best killer to play as a beginner

Hey everyone,
I want to give killer a try, but I'm not sure who to start with. I know that everyone has to find out which one they like to play, but most killers I would like to play are part of a DLC and I'm afraid I'm going to buy a killer who gives me a hard time right from the start. Perk combos are extremely welcome too :)
I’d recommend wraith. He’s quite simple but actually very strong now. He also has synergy with the starting perk sloppy butcher.
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I’d say Wraith or doc. Before I make builds, can I ask what killers you have?
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I have Bubba, Hag, Clown, Pig, Freddy, Spirit, Plague and Legion
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Start with Wraith, but don't hit'n'run until you've learned how to chase. Getting a first free hit is fine, but after that you need to practice actual chases.
BBQ, corrupt, nurses and a free perk. Sloppy or pop, if you want to tryhard. I'm All Ears is a good one to get familiar with pathing.
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Try out wraith or the hag , they are both beginner friendly killers who have a fun playstyle and decent potential, alot of people sleep on how good the hag is cause before freddy got buffed for like two or three years the hag had the highest kill rate of all the killers and arguably can keep up with some of the best squads if you use her right
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Hag is the easiest killer to use as a newb.
I never get less than 4K with hag and I'm a total newb.
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wow so many answers already, thank you all so much! I will give them a try then :)
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I think Wraith or Trapper are very good for beginners.
they are essentially M1 killers so you will learn the basics.
Trapper can block some loops that may be too strong and Wraith can help finding a Surv and getting a first hit. Be cautious of survivors with flashlights though, especially for beginners they tend to lightburn you a lot
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Console players get hag for free and since the user stated they already had hag thats why I suggested it she's really easy and fun to start with
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Aight I’d go BBQ & Chili, Sloppy Butcher, Devour Hope and Pop Goes they Weasel on Wraith, and BBQ & Chili, Whispers, Corrupt Intervention and Pop Goes the Weasel on Doc.
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Start with Wraith or Doctor because they're both great for just finding people, which is probably the hardest part of the game at low ranks because they're terrified of the killer and hide in corners.
Level Bubba until you get BBQ & Chili, and then level your main killer. Plague is another good one to level if you want good perks but BBQ & Chili is just way too important for those blood points.
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Pluage she can make survivors injured the entire game and can be played like a m1 killer with occasional ranged attacks
I only say pluage because she can be played multiple ways and m1 is something all killers can do
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Thank you all so much, just played as hag, forgot to equip perks lol, but killed 3 survivors, beginner's luck I guess xD But she is really pretty fun to play. Good thing is, that I've played a lot of survivor, so I'm not completely new to dbd. Now I will play Wraith. Thanks guys!!!
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Shameless plug on a guide I literally finished yesterday for wraith
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Oohhh cool, thank you :)
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Hello there! Welcome to the killer side first off 😈 Secondly, I'd recommend Wraith to start off with. You're faster invisible to creep up on unsuspecting survivors and you get a speed boost coming out of invisibility. Since you're new to killer, you're probably not gonna know how to run loops regardless of the killer you choose to start with and that's okay, you can learn to loop and mindgame. I'd recommend both simply playing the game or there's some YouTube vids on how to run loops as killer.
Bubba, his chainsaw might be a tad difficult to use but if you're one of the lucky ones where it comes at ease, his chainsaw is an instant down. Open areas to the survivors = death. He's worth BP investment alone though for BBQ and Franklin's.
Hag will probably not be a good one to start with. She requires map knowledge to know where to place your traps, she requires a lot of thought out planning of where to put said traps; she's a defensive killer that does not chase so she could work out for you. She was actually my first killer that clicked for me that made me want to stick to killer. If you're a natural with her, you already have loads of potential. She's also worth investment for Ruin and Devour.
Clown is about aiming your bottles. He has 2 bottle sets; you'd have to remember to switch accordingly. He's not a killer in the upper tier but I personally enjoy playing him from time to time. He's simple in which he can either manipulate you to going one direction or slow you down in loops. Worth investment for Pop and Bamboozle which is a favorite to Bubba players.
