coup lunge. You should, in most scenarios, hit them before they get to the window.

    -Going against the previous tip, if you're in the open with no loops within arm's reach, they WILL expect a shred to close distance. Hold the shred for 1.5-2 seconds, and M1 if they attempt to juke. Don't spam charge as they will begin to expect it. So be unpredictable with your shreds.

    -This is the most important tip, which is BE UNPREDICTABLE. Be cheeky with portals, ambush those who aren't expecting it, we confusing with your shred fakes. The most important knowledge is to know when to shred. I can't exactly tell you when is a good time, but you'll learn as you play.

    Basic Builds

    These are for perks ONLY. Addons are up to you, but that will be in another section.

    Beginner Build

    • Sloppy Butcher
    • Enduring
    • Surge
    • Whispers

    This build is for those who are new to Demogorgon and uses only Basic or Free Killer Perks.

    Meta Build

    • Pop Goes The Weasel
    • STBFL
    • BBQ And Chili 
    • Tinkerer

    This is the general meta, and I would recommend these perks if you can't exactly figure out what to use.

    Ruin Build

    • Hex: Ruin
    • Surge
    • Tinkerer
    • BBQ And Chili

    If you like bringing up politics at the Thanksgiving table, this is for you.

    Aggressive Build

    • Enduring
    • STBFL
    • BBQ And Chili
    • Infectious Fright

    If you play a very chase-heavy playstyle, you'll like this. 

    Essential / Important Perks

    These are perks to include in most of your personal builds that aren't listed here.

    • BBQ And Chili
    • Tinkerer
    • Hex: Ruin
    • Discordance
    • STBFL
    • Infectious Fright
    • Corrupt Intervention
    • Enduring
    • Brutal Strength
    • Thrilling Tremors

    Addon Tier List

    These are addons you should prioritise over others. 1= Highest Priority / Borderline Mandatory, 5= Never Use / Active Hinderance 

    1: Black Heart, Red Moss, Leprose Lichen, Barb's Glasses

    2: Rotten Pumpkin, Rotten Green Tripe, Lifeguard Whistle

    3: Mew's Guts, Viscous Webbing, Rat Liver, Rat Tail, Deer Lung, Eleven's Soda, Upside-Down Resin

    4: Sticky Lining, Thorny Vines (2 If Used With Lifeguard Whistle), Violet Waxcap, Vermillion Webcap

    5: Brass-Case Lighter, Unknown Egg

    Hope all this helps!

  • Member Posts: 139

    Fake sherds, if a survivor is about to (seemingly vault a window) pre-charge shred. Then if the survivor has an item in their hand and it disappears, you shred it because if they vault their items disappear from their hand.

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