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Bad survivors everywhere today

Todays matches I've DC'd twice now all because of bad survivors they're either sitting on a gen that's not nearly done while 3 of us are hooked or they're just twatting about while I do everything when is the MMR coming because it wasn't this bad when they had it up and running at least you got competent players.

So if you're playing survivor how have or are your matches been?

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  • Member Posts: 384

    As killer, I just got matched against premades with 2-3 toolboxes and bully squads

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    MMR is going to fix this. When there’s too many survivors queuing the match making needs to find people

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I mean, my teammates could have been a little better, but it's not like my match's were horrible.

  • Member Posts: 593
  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Last night I was just curb stomping survivors.

    Like...I wasn't even playing all that well (I was competent but I wasn't anywhere near my A Game) but it was like playing when I first started and getting nothing but survivors who hid like scared rabbits anytime my radius came anywhere near them. I would chase their competent survivor for a minute and change, look up, and realize they're still sitting at 5 gens.

    A nice ego boost getting a bunch of 4Ks every game but the games were just boring as every team had (at least) one scared bunny potato on their team. I don't even know if I hit EGC in the half dozen games I played.

    Twas strange but maybe something is up in the background if others are seeing it...

  • Member Posts: 593

    Yea solo us awful normally I play with 2-3 friends but it seems stupid to have to rely on people you know and then killers moan how unfair it is but yet they can slaughter solos

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Why are 3 people hooked at the same time? Perhaps they think it is a lost cause and just want to hatch out and move on.(they think you are the bad ones)

  • Member Posts: 1,454
    edited May 2021

    I 100% agree with this post. I never in my life tilted so much than this time since rank reset. I never had bigger potatoes in my team. I never got camped and tunneled so much.

    Today even had a Huntress face camp me for ABSOLUTELY zero reasons (she caught me pretty easily since planet hatchets exist, was behind a log cart on red forest and she still hit me like I would have remained in the place I was 3 seconds ago)

    MMR better come VERY soon

  • Member Posts: 827

    If 3 of you are hooked... The killer is camping successfully. The survivor that's alive is doing the smart thing and not handing the 4th kill for free. Maybe be less altruistic. IMO the 4th survivor was probably the most experienced.

    He probably has a post complaining about crappy survivors rewarding camping killers instead of pushing gens and punishing him.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Lol just today? That's everyday I rarely even play solo anymore because I don't have the patience to deal with bots I'd rather play something different than play with a squad of randoms because it's like 1 in every 5 matches you MIGHT get good teammates if you're lucky

  • Member Posts: 593

    Killer wasn't even camping that's the worst part 2 gens done because bad teamates couldn't save while another does gens they either all come for save or none at all!

  • Member Posts: 593

    Oh and to further add on I did both gens on my own but yea I'm the bad team player because I got hooked

  • Member Posts: 687

    3 people on hooks... Something went very very wrong somewhere. Whether it was you unknowingly or your teammates. I'm assuming by the time you got hooked, the first guy hit struggle phase, second guy maybe got too altruistic, didn't want to let guy 1 get to struggle and maybe went for a safe unhook and you went in for damage control is my best guess on what happened here and pinpoint the snowball. If he wasn't camping, how did he catch you to get a third hook?? Did you attempt to unhook while he was still around or did you get caught on the path of rescue before the actual rescue? It was definitely possible to get the unhooks, I'm not gonna deny that, I've been in competent teams where things got turned around when it looked bad like that. While you were being chased, it was a good opportunity for the other teammate to get the unhooks instead of sitting on a gen. If the killer was camping all 3, he probably made the decision it was a better risk for his life and the lesser chance of a killer's 4k by not giving him that 4k. Sucks but that's how solo queue rolls.

    I get so annoyed with solo queue too half the time. The other day, was playing against Ghostface, he marked me, I actually managed to loop him for a gen and a half until he finally got me. Was on hook and what do I see? One self caring in the corner of the map, one hiding near my hook even though the killer was nowhere around and one working on a gen. They let me go into struggle phase for essentially nothing and then die on first hook. These were purple ranks. This was generally the final straw to me playing solo queue. Now I really only play solo when I'm bored and don't want the stress of killer or in SWF.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Yea something went wrong and yea maybe I shouldn't of gone for the save but I can't stand lousy teamates that urban evasion around the map and only jump on a gen when everyone is hooked so yea maybe I'm not amazing at the game but when the killer actually messages you and says how I was the only one either trying or in his skill level it rings alarm bells

  • Member Posts: 201

    I was injured and had a completely healthy Nancy healing me. She messed up a skillcheck and hid in the corner of the map (I assume her spine chill flickered for half a second). I literally just stood there, still injured, staring at the pile of garbage she was hiding behind for a whole 15 seconds before she came back out and tried to finish the job.