Piggy is one of my mains! I love love her so much. Remember her traps are not meant to kill so much (but awesome if they do) but to slow the game. She's kinda teetering on the difficult side to master but she's great. You can use her ambush attack to either sneak up on survivors working on gens or during loops but this might not work out for you yet since you aren't familiar with running loops yet as killer. She only has two good perks imo which is Surveillance and Make Your Choice. Definitely worth investment.
Freddy is another one that I don't recommend starting with. Though if you do want to start with him, he's not impossible to learn. He's now slower placing his dream snares and I think his dream pallets are slightly limited now? Respectively ofc you can't have both at the same time. His snares can slow a survivor down or give away their location only visible when a survivor is asleep. The dream pallets also only appear when the survivor is asleep. They can be used to trick the survivor into believing an area is safe. I'm not sure what other advice to give, I'm not a Freddy main but Blood Warden is a good perk from him.
Spirit is one I'm attempting to finally learn right now. I definitely don't recommend her as beginner. She relies on scratch marks and sound to track. Blood will make it easier if they're injured. Once you get better at loops and map awareness of you can learn to land hits with her post phase aka guessing correctly, she is awesome. Her perks are also decent!
Plague can be a tricky one to play for a new beginner but at the time she's pretty simple. Puke on survivors until they've reached broken then they go down. Or puke on everything and everyone and they cleanse, you get corrupt purge and when you puke it serves as normal M1 attacks kinda. She also has good perks to want to put your BP into. Especially Corrupt Intervention.
Legion is my main. They might seem simple but they're actually kinda complex imo. Especially with their frenzy. Their frenzy creates a deep wound effect, forcing people to halt everything they're doing to mend and some people don't heal so if you learn to end chases early, those should be pretty easy downs. Their power isn't complex, it's using it effectively and winning games is since they're not top tier. But they are sure fun to play. They have good perks that can be beneficial to other killers too. Mad Grit though is very beneficial against SWFS.
Closing note: I'd still begin with Wraith. Hope this helps and good luck!
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I'd add to the others who've also said Wraith, he's a very simple killer to learn to use. Trapper is also good and basic, but would maybe take a little more map knowledge of where to place traps effectively, so purely on that basis I'd go Wraith - nothing to do with the fact he's my main, absolutely nothing at all :)
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I first started playing trapper, I would recommend him. You should also watch some videos on trapper to learn how to use his power etc...
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Have a 851th endorsement for Wraith. I'm kinda baffled that he's labelled as an Intermediate killer, he is actually pretty easy to use.
Surprised that Bubba's not getting any more love since he's also pretty beginner-friendly. He has somewhat poor mobility (especially compared to Wraith) but no one does close quarters downing better than him. He has a relatively low skill ceiling compared to other killers but man does he get good results.
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Have you unlocked any perks from the shrine or are you starting from scratch?
Wraith and Trap are good options but honestly, you have bubba so I say start with bubba.
Firstly he has all the elements of any m1 killer so you can use him to learn the basics. His chainsaw is great and can teach you tight turning and best ways to maneuver around loops for the auto down.
Last, but definitely not least BBQ and Chili, is the perk of all perks if you are starting out as killer.
The tracking is great to give you an idea about where survivors typically are. All survivors tend to do the same thing most of the time, so once you get a feel for it you don't need the tracking that often and kinda just know where to most likely find someone after a hook. Its still good though.
The blood points bonus will lessen the grind of every other killer you play. BBQ&C is the first perk I focus on getting and unlocking on any killer. It'll let you unlock those perks for the fun builds quicker.
Play Bubba, unlock BBQ and then start experimenting with other killers. Get BBQ on other killers, then max out the one you enjoy the most. Every time you max out a killer without BBQ you basically pollute the bloodweb with often useless perks. Get BBQ, unlock the bonus bloodpoints on everyone and then profit with faster leveling across the board.
Use your BBQ killers to farm up BP's for other killers to level off of and get a good collection of perks for them earlier. Basically have fun builds for multiple killers in half the time. All thanks to Bubba and his BBQ.
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I'd go with Bubba, especially since you already own him. BBQ and Chili is amazing for leveling up more quickly and is also just a pretty good tracking perk as well.
Bubba himself is very fun to play after his rework. Once you learn what you can get away with when chainsawing, he actually becomes really versatile. He's also very intuitive to play since his power is basically just a way to end chases faster. He's nice for a beginner because his power level is very consistent. He's not like Plague or Oni, who's power levels fluctuate throughout the match.
