BBQ and Chilli as a Moveable Hex Totem

9/10 games I play, I am against a killer with BBQ and Chilli. A lot of the killers also pair BBQ with A Nurses Calling, but we will leave that for another discussion.

Every time a killer has BBQ, everyone dies unless the survivor has Distortion on. But Distortion has tokens, and is limited. BBQ is used throughout the entire match without penalty.

I also play killer quite a lot, and I never use BBQ because I get a lot of hate, and honestly I feel cheap. There are so many ways to find someone as a killer without seeing their aura.

I've even gotten messages from survivors at the end of a match, and even if I killed them, they thank me for not using BBQ and Chilli. So I thought to make it more fair to the survivors, make BBQ a Hex that takes up 2 Hex Totems, or 1 Totem that moves to a second when the first is cleansed.

I would love to see this in the game. It would give new players or players that can't afford to spend real money to get Distortion a chance to actually play, and have fun.


  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 497

    I dislike this idea alot. I'm not a big fan of nerfing perks that can help player with the ridiculous amount of grinding in dbd

    Every time a killer has BBQ, everyone dies unless the survivor has Distortion on. But Distortion has tokens, and is limited. BBQ is used throughout the entire match without penalty.

    There are other ways to counter the aura reading of BBQ besides Distortion. The killer only gets 4 seconds of it and has to down and hook survivors to gain any use from it.

    I also play killer quite a lot, and I never use BBQ because I get a lot of hate, and honestly I feel cheap.

    Well you shouldn't, if you want to run a perk use it. I've gotten massages for the perks I run from survivors who are running an entire meta build.

    There are so many ways to find someone as a killer without seeing their aura.

    There are other ways this is correct, however BBQ is good for showing which survivor is where and what they are doing. BBQ also helps with the grind of this game. There are other tracking perks but I get way more value from BBQ.

    make BBQ a Hex that takes up 2 Hex Totems, or 1 Totem that moves to a second when the first is cleansed.

    "Takes up 2 Hex Totems" so a version of Haunted Grounds.

    "1 totem that moves to another when the first is cleansed." So a built in Hex:Undying.

    What exactly happens when it gets cleansed, does it take away the aura reading, bloodpoint bonus, or both?

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    BBQ is the most popular killer perk. There are various reasons for this.

    1) it's an info perk that's proactive instead of reactive. Perks like Bitter Murmur, Discordance, and Tinkerwr rely on the survivors doing something to proc it. BBQ procs as a result of a killer's actions instead of the other way around, a trait shared by Thrilling Tremors.

    2) No Cooldown. You hook someone and done. You don't need to sit there waiting for an annoying cooldown to end, unlike the aforementioned Thrilling Tremors.

    3) Universal use. People can split on gens to prevent Discordance. You might not be a high mobility killer to take advantage of Tinkerer. Bitter Murmur only does something when you lose a gen. Only exception is, again, Thrilling Tremors.

    4) BP. This is the deciding factor in why'd you use BBQ over Thrilling Tremors, its closest "competitor" in a sense. The grind in this game is absurd due to the web not being updated as more content is added to bloat.

    The reason why this perk isn't overly hated by survivors despite the perk's popularity rivaling that of Old Ruin is that it's widely agreed to be a healthy perk. It encourages the killer to hook multiple survivors, encourages them not to camp, and has several forms of counterplay in the form of lockers, perks, misdirection, hiding behind a gen, etc.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Why are we nerfing one of the most balanced and healthiest perks in the game?

  • Saviorace
    Saviorace Member Posts: 60

    If you're having issues facing bbq do this one simple trick. Run one direction after a survivor has been hooked then as soon as the circle aura around the survivor has gone away run the opposite direction.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Just hop in a locker

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    Pff. I cant understand survivors wantibg ro nerf BBQ.

    It's a killer perk designed to mitigate stuff survivors hate... normally you'd have to equip a perk for that yourself, survivors.

  • OniHatesSWF
    OniHatesSWF Member Posts: 85

    What a rank 20 git gud post. I can't believe it.

    Guess you prefer to get face camp and escape through the sky in your first hook.