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Scourge of the Purge Challenge - Tome 7 Level 2

Member Posts: 3,452

My expectations were low. But holy #########.

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  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Maybe discordance and tinkerer and pray?

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    Well I know which one I'm leaving till last. 😂😅

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Farmin' time

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    That's pretty easy. Hooks exist, as does basement. Give it a few trials and you should have it done.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Farming it is then! Or being there when they unhook.

    I get the disdain for some challenges that may require farming but like most challenges you don’t have to. It will be hard to get but there are very legitimate ways to get this done and even just play styles. You can do it legitimately and possibly wait awhile or 1st game or farm and almost guarantee it first game. I like these because it gives you the option so if you want to legitimately get it while trying then you can and it’s a hard challenge but eventually doable. If that gets too hard and you have done the rest of the challenges there is always the easier route.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Then every challenge would be almost identical, because you're never going to just play normally and wait for the right moment, you're always going to force it so you can get it over with and move on and that's almost always going to screw someone over.

    Besides, one of the oldest and most effective Plague plays is to hook someone a perfect distance away from a fountain (about BBQ distance, 40 or so metres), drink up, and come back in time to devestate the save because everyone expects either camping or saintlike 12-hooking.

  • Member Posts: 575

    Pretty sure the wording on the challenge implies a single stream of vomit hitting 2 people.

    Though I hope the wording is just strange and that your version is correct because otherwise this is going to be hell to try and do unless you just camp a hook and vomit on the rescuer and rescuee.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Hit two survivors with the same stream of Corrupt Purge, not the same fountain. That is vastly more specific and pretty much requires you to be at a hook or to get the drop on a group gen (which requires undetectable or the survivors to commit despite CP, because Plague isn't exactly stealthy.)

    It happens during normal gameplay, sure, but not reliably unless you're camping.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Bring the purple addons that make her corrupt purge last longer and move better. I could see this working out.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Seems terrible design as everyone is saying. Shouldn't force people to play in bad ways.

    What would be wrong with just making it once per trial, it's still a fun challenge and might happen whilst playing normally.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Level 4

    With a single discharge of the Corrupt Purge action down 2 survivors. Do this 2 times.

    Must be completed in one match.

  • Member Posts: 396

    This one might be better than my favourite brain fart challenge so far, the one where you have to pull someone out of a locker with iron maiden.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    That's exactly what I was gonna do. It's 2 survivors, with a single stream of vomit, twice in a trial. I don't want to waste any more time on this ridiculity than needed.

    Then I'll let everyone go, because it's gonna be so toxic compared to how I normally play, that I feel infected as well already.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    *slowly claps with the most implied sarcasm i have ever mustered*

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    With a single discharge of corrupt purge action down all 4 survivors.

    must be completed in one match.

  • Member Posts: 571

    As a Oni and Nurse main: Good. Very good.

    But yeah, the great mind that comes with those challenges does not play DBD.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    This a joke right?

  • Member Posts: 186 they lowered the exp. needed to level up a tome but added challenges that will take extra time to complete. How exciting 👏

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    yeah... unfortunately this seems like the best strat. Hope for altruistic survivors and expect a lot of salt in after game chat.

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    Well, they did ask for grabs last tome, so no reason to be surprised.

  • Member Posts: 827

    Guys all these difficult killer challenges are very easy, just farm them. 95/100 times the survivors will work with you and they don't care if you hit them with corrupt purge

  • Member Posts: 672

    Well, time to add this to my list of challenges that I'm never going to get completed.

  • Member Posts: 646

    This is a challenge I wouldn't even be able to come up with if you specifically asked me to design a ridiculous challenge. That's impressive.

  • Member Posts: 646

    I just completed this challenge with the help of a very friendly Meg and Jake who knew what I was after. They just stood still and let me hit them with Corrupt Purge twice. I will definitely be trying to help any Plagues I see struggling to get this wonderfully designed challenge.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    This challenge basically forces you to play like a scumlord in order to reliably get it done. One would either need to camp every hook until a survivor comes, or catch them off guard as a killer with a 32 meter Terror Radius and a global indication that your power is active.

    This challenge is not reliable if the team either leaves the person to die or you don't have Discordance and Tinkerer active at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    I farmed for that Challenge. Really, I tried it for two hours, I dont like playing Plague and I was never close to getting it. Two games in those two hours, Survivors did not cleanse at all, I used one Apple, so I had two Shots at this to get it done.

    Second challenge so far in all Tomes where I farmed (first one was to get two Gengrabs in one game). IMO too hard for being a Level 2 Challenge, should rather be Level 4. The other one (downing a Survivor 60 seconds after downing another Survivor while using Infectious Fright (two times)) is a cakewalk against this Plague-Challenge.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Out of interest how do you agree to farm with survivors? Is this easier to coordinate on PC?

    I don't like the idea of this but I suppose to get an absurdly annoying challenge I would.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Approach a gen and start hitting it repeatedly until they get the message.

  • Member Posts: 827
    edited May 2021

    I'm on console so can't even message them. Just down someone and pick them up and drop them until they break free, or walk around nodding and hitting the generator that someone ran away from they'll get the hint.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I did it with insidious hook camping. Was even a pretty fun game though. Works best on in-game maps like Lery's.

  • Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2021

    Discordance, tinkerer and iridescent add on that gives you corrupt purge when gen complete . Job done. Or you collect corrupt purge when someone on hook and head back for when the rescue happens and hit the saver and the unhooked person.

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