Camping and Tunneling

I mean seriously thats the only thing survivors mostly complain about. I don't really camp unless i'm trolling but I only tunnel when gens fly by too fast. I don't even complain about camping and tunneling because I know what to do when that happens ( do gens, anti camp/tunnel perks, take hits, flashlight saves, and etc ). Why is it so hard for survivors just to take the L and move on.
Camping I just don't understand, and trolling is obviously by definition a crappy way to play, never face-camp as it's a bad strategy and fun for no one.
True tunneling is very rare, people complain about tunneling when two survivors are running from the hook and the killer chooses the injured one, that's not tunneling. Tunneling in my view is only when a killer ignores all better options to just eliminate one player (tunnel vision), going past someone that would be an easy hit, is doing a gen etc. Again this should lead to gens being done and a bad time for one player but a win for the rest.
The only answer is people playing both sides to actually understand, but tunneling is thrown out all the time incorrectly.
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Except for Sluzzy who complains about everything killers have at their disposal.
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And "hitboxes"
And latency
And spirit (although for a good reason)
And freddy
But some killers do the same too:
- For SWF groups
- And flashlight squads
- And "gen rushing"
- And tbagging
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Did you guys coordinate this?
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Hell, Sluzzy will complain about a BOOST Survivors get to one Perk or another. It is never enough. :)
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Camping & tunneling are allowed because nothing can 'be done about it' without introducing a mechanic that falls into one of these categories:
- It's abuseable by Survivors
- It takes away Killer player agency
- It's spiteful just to be spiteful
- It forces unhooks at times when Killers need the kill to swing the game, thus forcing them to lose. And no one wants to play a game where they are forced to let the other team win. There's no point to having human controlled Killers, if the game is going to decide plays that cost the match.
Seriously. Complaining that camping is 'unfun' is like logging into an FPS/Battle Royale and saying 'It's unfun that snipers can shoot me from across the map. I can't shoot them back, and they knock me out of the match before I get to play. Please remove snipers, for the health of the game'.
It's Survivors asking for Killers to be forced to play badly, because they don't approve of how they lost to said Killers. But here's a bit of news; no one likes to lose. You take away 'camping', then 'slugging', then 'tunneling', and then the next way Killers win will be 'cheap'. Then the one after that with be 'unfun'.
On and on it will go; every tactic Killers have will need to be removed 'for the health of the game', because people don't understand that losing is less fun than winning. So they lose, don't have fun, blame the tactic used, and claim it needs to be removed because it's 'unfun' and 'for the health of the game'.