What kind of player are you?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781

Are you a survivor or killer main? Or do you play both equally?

Are you a good sport?

Do you feel the need to max out all of your characters with all perks and prestige them?

Do you get tilted when playing this game?

Do you buy cosmetics?

I am a player who would be considered a good sport (most of the time at least) and who plays both sides equally. I myself feel the need to max out all of my characters and I can get very tilted when playing this game (but never take my anger out on anyone, I just say gg with tears in my eyes). I also don't really buy cosmetics because it is far more satisfying to earn them and don't feel like supporting BHVR, at least right now.



  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I play both.

    I don't know what a "good sport" is any more because being a "good sport" doesn't mean "letting your opponents win when your only option is to play dirty", but I certainly don't badmouth people on the chat unless it's to call something out. Like lagswitching or my Tinkerer proccing 1 second before a gen finishes multiple times in a trial (hmm).

    I don't care about Prestige, it does nothing and at this point it never should. People who prestige knew what they were getting when they did it. I definitely max out perks on the characters Inplay and am slowly working my way towards all perks on all killers (already have all survivor perks on Zarina and am slowly getting there with Kate and Yui).

    Of course I get tilted. I'm fairly certain everyone gets tilted. It doesn't happen that often, though, and its mostly when I'm caught by surprise with extremely broken RNG (massive tile chains, complete deadzones, etc.)

    I buy some cosmetics. Mostly I save up and use shards on them (I actually like most of the yellow-tier recolours), but I have been known to purchase paid ones.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I'm a killer main but I do play a decent chunk of survivor. I am a good sport despite what may be happening in the matches.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,489

    "I am a player who would be considered a good sport (most of the time at least) and who plays both sides equally"

    I can relate to that, or at least I try my best to. Unlike you, I don't see the need to max out a character, unless said character is my main (Freddy, for example). I can get tilted when playing, but it takes A LOT to tilt me. And as for cosmetics, I buy some of them, but I would much rather earn them during an event or something.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I play both, but more Killer as I find it more interactive. And Solo Queue makes me angry.

    I consider myself a good sport, yeah. I don't really care about winning or losing in this game, so I try to just have fun.

    I want to get all the killer perks on every killer, and all the survivor perks on like three Survivors. I don't give a single crap about prestige.

    Not really? Solo Queue can tilt me, and so can REALLY good survivors, but in general I try not to get tilted much.

    Not really. Once in a blue moon, if I really like a skin.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256

    I am a 60/40 killer main and always say gg and if possible try to go for 12 hook games, although I do like to fuel the flames if I notice that the killer/survivors are being toxic/unreasonably salty in endgame chat after a gg, mostly since I can't take them seriously at that point.

    I do have every killer maxed out at p3 with all perks(and the grind gets more and more annoying as more killers with more perks release), but only have my main survivor at p3 all perks, since survivors are just skins for me and I can't be bothered to invest more points for skins.

    I only really get tilted by bugs, but even then it doesn't affect my behaviour and gameplay too much. BM from either side doesn't bother me at all.

    I am unreasonably stingy with my Iridescent shards (only ever spend money on the first battlepass). I am sitting at 160k shards and mostly just buy unlicensed killers/survivors with them, although I did buy the true blight skin (before it got its discount sadly) and all the other halloween skins after the discount + the oni inspired spirit skin.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    I play both sides.

    Sometimes. I try to be by the game would go fast it I don't.

    I want to p3 and have all perk on all characters.

    Yes, I get very tilted most of the time. I often take it out on survivors that is making me angry (they aren't purposely making me angry but my mistake I make do) but I don't take it out on my teammate unless they make be pissed off then there will be a chance that I do something that negatively affect the game for my team.

    I do it if I like it even if it on my favourite character. Feng seoul cosmetics doesn't look great and all wraith cosmetics look great.

  • lewis
    lewis Member Posts: 63

    80% huntress main, other killers for dailies, trying to learn Billy curves to main as well and survivor gets played only for challenges and maintaining red rank at reset.

    I always gg or say nothing no matter the result. I like to go for 12 hooks if the game is going easy but I’ll ramp up the pressure if I feel I’m really behind.

    I get tilted at myself sometimes for missing easy shots or stupid plays but me being tilted doesn’t mean I’ll BM unless giving a head shake is lol.

