Did I figure out what game the RE chapter is based on?

Not sure if anyone else has posted this or not. But when I saw the RE2 logo, i instantly thought the 5 could be rotated to look like the 2. I've heard it looks like the claw from village, but i don't see that being the true choice for the RE content. Then I heard mention that maybe its the same font as RE3's logo, which that sounds more realistic to me. But now seeing this, I'm calling it here, RE2 confirmed. (if not, then hey, still a good guess).
Edit: I should probably clarify, when I meant RE chapter being based on a game, I mean the killer more specifically. That's if we're still going by the 4th Anniversary rules with the 4 being Pyramid Head. So in this case, the 5 representing the 2, which in turn is saying the killer is based off of RE2. More than likely, as people have stated in the comments, the content as a whole will be a "greatest hits" of the RE series.
Judging from how they introduced the Silent Hill chapter, it's likely we could see content from 3 games, for example a map from the first game, a survivor from the 2nd game and a killer from the 3rd game.
I've never played the Resident Evil games so I have no idea which character's are in what games but Mr X doesn't seem like a bad choice.
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If this is it you’re a genius dude
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People have also mentioned that the font of the 5 is similar to the font of the original RE3 cover.
i don’t think the chapter will be solely based on one RE game either though.
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Odds are it will be from RE8 and my guess is one of the daughters of Dimitrescu.
The 5 is more or less on the nose for being a sickle, the weapon they use in RE8. Also fits with older teaser with the 4 being an on the nose for Pyramid Head and the 3 being very close to a logo for Scream 3 to show Ghostface. On top of that, RE8 might be using DbD's sound assets as an easter egg. When you first enter the Dimitrescu castle, you hear a scream. It sounds a lot like Meg. Very close to Meg's scream heard in the opening video for DbD. Too many things are being too obvious in pointing towards those daughters.
These devs don't really do mega brain cryptic hints and stick to on the nose too obvious to notice hints.
The bugs those daughters use can even fit into DbD rather well. DbD likes to reuse Killer powers but with twists. Huntress and Deathsligner. Hag and Trapper. Shape and Ghostface. Hillbilly and Cannibal. Twins and Demogorgon. Those bugs could be reused as an alt version of Spirit, Nurse, or Plague.
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The 5 still looks like Lady Dimitrescus Booba.
I can't unsee it.
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Characters could be from different games.
Most famous are Leon (re2), Claire (re2), Jill (re1 & 3), maybe Chris (re1 & 3). Enemies, well, old classics were rather known for Nemesis, as it was the monster that hunted you through whole re3. Mr.X in original was... 2nd plan at best. Could be Birkin (re2), Nemesis (re3) or og Tyrant (re1).
Honestly, there are 3 most memorable "big" zones in the og series. The Mansion from re1 (indoor), RC Police Station (re2 and 3) and maybe Umbrella Labs (indoor maps)
However, even though I would hate it, it would be smarter to get RE4 generic Spanish Swamp village.
But I really do hope they do not bring anything from that horrible new series (RE4,5 and... Ugh... 6).
Killer could as well be some other monster and 2nd plan character. Probably not Hunk, as he is... Too bad ass to be just a survivor.
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You didn't like RE4? 5 I also enjoyed for the co-op.
Leon would be my pick for survivor and he was also in that just to clarify as you listed him for RE2.
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Keep in mind that it is extremely possible that the 5 means nothing. The 4 from last year was a clue toward Pyramid Head, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they have to drop a number hint again.
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I think they are mis-guiding us with the number because they kept putting teasers in the last ones so now we think there must be a teaser hidden somewhere in it
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It could be a bluff or sometimes would be right but the 5th anniversary won't have the same thing as pyramid head if that's the case.
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"The 5 is more or less on the nose for being a sickle, the weapon they use in RE8. Also fits with older teaser with the 4 being an on the nose for Pyramid Head and the 3 being very close to a logo for Scream 3 to show Ghostface."
I doubt they'd do the same thing again as they probably expect people to look at the logo. And also about the "logo for Scream 3 to show Ghostface", you could argue that it's doing the same for the resident evil 2 logo.
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No, because this idea has already been mentioned before.
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The map of the spencer mansion or the Racoon City police station, Leon and Claire as survivors and Nemesis as Killer, is my bet.
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Maybe it's going to be based around Infinite Darkness
First episode is in July 2021
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They did say there's mutations happening and Birkin was one of the monster with multiple mutations but staying mostly in a bipedal form ,but he's such a bastard he experimenting on Lisa Trevor endlessly, he released the T Virus infecting the city a second time he also killed his wife and almost Sherry during the process but if it's him whatever long as the map is fine, then whatever.
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I still have hope its nemissis but I will accept mr.x with open arms
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And it may of just been a coincidence that they played off.
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My money is on Nemesis as killer.
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Problem is its harder to do that with RE.