Is Prestige Worthwhile

Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47

I've heard "yes" and "no" equally since beginning the game, Prestige worthwhile? Please share your reasoning. If this poll has already been done, please let me know.

Is Prestige Worthwhile 45 votes

TapeKnotkaerumusstang62GeneralVInsaneCoasterTatariuIAmShadowZzzJay_WhyaskSpookyPumpkinPiezglitchboiFobboSOMENINJANAMEDoritoHeadDistortedDreamViktor1853ElementZeroPika_BelleProductsimpforfelixAvignon 21 votes
AdeloomaaadinsomniacRevzi100PlantCollectorPaina[Deleted User]BSVbenlandromatMadLordJackbm33DudelPumaAceYordsherrik666TripleStealGuest1567432ShinobuSKZestyGannTMJayleena_ahhhThr_ust 24 votes


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I'm gonna say both yes and no. For prestiging you get a pretty cool cosmetic (pretty debatable on some characters) and an ever so slight increase in rarer things. You'll have to prestige eventually once you've bought everything else you want putting you back at the start of the bring for getting all the perks you want.

    On the other side, prestiging is a fairly big grind and its understandable if people want to spend their bloodpoints on more favourable things (such as teachables on other survivors).

    I think both opinions are right in this scenarios.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017
    edited May 2021

    I like to prestige before I actually grind perks on them because you can't get your perks back once you prestige them. Might as well do the one thing that'll be over with before I grind.

    If you're newer to DBD, don't prestige. At all. Just get teachables first.

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    I get bloody clothes I won't wear, that's it. People say, that you will get better stuff on the bloodweb, but I never use add-ons, offerings or items, so for me it's not worth it tbh. I only prestige, cause I don't know what to do with all the BP

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    Based on what I learned, it sometimes depends on your preferences. Personally for me, yes because of the bloodweb benefit.

  • Pika_Belle
    Pika_Belle Member Posts: 90

    I found before i prestige my webs were copious amounts of ######### at level 50,fast forward to p3 and i get so much more useful stuff in my webs, particularly torches and good add ons for my medkits

  • DudelPumaAce
    DudelPumaAce Member Posts: 305

    only when you need cosmetics (bloody outfits), by lizens characters it is little bit worth it...

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    No for me. I don't want to lose my event items in exchange for some bloody clothes 😂

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited May 2021

    Depends on platform really. On Xbox, never. On mobile, I will prestige because it gives you auric cells. (and it's extremely easy to do if you play enough so you can basically get a ton of characters and cosmetics without spending a penny)

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    edited May 2021

    If you're a completionist, you dig the prestige bloody clothes, AND you like to have a better chance at getting rare stuff in your bloodwebs, then yeah, go ahead and prestige whatever Killer or Survivor you main. Make sure to use your rarest/best items before you prestige because your inventory resets for that character, tho you probably already knew that.

    If you don't care about all that, then it's not worth it. Tho bloody clothes do help some specific survivors with being stealthy, however some people don't really like to play stealthy (You'll see people with flashy and colorful clothes in half of your matches).

    So in summary, it's worth it for some people, worthless for others. It all depends on the things I mentioned above.

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133
    edited May 2021

    Eeeeeeeh i mean it is kinda objectively "worth" it with the whole higher rarity and stuff. Personally i don't ever wear most of the bloody cosmetics i find it makes people alot saltier. From a min / max kinda thing also depends what killer we're talking about since some poor(ly designed?) killers have their best stuff in lower rarity's you might be hurting yourself.

    As i side note i hate it's 3 ranks all that really does is add an ~3M - 4M BP Tax on maxxing a character because you belong in Crotus Penn if you're gona spend the ~10-12M BP to max a character.... 4 times.....

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159
    edited May 2021

    It's not worthwhile but I do it anyway. I just can't bring myself to take any character past level 50 if they're not prestiged. It's a sickness, send help.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Worthwhile? no

    Do i have all characters p3? Yes

  • ElementZero
    ElementZero Member Posts: 2

    I think it's worth on the characters you main/play often. You get the cosmetics, and once you get to P3, it's done and over with. You won't have to worry about losing future event items or starting the grind again.

    For new players, I recommend getting some good teachables first, then getting them on one character (but don't prestige that one). Then, pick a character to fully prestige, and unlock ALL your perks on them. Good and bad. Then you can main them and start leveling everyone else (prestige or not is your choice). Whenever you unlock new perks, get them on your P3 character. This way you always have someone with all the perks.

    Of course, this is easier for survivors. You can slap together a build fairly easy. Not so with killers. In a way, I'd recommend prestiging killers even sooner and just rip the band aid off.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    Both Yes and No. Prestige those you think have nice skins, so yeah solely on cosmetic purposes.

    I myself have Pyramid Head, Doctor and Bubba on P3 cause they look pretty good

  • Abbatoir_Blues
    Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47

    The Doc is otw, and he's going to show you his polished electrode.

  • Abbatoir_Blues
    Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47

    As of this post, the voting is exactly 50/50. So much for a poll resolving the issue but thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and especially to comment. For now, I think it's something I can continue to hold off on, since cosmetics are not a huge inducement for me, and I don't even have most locked characters.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    There's effectively no bloodweb benefit. People have noted down every bloodweb they get from 0 to all perks and found so little increase in rare items that they ended up with maybe 2-3 extra pinks or purples. Overall, not 2-3 extra of each pink or purple item/add-on/offerring.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    No, you get zero benefits and only shoot yourself in the foot by doing it. All you get is a little bloody cosmetic and lose everything you had on the character you reset.

    Still gonna do it to all my killers tho

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The only benefits are completionism and the bloodied cosmetics. Some people find that to be worth it, others dont.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    It's more of a... kinda for me

    Basically the only bonuses are:

    • If you P3 immediately, you won't waste a metric shitload of BP compared to not doing that but later deciding that you want to
    • For licensed characters, the prestige cosmetics are generally the only free ones

    Aaaaand that's pretty much it. I P3 all the killers I plan on playing a lot now, and immediately P3 any new ones, but any other killers or survivors are at most getting to lvl 50 for me