Killers, don't let Survivor Stigma bully you.

The Survivor community in this game... really is something else. There isn't a subcommunity at all like them, across the entire planet.
Camp this, tunnel that. Yada yada yada. They don't even know what these things mean anymore. They just spout it out of their bloody mouths if they get sacced, end of story. They died? Camp/tunnel.
Even if Killer DOES camp/tunnel, the Survs completely fail to counter the strategy. They're so used to having the devs coddle them and change the game accordingly, or they're so used to having their community shun players for doing certain things. They've totally and utterly forgotten how to even... ... play the game.
(By the way, there's a big difference between camping and patrolling.)
If 1 person is right in front of me and 3 people are far away... I'm going to go for the close guy. This isn't tunneling...
If 1 person is injured and another is healthy, I'm going to go for the injured guy. This isn't tunneling...
If 1 person's next hook is an insta-death, I'm going to go for them...
If 1 generator is at high completion and the others are empty... you guessed it... I'm going to camp that gen until you show me your willingness to work on other ones.
The list goes on...
The Survivor community tries to make you feel bad for doing what you're supposed to do.
Just play the game, Killers. Please. If you KNOW you're supposed to do something... If you KNOW the proper strategical choice... Just do it! Don't let these Survivors socially bully you into... basically letting them win. Just play the game like you would any other game. You know what your objective is, and you know how to achieve it. Get it done, and have fun. If Survivors wanna claim that you're an "unfun Killer" because they lost, then they probably shouldn't be playing multiplayer games at all, because they just can't handle losing.
Don't let that enable them to bully you out of properly playing the game and enjoying yourself.
That is all...
I'm a firm believer in either playing to win or playing to have fun. In either of those scenarios, camping and tunnelling don't come up that much, leaving it mostly in the realm of BM.
Is camping an important strategy? Yes, absolutely. Facecamping certainly isn't. Is tunnelling an important strategy? It can be. Far less so than camping, but it rears its head now and again. Mostly you should be snowballing map pressure, which tunnelling is actually the opposite of.
And do people not understand what camping and tunnelling are? Absolutely they don't, but that cuts both ways. I've seen facecampers insist they weren't facecamping and calling my solo team a bunch of genrushers, completely ignoring the fact that they were never more than 5m away from the hook.
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Good post about not letting other people's attitude or words discourage you from playing the game! And I totally second this!
One thing I'd definitely recommend is to not let the frequency of any post you see get to you. It looks like you're new to the forum (welcome!) so be prepared to see a lot of people venting their frustrations about everything from perks to tactics or even specific matches. Try not to get bogged down by any negativity.
The DbD forums (in my opinion) tend to lean a little Killer-voiced whereas Reddit is the more Survivor outspoken platform. That's not the hard and fast rule and there's always exceptions, of course, but if anyone is noticing a lot of negative posts about their chosen side of the game just remember that it ebbs and flows and that what matters at the end of the day is that we all have fun and be kind to one another!
I'm a Survivor main and when I first joined this forum I remember feeling bogged down by what I felt was negativity about Survivors. It's never the majority - most people in this community are super awesome and just want to have a good time. 😊
Happy gaming! <3
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Both Survivors and Killers in this game are extremely toxic, both sides do stupid things and say stupid things. Just the way DBD is meant to be played causes a lot of toxicity in the game due to certain play styles that cause extreme frustration on both sides. Then you have people who only main only one role act like the other side is constantly coddled by the developers and are insanely overpowered. Moral of the story is don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do in DBD, there are no rules saying you can't tunnel, camp, slug, tbag, flashlight click, etc.
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Yes, exactly.
I just wish everyone could have fun playing a game as two opposing teams trying to reach their respective objectives.
I equally hate games that devolve into "friendly BP farming exchanges". I want BP, but not like this. I want to play the game, and that is not the game. It just becomes a total waste of my time, even if I get 20 zillion BP for it. (Ok well, I'd happily take 20 zillion BP, but hey.)