    I buy some cosmetics especially for my cute dweet, I like the basic look on huntress with the recolours and I’ve p3 all perked my killers and 5 survivors, working on the rest :(

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    60% Survivor 40% killer

    I like to think that I'm a good sport.

    I don't feel an urgent need to p3 all characters with all perks, but it would be lovely if I did get them all someday.

    Never really get tilted, but I do get annoyed when the game crashes on me, which luckily doesn't happen often.

    I only get the Rift when I know I have the spare time to complete it. So in a way... I guess I do spend money on cosmetics?

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    Killer main, Spirit, Doc, but play both sides, Kate is my gal!

    Good sport until clicky-clicky teabaggers show themselves. Then all bets are off and all's fair.

    The characters I play a lot I'll max out. I have P3 Kate, Doc, Spirit and working on Deathslinger, Clown, Bubba.

    To my shame, I have been tilted before. It tends to happen when there is a combination of survivor antics (body blocking, teabagging, flashlights) and second chance perks. I just take a break and cool off then I'm good to go.

    I've bought Doc (mechanical head and outfit), Spirit (Greek armor), and Kate (tight jeans and guitar top) cosmetics because those are my mains and I like them.

    See you in the fog!

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638
    1. Used to be both, but I’m almost 85% a Survivor main.
    2. Most of the time, yes. Most.
    3. No, only the characters that I like.
    4. Of course, but when I do it’s time for a small break.
    5. Yes, a ton of them. The compliments I get sometimes are nice. 😌 We love to die (or kill) in style.
  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759
    1. Both equally, but I find survivor a little more favorable
    2. I try to be
    3. Only the ones I want maxed out
    4. Yes, I can get pretty tilted, but even so I just take a break
    5. If they're cool enough and I like them, yes
  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83

    I'm a Billy main that relaxes with playing solo survivor(More survivor after his nerf). As killer I'm an amazing sport, never tunneling or camping just going for curves and fun, never had a game where I came out upset at anything but collisions and hitboxes. Never going into a game expecting to win or lose. Will throw the game for fun or if survivors want to mess around. I play to the other teams skill level too, I'm not going to demolish players who are clearly learning. While this leaves me at a low rank, I go up against skilled players anyways so I don't care lol.

    As survivor I'm nowhere near as good a sport, I find myself getting angry at killers who don't play like myself. I'm not "toxic" in-game but I'm not afraid to speak my mind and call things as they are post game. I think this comes from Killer being the one to set the "pace and difficulty" of the match, as I've never fought with survivors when playing killer except if they let teammates die. However, if the killer is having fun or playing to show skill I'll be right there with them.

    I try to prestige/max out my favorite characters but don't have time for them all. I think its a silly mechanic but it can be fun at times to essentially "restart" your character and relearn how to play the game without the best perks. Definitely reinforces the core mechanics of the game.

    I get tilted much more as survivor than killer. When playing killer its mainly hitboxes/collision etc. never really what survivors do. As survivor its mainly up to how the killer plays and their latency. Getting hit through windows and pallets that I clearly made is the most infuriating thing in the game for me other than 1st hook deaths.

    I try not to buy cosmetics with real money, the last real money skin I got was Billys scarecrow outfit for like 2$.

  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2021

    Are you a survivor or killer main? Or do you play both equally?:

    I'm a killer main, although I do enjoy playing survivor from time to time.

    Are you a good sport?:

    I'd consider myself a good sport. I don't DC unless I have something urgent to attend to, I don't BM, and I don't trash-talk.

    Do you feel the need to max out all of your characters with all perks and prestige them?:

    I'm a bit of a completionist, and I've spent far too many bloodpoints prestiging my characters.

    Do you get tilted when playing this game?:

    Of course I get tilted sometimes, but I try my best to not let it interfere with my gameplay.

    Do you buy cosmetics?:

    I've bought cosmetics on my favorite characters and I've gotten each rift pass.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Are you a survivor or killer main? Or do you play both equally?

    Killer main but I do play solo as well sometimes two man but rarely. I would say 75/25 my ratio.

    Are you a good sport?