It's also pretty cool that he has unlockable cosmetics for sacrificing each of the OG survivors 25 times each, so that gives a nice goal to work towards with him.
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Doctor, though he does cost iridescent shards. You can shock and whatnot so it's easier to find people. I wasn't too interested in him before I got him, but dang he's fun.
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Wraith is easy to learn and has Bloodhound, a decent perk that's incredible for new players. Bubba has BBQ, one of the most useful perks in the game (drastically decreases the grind) however it is a bit difficult to control his chainsaw but he's pretty easy.
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Wraith is free and will teach you a lot about macro decisions and mind games. Don't start with mechanically intensive killers unless you really enjoy their playstyle.
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Plague is pretty hard to learn.
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Wraith or Leatherface (the Cannibal)
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I’d go with Trapper or Doc. Trapper’s skill set is easy to figure out, especially once you learn you can step in your own traps. The Doctor is easy to play and has both ranged attacks and abilities that make survivors more viable (by screaming).
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You should give the hardest killer a shot if you can master Nurse youll hands down make the others feel like childsplay
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I'm overwhelmed by all your responses. Thank you for taking the time to help me, it really means a lot ❤️
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Wraith, legion or myers.
If you are absolute beginner, I really recommend you mastering some simple M1 killer first because they share mechanics with almost any other killers.
Once you are confident, you can experiment with killers with more power, like hag, spirit, huntress or just any killer you really like to play as.
Those M1 basics tho will be very good part of your killer skillset forever so do not underestimate it.
Have fun
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I started last summer so ill give my preference.
1. If you are struggling to find survivors then I'd say Doctor. Static Blast + Whispers is a fantastic combo so you don't waste his best locating tool. Whispers is a general perk which is one of Doctor's best. His shock therapy takes getting used to, but it can deny survivors loops and certain actions (vaulting, unhooking, etc.)
2. If you are good at finding survivors then I'd say try Bubba. Bubba gives the BBQ perk, which is great on all killers and for BP gain. He's also not a killer who is usually bullied imo. You can run Whispers + BBQ for locating perks. Also Spies from the Shadows is good. Most survivors will run away if Bubba is near.
3. Wraith is another great starting to help with loops and mind games. He got buffed recently and is fun. I like Whispers + sloppy Butcher + NOED on him. If you happen to unlock All Seeing Blood + Coxcombed Clapper add ons then have fun lol it'll let you see auras within 12m and your bell is silent. NOED and wraith are just a good combo.
In general its good to remember that killer grind is a marathon. A win isn't necessarily a 4k every time. Goal is to learn good plays and maybe get a few BBQ stacks. Look at the dailies and tome challenges. They will help you to get the BP to grind killers up.
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When I started I played Doctor almost exclusively, it's very easy to find people and especially if you lose someone mid-chase with static blast.
Basically guaranteed that the first gen you find which has been worked on you just fire it off, either it shows you where they are close by or if nothing then check the most likely locker and boom you've got yourself a hook very early. If you find multiple people at any time always fire it off.
I loved his illusionary pallets add-ons as even if people are running you and dropping them it will come back and bite someone else in the ass later as they suddenly realise they don't have it. Also on this note if you know they are going to loop around a pallet and drop it then it's a great feeling when you shock therapy them and lunge through as they can't drop the pallet for a couple of seconds.
The illusionary doctors can also be great if you need help finding people, especially if you don't have BBQ, at better add-ons you can see them across the level and likely it's a giant indicator if someone is healing if it's not by anything logical. At worst if they have moved away a bit by the time you get there then fire off static blast and off you chase.
Even when gens are popping as long as you are doing OK and maddening up people then you will turn the tide, especially as new players will freak out a lot and start messing up gens often.
I normally ran BBQ (obviously), Distressing (for the extra static blast range and more bloodpoints), Overcharge (as it's a Doc perk and will def mess up lower level players), and Sloppy Butcher. Probably far away from a pro set-up but worked for me.
How Doctor is rated Hard to play as is nonsensical.
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Bubba. You will learn him easy and he is really good killer. Wraith is also option.