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A lot of the "friendly BP farming exchanges" that you see come from the Rift mechanic. Sometimes when Killers are struggling with certain challenges they'll invite the Survivors into an unusual gameplay so that they can get their challenge done. In exchange they help Survivors farm some BP.
If you're playing Killer and you don't like that then just continue with your normal playstyle and you'll set the tone of the game.
If you're playing Survivor and you see that then focus on gens and leave through the exit gate. Without any interference from Killer (if they are off farming BP with the other Survivors) you can finish the gen in about a 1.5 minutes so finishing up the last few and leaving shouldn't take too terribly long.
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I play the game to have fun and it saddens me that so many people have to ruin it for others. This is the only game I ever play with others because it's fun and doesn't freak me out like other games do. Even when I play MMOs, if someone runs up to me - I run away or log off for a while. I've been camped and tunneled a lot, but I always hope for better in the next match. Not worth my time getting angry and arguing with someone.
Killers are to kill and Survivors are to survive so when done the non toxic way, there's really no hard feelings for me. If my teammates were good and the Killer was good and I was able to be of use - it's a gg from me. Even if I die.
I also have no issues farming BPs with people. Yeah, it's not the goal of the game, but it's nice to have a match here and there where everyone is just chill and helping each other.
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When will the threads attacking survivor players end...
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People have always called the forums killer-sided, but it's actually not until recently that that's come true.
So many vocal, complaining survivor mains have left... All we have now is Sluzzy...
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As I said it ebbs and flows as all forums do. I remember a time last year during the doctor buff where it was very Killer sided and a time shortly after where it was all Survivors. I've just personally noticed (which is far from being definitive!) that the forums seem to be Killer sided while Reddit seems to be more Survivor sided.
Neither of which is a bad thing necessarily. I personally love the forums because I like to interact with Killers outside of matches! 😊
Edit: Fixed a missing word!
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What about Killer Stigma? Today i've been face camped 3 times, tunneled repeatedly and last match had a killer so hell bent on ending me, they chased me for 4 gens, hooked me and face camped me, disrespected the Kobe after refusing to let anyone get me, ate a DS and then continued to try and tunnel me out of the game before losing the final gen.
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That's... not...
... That's not stigma...
... That's not "Killer Stigma"...
You're just... using... the words... that I...
... never mind...
There's nothing unchill about a game where both sides are competitively trying to accomplish their respective goals, either.
You literally said that you only have fun if you were helpful to your team. This also means that you don't have fun if you get outplayed. And I'd say this is where lies the problem for a lot of Survivor players.
DBD is a "competitive game". That is to say, either YOU win or THEY win. Both sides compete for the win. If you don't have fun when you don't do well and lose (which is different from doing well and losing), then you should actually not be playing games where two or more opposing teams are competing for the sole right to call themselves the winner.
I don't say this as a bash, but I say this as someone who has witnessed COUNTLESS people just "going with the flow" and playing various games that they really shouldn't be playing, completely based on the fact that they don't like losing. They should be playing games where you CANNOT lose. And plenty of great games exist like that.
You literally described yourself as someone who clams up when a digital avatar approaches your digital avatar in a video game. You entirely fit the bill of what I'm describing. You are not a competitive person, including casually competitive. I imagine you only play DBD with your friends, right? PROBABLY even only if it's a full group of 4? And so, I now imagine... ... well... go ahead and tell me. How often do your friends complain about camping/tunneling/etc? Would you say more than 50% of the games?
I see it allllll the time. And I do not understand how it happens. (Possibly just a person's desire to be a part of a group?)
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While you are right that its the survivors job to handle certain strategys, the matchmaking that puts you with 2 first-day-players vs a red rank killer (happend to me yesterday, and no, it wasnt the bug. both players played bad, and had few rank 1 perks) is the devs responsibility.
Also, if you have a healthy and an injured person before you, and it happens shortly after the unhook, yes, going after the injured one while ignoring the healthy one actually is tunneling. Not a bad decission, but still tunneling.
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So, you're right on the merits here. I feel a lot of survivors miss the point, especially in purple and red ranks, that killers will resort into measures that may not be appealing to their liking. However, they must remember the criteria required to safety, pip, and double pip gets tighter as the ranks increase. I try to give survivors a fun and fair game most of the time, but this tends to go out the window. All because people wants to generator rush and give survivors no real incentive to bother with other objectives.