    For most part. I play to win and get the most BP at same time. If the game is super competitive I will use what tools are necessary. I don't message people to bad mouth though. If I do message it's just to ask a question.

    Do you get tilted when playing this game?

    As a solo survivor yes at the team. Nothing worse then you on hook, killer in chase, team in corner self-caring, or in a bush.

    Do you buy cosmetics?

    Every one I like. Every killer has plenty in their wardrobe. Most of my killers only have 1 or 2 outfits left in shop and that's only because I didn't like them or were just a re-color of one I already bought. Survivor mains are the same way and the other survivors in the roster I bought one or two just so I would have something when I use them.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited May 2021

    Oh and Prestige ya I'm a completionist. Ghosty and PH will be P3 by Saturday then all I got left is the 3 newest killers. Oh and get the perks but got plenty of time for that plus cakes coming. Having all these guys at P3 in just over a year I'll take it.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I play both relatively equally. Tends to be something like a 60/40 split where the majority flip-flops depending on which role I'm having more fun with at a given time.

    I play to win, but I try to be a good sport about it. I won't go out of my way to bully other players.

    I get every character up to level 50 so that they have some perks/add-ons/etc to use if I need them for something or just want to play as them. Characters I like gradually go up to P3-50 as I have the BP available for it.

    Absolutely. I don't care about losing because I misplayed, but it feels horrible to lose because the game screwed you. And it really likes to do that (at least on console, where I can count on big stutters happening on the regular).

    Sometimes. I haven't ever used auric cells to buy a cosmetic, but I'll occasionally use my horde of shards to pick up something I want.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059
    1. I would consider myself a Survivor-Main, but I play both sides equally. I just enjoy Survivor more. I play basically every Killer, but mostly Demo, Pig and Billy currently.
    2. Yeah, most of the time. I am chill.
    3. Yes. I am a completionist, I want to "finish" every game, which means, all Characters P3-50 with all Perks for DBD. Its a pain.
    4. Rarely. I am not the youngest anymore and I dont want to die from heart attack when playing DBD.
    5. Yep, I have every Nea-Cosmetic and buy Cosmetics for other Characters, if I like them.
  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    Are you a survivor or killer main? Or do you play both equally?

    I play more survivor than killer but I will play killer matches for challenges or if I just feel like messing around. Survivor I play enough to get into red ranks, killer I tend to stay in low ranks because I don't play enough and when I do I'm not trying hard for 4k.

    Are you a good sport?

    I don't send messages to players after the game. I don't tea bag or stand swatting a survivor on hook. At most when playing survivor if another survivor is doing nothing I start following them around until they help out or if there was a survivor farming others off hook or sandbagging them I won't unhook or help them later - team usually ends out doing much better once that teammate is out of the match.

    Do you feel the need to max out all of your characters with all perks and prestige them?

    I have my main survivors maxed out. Couple I maxed out without prestiging because I had so many event items (I'm a hoarder) and they had most the perks already. Few I've prestiged and have all perks on. Working on couple others I've prestiged. After prestiging a few characters and seeing the amount of BP needed it really doesn't feel worth the time/effort.

    Do you get tilted when playing this game?

    I definitely get frustrated/annoyed in a match but when it ends I move on to the next match. If I notice I'm getting frustrated at multiple matches I move on to something else. My swf teammate knows I have a 3 bad games rule, after 3 I sign off. I've found at certain time of day the teammates get terrible and the killers get extra sweaty. If there's 3 matches that just leave me frustrated/annoyed I sign off for night instead of hoping next match will be better.

    Do you buy cosmetics?

    I have before on licensed characters to support the game. I stopped though because it didn't feel like my money was going towards making my experience on console better. I bought the charity case cosmetics pack because I liked that it went to charity. If I "buy" the rift it's because I made it to tier 70. Any cosmetics on original characters I use iridescent shards never auric cells.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2021
    • Survivor main.
    • I try to be a good sport, but I'm not perfect.
    • Never prestiged. I have one survivor I play and that's it. I'll only level up the others if they have perks I want.
    • I can get tilted sometimes just like anyone else.
    • Haven't bought a single cosmetic. All the ones I have were either gifted to me (I think I was gifted two cosmetic DLCs back in the day), or came with the game.
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2021

    If I am playing alone I am killer. If friends are on I am survivor. I am fair minded when it comes to balance but I often find myself siding with killers. On the flip side when someone suggests a buff to a killer I will point out if I feel that would be OP or broken.

