to survivors who bring haddonfield offerings

why? whats the point running a killer there doesnt make you good, and if you are bad you arent learning anything from it, and its funny because most of the ppl who bring haddonfield complain about camping and tunneling, haddonfield is how to tell me youre insecure about your skill without telling me youre insecure.
Just go afk in front of the door the second they finish gen open the door and go in a corner after that read chat survivor are going to be so pissed its funny
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They probably had a string of bad games and want to play the next one on easy mode. It’s like killers who used to run ebony moris. Venting frustration after some unfun/toxic rounds with no care for how much it sucks on the other side.
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If they burn a haddonfield offering, i make sure to facecamp and be toxic. If they get it randomly, then i play nicer.
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I burn Haddonfield when there's archive challenge to fall from great height in chase. Easiest map to get challenge done.
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I just start crying whenever I hear that Myers theme song right as the match starts.
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Same for killers who bring Hawkins offerings.
Not just survivors do this.
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Not a bad idea, they can derank or barely get a safety pip. They wanted to make the killer miserable, make him derank and deprive him of having fun so it's a good counter. Most people who pick the haddonfield offering though tend to be super bad, even with Balanced landing they make mistakes and it's super satisfying to kill them, humilliate them and say "gg ez".
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I mean, they are in my inventory and I waste all my stuff before prestige, or maybe I just feel like going to that map, but I don't question people who play small pp build or ruin undying tinkerer stridor spirits
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I mean, it's the same for killers that bring indoor map offerings. They are definitely up to no good with those.
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I don’t complain when a killer plays a map offering like dead dawg etc.
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Yes why would people use the offerings to give them the easiest possible game when combined with certain perks. I guess we'll never know.
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Hawkins is fine actually. It could use some buffs for survivors here and there but its not downright broken.
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Please don't direct this kind of garbage at the Survivors. They bought the Map Offering; why shouldn't they use it? Direct your feedback and suggestions about maps to the people who actually designed it. The Blood Web makes up buy things, I'm not going to apologize for anything I use as a Killer or as a Survivor. You shouldn't be giving people guff either.
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Not imo. I hate it on both sides. Killer is because I main Nurse, survivor because there aren't any fun loops to run. It's more of a fun thing than anything, because you can still win on both maps.
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Its still unreal to me that in a game with so many unbalanced maps, players have not only option to choose them, but they also have inventory full of them.
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Survivors bringing a Strode Key realizing I brought a Sacrificial Ward
(seriously it's so damn satisfying when it happens, even when it's really unlikely)
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Ah yes like when Breakdown was bugged, they bought the perk and Jeff so they have the right to use it and abuse it!
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Well i get the nurse part and i totally understand. But the fact is, that most people dint understand how to loop hawkins specifically. Everyone says that all the pallets are trash but dont see how close they are together, forming a strong multipallet loop. Hawkins is just unique like that
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Thank's for turning, my points of positivity into something negative
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You ever used a Sacrificial Ward when you thought they were bringing a Strode Key
Only for them to bring like.. a Macmillan's
and get Haddonfield as a result?
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Same gif. But me instead.
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an exploit and a map in the game are two completely different things
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DC in loading screen, there are no penalisation and the offerings or addons are not lost.
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A broken map with infinites. Funny how they disabled 2 Cowshed maps after its rework because survivors had a bad time in the main house but Haddonfield is still there.
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But that's the thing. I like jungle gyms and standard mind games, not guessing. Plus, the map removes all forms of tracking. I don't typically condone this, but half the time I get this map, I'll just DC. It's just going to be boring no matter what.
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Yeah, they did. I slugged them all, every time I ran into it, and watched them bleed out. That was an exploit of a bug but the DEV knew they would fix it fast enough that attempting to police it would have been pretty much a lost cause. But please don't compare apples and oranges. Haddonfield is a tough map. There are tough maps on Survivors too. It is luck of the draw, and as another poster pointed out, they give us PLENTY of Offerings to block the map offerings of others.
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Haddonfield is still there because it is tough, not impossible. I got a 4K there two night again playing SLOW, Spooky Myers. I'm not saying that the map is good. I'm just saying all this grief directed at people putting in the Offering is pointless. It will get its rework in due time. Until they we just have put our heads down and charge.