To be fair, I would like to see more survivors bantering, not take the game as too serious, and not require me to run a cookie-cutter build to somewhat counter their cookie-cutter builds. I would also like to see more survivors run more perk variety than the same ten perks every game, because their favorite content creator did it. (Ex. Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Resilience, Spine Chill, Tenacity, Borrowed Time, and We'll Make it.) This made me quit about two years ago, because the game's meta was too stale and boring. That meta has hardly switched up since then, despite the amount of content creators being introduced.
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Yes because generalizing an entire group/community has always been so accurate in the past. Makes me wonder if judging others based off those similar to them is something you do in other areas of your life.... If you don't want to appear narrow minded - maybe stop saying narrow minded things.
The hyperbole and vitriol on these forums is inane to say the least.
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if that's still considered "tunneling," then "tunneling" is a completely dead and irrelevant term, and using it in sentences serves no purpose towards making that sentence have more meaning than it had without the word.
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People don't use meta perks because of content creators, people use meta perks because they're...meta...let's not blame content creators for trying to play the game.
It's not the fault of the survivors for running the same perks every game, it's the dev's fault for making 95% of the perks in this game mediocre/terrible. And killers all run the same meta perks too, pop, ruin, corrupt, stbfl, infectious, tinker etcetera. When was the last time you saw a killer using hangman's trick or monstrous shrine?
Also since when is tenacity meta? Lol
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Thanks for generalizing whole community over ur personal frustrations between certain survivors u encountered, but I guess I wanna make someone feel bad because they play the game.... Whoops
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SuRvIvOrS vs. KiLlErS
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I play solo - I don't have any friends to play with. I join matches with SWFs and matches where everyone is solo. I play matches with people who are good and people who are bad. I play this game to have fun and that means trying my best and staying humble and not raining down insults on others. It doesn't matter to me if I lose constantly as long as I have fun and didn't ruin someone else's fun. You can have fun and win and you can have fun and lose.
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and this is why i am a strong advocate for dropping the love bags at every window vault and missed hit ugh
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I disagree with the content creator's part, because a lot of the old meta was developed by content creators (like Tru3) who crafted builds that stuck around for the longevity of this game. Builds like Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Self-Care, and Quick-and-Quiet. Ever since 2018~2019, the meta has only switched up the killer's end and the strongest perks for survivor hasn't really shaken up. Newer creators are trying to bring interesting and creative builds, but it only goes so far with the current iron wall of the stagnant meta we currently have.
Unfortunately, when you get into high ranks, the gameplay is forced into this disgusting mentality of "you must play these specific builds/killers, play absolutely scummy, and/or you're going to get demolished." Why? Survivors literally slam the gas on the generators. As much some survivor mains whine to me about their perks being nerfed, I've been in situations where all the generators were completed and the exit doors 99%'d in under five minutes. This is NOT a fun gameplay experience.
I've seen killers run those perks, but they're usually on killer requests for Twitch streams or they just don't have any other perks to use. Yet, you and I do agree on this particular issue. Developers are afraid to nerf some of the current S-Tier perks, buff or rework some of the lower-tier or mid-tier perks, and cause a major shake-up in the meta overall.
I've been seeing a lot of Tenacity lately in my games and they've been paired up with Unbreakable. Don't know if it's pure coincidence or not, but I've been seeing quite a bit of people using that perk in the past two months since I came back from my hiatus.
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I'm a survivor main and I will always voice how it is for killer/survivor balance.
I'm no sluzzy and I can 100% confirm there are more vocal killer mains here. I disagree with whoever said reddit is mainly survivors biased. It really isn't. It's the most level-headed and where I mostly go to discuss game balance. Hell even the devs use reddit more than this forum now. Unfortunately this forum gets so much flak from reddit and as this forum has aged I must concur with its criticism.
I think it's mostly because reddit threads are filled with clips from good players making claims. Not so much here. No offense to anybody.