    I also had a Claudette who got downed a minute or 2 after she'd been unhooked and the killer just left her on the floor. Instead of recovering she crawled into the basement. My friend and I (injured, as per usual) both ran down there to get her only to find she hadn't recovered at all. Neither of us really wanted to be risking our lives for someone who intentionally crawled INTO the basement so we just left her. Eventually the killer hooked her and she killed herself on hook. She then had the guts to come into my friend's twitch chat and complain about getting tunnelled. You weren't tunnelled, you were slugged, if you'd recovered we could've had you up in half a second but instead you served yourself up like a free buffet in the best place for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 201

    you want to know something sad? I had this exact issue........... in a swf. 2 of us hooked in basement, 1 hooked outside, I keep repeatedly saying to her 'can you come get us, I'm about to die, I'm literally about to die' as I watch her aura walk (yes, walk) in the opposite direction to where we all are. Eventually I die and and the guy next to me in basement dies a second later and she say 'oh y'all were hooked?'

    A similar story is me on the last gen, someone on hook and the 3rd person is..... you guessed it! in a locker. I keep asking them to go for the person on the hook and they do not move an inch from their safe red box. I pop the gen right in front of the killer's face and he chases me. I run for the person on the hook (as the 3rd person is still in a locker) and I can't make it in time and they die. The 3rd person now leaves the locker and opens the exit gate as I'm running the killer, the killer eventually downs me and hooks me and the 3rd person literally just opens the gate and leaves. I had to listen to this guy literally laughing as he left whilst the killer repeatedly hit me on hook.

    I'm a little more selective about who I play with now

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    I mean if two people get hooked before there is even 1 gen done, i'll stick to the gen : at this point it's more important to take away some of the killer pressure by doing a gen than wasting time running to you, unhooking you and get back to the gen as you will probably get chased again and get down quickly.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Dunno why but most of my red ranks survivors are pretty decent most of the time. Havent played survivor since the rank reset bug, but I always manage to get into rank 1 as a solo and I am nowhere near the best.

    Thing is, I love playing survivor to chill and relax because even if you die, you can still pip and get some points.

    Also, if killer has 3 people on the hook, the game is usually already lost no mather what you do

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Wait till later when the new challenges are released.

    Heads will spin with some of the unorthodox player behaviour.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Yeah solo matches were horrible yesterday. I literally had 3 matches in a row where I completed 2 gens and then ran the killer for 3 gens just for my teammates to let me die on my very first hook because all gens were complete. Those guys were just hiding/crouching around 24/7.

    I guess the rank reset but hit me hard.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Solo q is a miserable experience RN.

    The worst times i've had in this game in 2 years.

    Bad teammates,bad matchmaking,camping toxic r1 killers at 5 gens etc.Either SWF it or quit it.

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2021

    I don't think it'd be wrong to say that a good 80% of killers/survivors that play this game, even in red ranks, aren't very good.

    That's why its so shocking when you get an actually good team that isn't being carried by comms or a genuinly good killer that isn't relying on stacked slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    This is why it is miserable.. The more players go into swf only matches the less players are available for solo play leaving only new players and very casual players.

    On the flip side, swf is slowly killing off the killer population leading to longer queue times for survivor and in turn driving more people into swf to make the wait worth while.

    SWF ruins everything as usual.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Respectfully I think you and lots of people on these forums forget what it's like for newish players, which is understandable as if you are visiting these forums you are likely to have played quite a lot and understand the game better.

    But for newish players people should remember the game can be genuinely terrifying. If they messed up the skill check they probably freaked out and thought it better to hide behind something, which isn't exactly a crime. What I would wonder is why didn't you just go with her and let her finish the heal somewhere she felt safer, they clearly didn't know it would make little difference, but standing for 15 seconds getting pissed off seems bizarre, could have been done healing already.

    Also to OP; I think DC'ing for any reason is unnecessary, sure they could be awful and all might be lost but just that little bit of extra time on the hook could have been the tiny bit needed for them to get someone off the hook even if it isn't you. Noob players need to learn and the game has a crazy learning curve. For the sake of probably less than a minute of extra wait DC'ing reduces the chances of any positive and learning experience. People complain about new players being awful yet act somewhat selfishly when a tiny wait could have at least helped them understand the game a little better.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Can we just go back to the reasons Quake stated why players go to SWF, camping, toxic killers, bad team that's not all SWF fault killers choose to play like d bags so survivors adapt killers tunnel and camp so survivors swf to gen rush and only reward him with one kill the rest is all BHVR. But sure SWF is killing the experience.

  • Member Posts: 593

    You miss understood I didn't DC that match I was all for giving them a chance but they left me to die

  • Member Posts: 848

    A long time ago, there was two toxic neas and when I was downed they tend to heal me and then it was a spirit trying to hit them but then they teabagging and then she grabbed me and then they saved me from using flashlights. next round there was this Yui and then of course I was downed she had breakout and then she was running against me and then she blocked the hook and she saved me. just when you play in some matches, they tend to not listen and then do the objectives. or they are bad at chases (Especially when bubbas get close with their chainsaw), all survivors may have weaknesses and strengths but i'm really good with objectives and saving survivors, while i'm semi-good with chases depending what obstacles they have challenged for me, and being good with stealth.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Ah fair enough, sorry for the misunderstanding. That is frustrating, some poor teammates then. Hopefully they learned from it and someone won't be left to die in the future.

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