So many Blights

Congrats BHVR you got what you wanted more people are playing a different killer now that he can 180 all i see are rushing blights you really know how to take the skill cap away.


  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm not even sure how to do it. I think I've done it by accident though?

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    A blight that uses his rush all the time because now that he can 180 there's literally no punishment if he misses the first shot oh well 180 and get that next hit. He no longer requires skill any new player can come along and play him now I would know I used to suck with Blight but now I'll get at least a 3k

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Tbf there is a decent punishment fro missing unless you are running certain add ons.

    Yeah blight needs his flick changed. It removes what was fun about fighting him

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    Thoroughly confused about what the so-called 180 is. Is it the same as nasty flicks, or what?

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    I'd make a sarcastic quip, but I actually just finished facing 4 blights in a row.

    Don't get me wrong it's better than spirit - but dang, that's a lot of Blights!

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Hmmm - guess I am lucky. Past 2 weeks I have only seen 1 Blight in about 60 or so matches. He is one of the lesser killers I see - along with Twins, Trickster, and Billy.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Welcome to Nurse v0.9.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I actually wanted them to increase his flick by a bit (after removing the jflick exploit of course), but the 180 is pretty excessive and not how much I was thinking of increasing it by. It feels pretty dumb. Rather than feeling outplayed it just feels like you got cheesed.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    Although it's an unpopular opinion, I was in favor of the J-flick, even though I'm console and couldn't do it. Reason being that even though it was an exploit, it created a fun new aspect of mindgame with genuine counterplay. Bump Logic was still always better than a J-flick, given that a J-flick could be countered, but proper bump logic guarantees a hit majority of the time. The only time J-flicks were optimal was the final (5th) rush, when bump logic can obviously no longer be used. The issue with this is that it was very predictable, and all you had to do was hug a corner then spin out to avoid getting hit.

    The reason I mention all of that is because now the counterplay to flicks has been significantly nerfed. With a J-Flick, once blight had locked into flicking, he could not adjust. That isn't the case anymore. Not that you can't dodge a flick, just that the blight can now adjust his flick midway through, meaning that it can be very difficult to counter.

    I kinda lost my train of thought but just felt like sharing my perspective on these changes :)

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Ok they did not remove his skill cap. He still has one of the highest skill caps in the game because understanding when to use his rush at certain loops still takes time to learn. Even having 180s is a skill cap in itself because it can be important to learn when to flick, whether it’s healthy for the game or not, because I’m not saying he should have a flick like that.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045

    you still need all of the same skill with blight. nothing about his skill cap was lowered.

    you're being dramatic and refusing to play any different from game to game. time to start adapting :)

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I actually haven't gone against a single blight yet. It's weird, I'd get him a few times a day.

  • MingBongo
    MingBongo Member Posts: 32

    I haven't played blight since his POV change, but I think it has to do with uping your DPI or sensitivity and flicking while attacking

    I also don't know if this is still a thing, but if you pause the game while in rush you will stop moving momentarily