Killer mains: What do you do in this situation?

You see a survivor in your lobby. What do you do?
Killer mains: What do you do in this situation? 94 votes
Play normally
As much as it would be fun to completely demolish them just to see their reaction on stream, I consider it extremely overkill considering most TTVs aren't too special anyways.
If anything changes in my gameplay, it's that I try harder to win. If the chat is going to make a mockery out of me, I'd want it to be because of my actual mistakes rather than it being just because I was playing chill.
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Play normally
I just play normally and watch the vod of the match later.
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I don't main either side but for me playing normally is usually using good perks/add-ons so I guess it's kind of the same thing. I do like to watch VODs of people I play against after the game though
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Play normally
Also would go to his stream after the match
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What I do depends on how many are in the lobby, or if I recognize them.
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Play normally
I dont see any reason to give a twitch streamer a hard time or anything, they're usually just trying to have a good time and make content. Ill pop in after the match sometimes and watch the match from their perspectives since I like to see how people react to what im doing
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Play normally
I generally ready up then tab out. I don't bother checking for items and profiles.
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Prepare perks/add-ons accordingly to give them hell
4k then watch vod, most of the time they deserve it
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If the streamer is live and looks to be pretty wholesome then ill play normal. But if i see a ttv swf with flashlights saying how bad they will bully me oh boy its franklins time. No one expects a toxic demogorgon
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Play normally
Business as usual, snap a pic of the username and watch the stream later so I can read what they reported me for.
(They usually leave it blank or say I held the game hostage by playing well)
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Prepare perks/add-ons accordingly to give them hell
Only if I meet a group of toxic SWF with 4 flashlights. So they can have a good show and opponent.
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Play normally
I rarely even pay attention in the lobby am usually alt tabbed doing something else whilst waiting so I really don't care who I'm facing and I play my way regardless
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I go onto stream, say hi, and then play more casually depending on if they are. I've made friends through this and it's nice for a change.
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nobody expects the demo inquisition
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Play normally
maybe searching'em up on Twitch, playing the game, then once it's over, hopping on their stream to see their reaction
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Play normally
I will never understand the Hate of this community against Streamers. Until they have a huge following, than they just follow their words no matter what.
TTVs are most likely usual players. Most of them dont even have many viewers, most TTVs I see have under 5 Viewers.
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Look for their stream, if they are on i open it to see if they are on a CWF.
- If its a CWF i leave the stream open to get information i shouldnt have access to (just as they are doing by using voice chat)
- If its not a CWF i pause the stream and play normally, once the match is over i go watch the replay.
- If the stream is off i check if there are more than 1 console on the lobby, if there are 2 or more consoles, i just dodge it, as usual.
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Ebony Mori
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Play normally
Don't like console players?
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No, they cant drop their SALT on the chat neither on my profile, so there is no fun in those matches, its also easier to kill them for the most part...
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Prepare perks/add-ons accordingly to give them hell
Is other just meme builds 😂
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Dodge the lobby
I get too much anxiety to be on stream lol
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wow! are you a proplayer?
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Im a DbD Enjoyer 😎