Which Perk You Bringing?

Gnarly Member Posts: 429

I bring Aftercare every match, but my friend brings Empathy...Yesterday while playing, my other friend said he likes Bond.

We argued over what was the best of the three, until my fourth friend said No One Left Behind is also pretty good...so just to see what you are all thinking, what you bringing with you to a trial if you have to bring one and only one.

Which Perk You Bringing? 38 votes

AdelooTapeKnotUistreelInsaneCoasterPainaMadLordJackJay_WhyaskPixel_BoomBotFobboBrokenbonesBwstedZestyQwQwThr_ust[Deleted User]BreadnPeanutBristles 17 votes
Dimek[Deleted User]musstang62KeezoGeneralV Antares2332TripleStealMarc_go_soloNoOneKnowsNovaGannTMDistortedDreamKirkyladGGSlushy 13 votes
konchokGnarlynotstarboardDerZuntorbowo[Deleted User]MarioBrosMaster 7 votes
No One Left Behind
[Deleted User] 1 vote


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I like bringing Empathy the most because I feel like it synergies very well with fun builds like sabo builds.

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    I like Empathy, but I feel like Bond is more useful considering you can see all survivors regardless of if they're injured or not. Even though it has a smaller range, it's still a pretty damn good range (36m), so does the same job as Empathy often. Not to mention it's more useful while looping, since you can be sure you're not leading the killer towards teammates working on gens.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Bond is the best one. Always active and the range is meaningful for every decision you need to take. Aftercare is sexy, but the actvation and reset conditions are too much to be sufficiently consistent.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I've found Empathy the most useful for me in terms of getting those heals in to strengthen the chances of escape, and know where the killer is in relation to me.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    It really depends on how you're playing. But I personally love the interaction between Aftercare and We'll Make It. I can unhook someone, let them leave the hook and then when it's safe I can go and heal them, or they can come to me. And if I unhook anyone else and they're injured they'll often come on their own to get those spicy post unhook heals.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Empathy's good because it's also a decent tracking perk for knowing where the killer is and if you should commit to a gen etc.

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    I've used to run bond all the time, but now I use kindred, cause it really helps a lot as a solo surv.

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    It depends for me. I like Bond if it's paired with Open Handed. Otherwise I like Empathy or Kindred

  • bowo
    bowo Member Posts: 121

    I just like Aftercare because I find it a little more interesting to use, as you have to "earn" the effect.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,799

    I like Empathy with a flashlight or We'll Make It. For general use and especially in solo queue I prefer Aftercare, but Bond is solid too.

    No One Left Behind is not good but I'll run it from time to time just to change things up.

  • Breadn
    Breadn Member Posts: 203

    Bond can give an insane amount of situational awareness and (in my opinion) is a must-have in solo queue. If you're being chased, you know where to go to not disturb teammates on gens. If you're injured and there's somebody nearby, you know where they are so that they can heal you. Or if you hear a heartbeat nearby you can tell if a survivor nearby is in chase by their pathing.

    Its use is minimized while in a SWF, but even then it can be useful if your team is playing casually.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    tells me where the killer is