    I am a good sport but I am also vengeful if I am mistreated. I play to the best of my ability but I am here to have fun. Your fun is not my concern. If your being rude I will return the favor in kind. I will play in a way that helps me fulfill my objective. Often my decisions are considered toxic but this is someone's salty opinion because I am not playing the way they want me to.

    • If you got unhooked and touched a gen I will go after you because your injured and I know you don't have DS.
    • If your looping me near a hooked survivor I won't walk away because I am pressuring 2 people at once.
    • If someone rescued you, I can't find the savior but I see your blood trail then I am going after you because there is no one else to chase.

    Yes. I know I don't have to P3 a character but I am worried it will come back to haunt me in the future. Say I cap someone at lvl 50 and unlock all perks for them. Then one day I decide I want that bloody cosmetic. All those points I poured into them dug me a deeper hole. It's exactly like when I played CoD. I prestige and immediately say "I want my guns back"

    Not really. Unless someone is clearly cheating which I have only seen happen maybe twice. If someone is playing in a style I don't enjoy I ask myself "Would I do the same in their position?". I get frustrated a lot at the balance of the game but I usually play something else before I reach a boiling point.

    Very rarely. I bought the ashy slashy puppet because I liked that series. I bought the Nurse's blight costume because I liked the look of it. I will tell myself "This isn't worth it" and not buy something. I can unlock the twins and trickster for free and I haven't because I feel they aren't worth my money. If I feel this is a predatory practice then I won't buy it. I've waited 1 year to play games because EPIC pulled their 1 year exclusive crap and I refuse to put that launcher on my PC. A lot of my friends said the same thing but almost all of them caved in because they don't want to wait.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    I play both killer and survivor equally

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    50/50 leaning on killer

    I play for fun, not necessarily to be nice but for fun

    got a few prestige 3 max levels but not a lot unless i really want the p3 outfit

    Yes i get tilted, it's natural

    Bought a few cosmetics, but not very many with auric cells

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I play both

    I play pretty sweaty and sometimes I'll BM in the match (people make mistakes when they get mad), but I'm always nice in post game chat. I think when other people are mad in post game it's hilarious though.

    Only the ones I play.

    Occasionally if I'm on a bad streak, but I just take a break and play again another time.


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472

    80/20 killer/survivor

    as killer I mostly just play in response to the survivors,

    a casual team who doesn't get much done = 12 hook game

    both totems popped and slamming gens = go after 1-2 people and win any way

    generally when playing killer I would play blight and he has the tools to win from almost any game state but its mostly in response to the survivor what tools I use.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Definitely a killer main. I play killer like 80%.

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by good sport, but I feel like I'd meet most peoples' criteria on subject. I don't dc and I don't bm or even return bm. I never dm anyone after a match because I'm salty.

    The only character I've P3 50d is my main (Nurse) and that was just for the achievements. Other than that I don't really care to P3 50 anyone else. Unlocking all perks for all characters I could see myself doing though.

    I definitely get tilted. It's Dbd. Like I said I never take it out on my opponents after the match though. Usually I'm blaming Bhvr lol. That being said yes I know the difference of when something is my fault and something is the game's fault. Not saying I blame the game every time I lose. Even if I win I can still be kinda pissed because my power bugged a lot during the game or something like that and I'll just end up playing something else.

    I do buy cosmetics. Most recently I bought chicken suit clown even though I barley play him. If I like the cosmetic I might buy it even if I don't play the character much. Gotta admit the design team knows what they're doing.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Solo-survivor. I stay away from killers, because everyone knows they have cooties.

    Are you a good sport? Yes, or at least try to be. I will never leave a survivor to die on the hook as long as the gates are closed and Kindred is telling me its not a camping Bubba. After over 2k hours , I know that each exit gate is just an entrance gate to the next match. Killers can have my ass, but my spirit will never surrender and hence it will always roam free, side by side with the Mohicans.

