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Am I the only one that doesn't like the original survivor reworks?

Member Posts: 1,730

Title. Maybe I'm just to used to the old ones, but I really hate the reworks. I don't know what it is, but I'll never play one of those survivors again if they look like that.

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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    No, you are not alone on this one, my friend :)

  • Member Posts: 638
    edited May 2021

    Jake’s rework is good imo, but he could’ve resembled his trailer look. 😞

    Though, I’m not sure if it’s even possible to do that.

    Edit: Forgot about his hair. It’s bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    If they give Felix the same treatment, I might actually quit(meant in a thirsty way)


  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I hate Meg's new hair. They look weird.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I like half of what we've seen thus far, personally! Their hair looks a bit more organic and natural to me.

    • Meg looks less harsh and more youthful and more like a girl-next-door which is more fitting to her backstory. I've heard her referred to as Methhead Meg in her current design so I think the more cute and soft face is a step in the right direction.
    • Jake looks more realistic and unique in his appearance. I also find the Jake redesign quite handsome which I don't think of the current version of him.
    • Dwight... This one breaks my heart. I've always thought of Dwight as so stinking cute. He's the only male character I've bought items on and I have this cute Dwight x Kate ship in my head. I gather from his backstory that he was never meant to be a dreamboat or anything but I think he took a step back in his design.
    • Claudette doesn't have as much change as I'd have liked to see. I don't think her design is bad and she does look more realistic but aside from improving some textures it really seems that all they did was lower her brow a bit. I was hoping for a bit more for her.
  • Member Posts: 6,025

    The only one I dislike is Dwight's, he just looks so different compared to his old self. Everyone else looks fresh and clean compared to their old counterparts. Oh and Jake no longer looks like a potato, so that's lovely.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Not super crazy on the new survivor looks, they dropped the heavy shading that all the characters used to have which makes their faces look a lot less grimy and more youthful. The best example of this is the new Dwight.

    I'm more concerned about the new trapper that was teased, they made the ridge around his nose much more prominent and gave him fangs for whatever reason, it looks terrible.

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    I didn't see that one.

    If they keep those fangs, I'm gonna be pissed, ngl.

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    Jake is the only one I think looks better.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Meg doesn't look quite as much like a brick now, which is a nice improvement.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Jake is looking good tho 🥵

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I would strongly suggest waiting to see their actually model in-game. The differences to the older (current) version might not be as big as you think they are from those previews (which are also still a work in progress).

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    The only one I don’t like is Dwight. Something about him just looks off

  • Member Posts: 727

    Yeah, only I call it his Dwightness.

    Like it doesn't really look like Dwight any more...

    (maybe it's just because I'm so used to seeing them look a certain way, though.)

  • Member Posts: 459

    Meg and Jake are well done IMO but they ruined Dwight. :( I didn't notice any difference in Claudette so whatever.

    I agree, Felix is perfect. When he released, I got a life sentence in a horny jail.

  • Member Posts: 429

    My problem is that they are not "upgrades" in the sense that there's nothing inherently wrong with the original models in regards to polycount or texturework. What BHVR is doing is entirely subjective and quite frankly after the animation and hud update I've come to realize that I'm not the kind of customer or player that BHVR wants anymore. My opinion doesn't matter and that my money should go elsewhere.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Can someone post a link of Jake's? I haven't seen it yet.

  • Member Posts: 2,074

    Dwight and Jake got the best ones. Meg just looks the same with better textures and worse hair. I don't know how the hair looks that bad. Then again I bet the hair will look better once it fully releases and if it doesn't then ill be annoyed. I really like Dwight's though. Still looks like Dwight but updated. Same with Jake. Claudette looks ugly and Meg just still looks old because she looks the exact same.

  • Member Posts: 839

    I think they all look great. Dwight and Claudette no longer have those stupid cartoony large bug eyes.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    I hate them all except for Jake's. He lookin like a snack af after that rework

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Meg's is the worst. She looks 13. Her hair has Billy Ray Cyrus vibes and not a fan of her no longer being a red head. They removed the character from her face that gave her feeling of being human by making it too smooth and lacking any emotion. Also missing dirt and grime from entity's realm.

    Dwight like Meg they removed the character from his face by making it too smooth and lacking emotion. He's also too clean, needs dirt and grime from entity's realm. His hair doesn't seem as nice and fluffy as it was before.

    Claudette has the best hair of the reworks. In video comparing her old look to the new it looks like she is missing her top lip. Also she just looks bored instead of having the timid look that fit her.

    Jake is the best of the reworks, my only complaint is in the video of his rework his hair almost looks like a Karen hairstyle.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    They all look much better in my opinion.

    Maybe it's just me :/

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    They went with neutral expressions for the updated models' faces, which is why I think they seem to have lost their "character" a bit. In the static render Dwight 2.0 doesn't look scared, Meg 2.0 doesn't look defiant, and Jake 2.0 doesn't look grumpy.

    I generally thought their updated appearances were good, but there are some minor changes that do bother me. Dwight and Claudette both look older, Meg is now a brunette instead of a redhead, and all of them had dirt/grime cleaned off their skin but not their clothes.

    I think Jake saw the most improvement between his original and updated models.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    The new models are a huge improvement,people are just used to the old ones.

  • Member Posts: 82

    I think they did a good job with Claudette, Meg, and Jake but poor Dwight....he's hot (respectfully) but in the images they released of him, he gives very much mole rat energy.

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