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- That was an exploit of a bug but the DEV knew they would fix it fast enough
Took one month. Legion bug literally got people banned and was fixed in less than 2 weeks.
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I like the map.
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Well, I got Haddonfield yesterday as Plague and I was like, "Damn, not a good map" Still managed to kill them all. Saying it doesn't make a point is wrong. You get lot of experience from it everytime. Even I don't like to go to Midwich Elementary School but I do get Experience from it and can analyze my mistakes. There is certain maps on both sides which are hated but you just need to suck it up and try your best.
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Remember when Tinkerer got reworked and tier 2 would give killers undetectable for the entire match? And nobody who used it got banned? Or are you just ignoring that because it doesn't fit the narrative of killer good, survivor bad?
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This is why i use the offering to negate all map offerings xD
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Because the map is in the game, survivors get tired of Autohaven & probably fancy a change.
Stop crying about not getting a map you like
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Because my build is always randomized. Heck, I've done Haddonfield offerings as killer and done well!
It's about challenging yourself to be better. If a player refuses to play a certain map because they feel it is impossible, then it's not going to improve the gameplay of that individual.
I've 4k'd many times and seen many killers 4k on that map. I'm not under any illusion Haddonfield definitely works in favour of survivor, but it's far from an impossible task for the killer to succeed on it.
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I burn all map offerings that I have regardless of side I am playing. I don’t really think that much about advantages or disadvantages.
i am a casual player and mostly like the aesthetics of all maps, I got bad matches as surv on Haddonfield and bad matches as killer on Hawkins. No need to be toxic towards casual players just because you don’t like the map.
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I'm a fan of the Halloween movies, and Haddonfield feels like an actual horror setting to me. I don't do it to make the killer angry, I just enjoy the feel, the aesthetic, and the familiarity of it all.
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Looks like there's a new rule in the Killer Rulebook for Survivors that does not allow the use of Haddonfield Map Offerings.
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Obviously haddonfield is busted, but there's no point complaining about the way people play the game, you cant change how others play.
If you hate the map that much, you can even dc, i dont think people will blame you.
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You mention insecurity, but you're the one who started a thread about a ######### map offering. 😆😆😆👍👍
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If killer plays map offering all survivors should be able to prepare with dead hard. I've had it up to here with iridescent stone prison rooms.
Same with killer if survivors play a map offering killer should be able to put on some other killer or something where you're not at a serious disadvantage.
Indoor maps and haddon field houses and fences are just broken I hope this offering stuff changes soon.
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If I keep getting the same map during a session I start using my map offerings - I just use whichever ones I have the most of randomly. I don't mind any map really except Blackwater Swamp - I never purposefully go there.
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seems like you are a very bad killer if you cry about certain map.
now im gonna use haddonfield all the time to piss more ppl like you.
get gud
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I am looking forward to the Haddonfield update. Currently, the map really doesn't feel authentic.
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And making a forum post about people who play a map offering show us how insecure YOU are, it's a game I'll play any map I want when I feel like it and you can just keep making excuses here, people seem to forget it's not real life and people play this ######### to enjoy themselves in down time , guess what survivors? Salty killer mains are crying so I guess we better disable perks, map offerings, and holding shift+W has to be banned too cause "TRU3 says it's OP" , we don't want them "holding w" to the forums to complain to the devs
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Maybe map offerings should only be allowed to be used by people aged 12 and over
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I like it and enjoy it when it comes on. Yes its survivor sided but ive played both sides and seen killers annihilate survivors on it
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Agreed. I have said this before and I still have this opinion I will take Haddonfield over new coldwind all day long just me though. Also not so sure the breakdown bug is gone had a good team on hawkins and one had it and it made me lose all my momentum. I swear those two hooks never returned. I got two downs in portal room with gen near complete and and couldn't make it to a hook because the one in the room was broke down from a while back in the trial. Then because I took to farther hook wiggled out, 2nd unbreakabled. Was able to pull the game off and do the close hatch challenge they broke down a middle hook on me as well. I hope it was just quick downs.
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I didn’t know anyone actually used dead dawg offerings
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I’ve had hags with thrill and the silent teleport addon. Mainly killers with totem builds.
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I hate dead dawg as killer. I pray I can force a 3 gen if so you can win not matter how far behind on that map but otherwise fuk that map.