    Do you feel the need to max out all of your characters with all perks and prestige them? I don't think I ever did it on purpose but It just kind of, sort of happened over time. I have prestiged other characters, but my main survivor character (or even the 2-3 secondary ones) will never ever touch that thing (see above footnote regarding cooties)

    Do you get tilted when playing this game? Aside from versing that one trapper player who purposely holds survivors hostage inside his matches and must have 40-50 reports filed against him by now (I know I have filed one for each match and there have been 4-5 of those over time), there is very little that bothers me these days. I may get a little tired if I see fellow survivors moonwalking for no reason in front of me, or their non-indicative clickety-clicks, but these days I will literally turn my POV away from that while on a gen. My spirit = unbroken

    In all honesty, there is only one single thing that still puts me on any type of tilt: players that get rescued along with BT status, who still purposely throw the rest pf the game because they genuinely expected a safe rescue+heal afterwards. These people are truthfully very rare among survivors, but thsoe that do belong to this cult tend to be very vocal about their beliefs in post game chats.

    Do you buy cosmetics? Yes, but these days I only pay with shards and not cells. I refuse to purchase any more cells/rift passes until the madman that designs these current tomes gets relocated to the BVHR basement. We are currently on chapter 2 of the most recent tome, and the second survivor challenge either requires you to purchase Zarina or complete the ridiculous "Vault a window/pallet in a chase 5 times - and also do it in the same trial" challenge.

  • Affrax
    Affrax Member Posts: 19

    I play both.

    I believe I am a good sport, I don't BM survivors or only BM back if they BM me. I often give up last hatch if I stumble upon it while carrying last survivor or if the match has been finish too fast.

    I only feel the need to max out characters that I play a lot, not everyone

    Yeah I can get tilted on this game pretty easily depending on the map, when I make critical mistake, or if I go against someone toxic.

    Yes I have bought cosmetics like Bunny Feng, 2 of feng's uncommon costumes, Classic Ghost Face, Susie, Cut Thru U Trickster, and recently Yun Jin's blue outfit.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    1. I play both pretty equally.
    2. I can be a good sport sometimes. I've never sent someone a message that says "CAMPER" or "GENRUSHER" unless I get a message first.
    3. Yes. I've had to get every perk on every character twice because I moved over from Switch, too. Just now starting to prestige killers. Only have one survivor prestiged.
    4. Sometimes. I try not to. Some players just make you mad, though.
    5. I've bought a couple cosmetics. Not many. The Look See. Pig's black leather jacket. Spirit's Schoolgirl. American Kate. Might buy a legendary for Resident Evil if they have one I really want.
  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    Im kind of survivor sided (70% surv & 30% killer). I was before kinda douchebag, like pallet t-bagging and basic toxic behaviour (3 years ago tho) but now I respect both sides.

    Every survivor is maxed, and all survivors until Yui is p3 too, well Meg is p1. Killers who are maxed are Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Doctor, Huntress, Bubba, Plague, Deathslinger and Shape so all my main Killers.

    I did get tilted before but now Im just gonna go having fun no matter what.

    I consider myself a all around player as survivor. Sometimes I do gens and sometimes I loop killers. As a killer I try to play as nice I can. Rarely tunnel or camp. Sometimes ######### happens and I need to proxi camp hooked person because gens are close. Still I go for points before kills (which is rare thing to killers).

    I do buy cosmetics sometimes but only best ones which are only avaible with AC (Old Lady Bubba) and these charity packs because you'll never have too much Cosmetics.

  • AgentPug
    AgentPug Member Posts: 37

    I'm a killer main but I play both sides

    I consider myself a good sport I saw "gg wp" in endgame chat and I don't trash talk, bm, or tbag

    Yes I absolutely want to P3 and max all of my characters

    Generally no though is there that 1 game every once in a while that just makes me get off and play runescape for a bit

    The only auric cells I've ever bought have been for the rift pass and I only bought it once I was at tier 70 though I'll probably save my shards for the birch witch skin.

  • worriedfeng03
    worriedfeng03 Member Posts: 82

    I always try to be respectful to the other side and my teammates. For instance if I'm soloing with a SWF and they're being really toxic to the killer I'll gift him my item at the exit gate to hopefully make them feel better. And if I'm playing killer then I'll be respectful to the survivors and will make sure to give them all a fair shot, even if it'll disadvantage me at some points (for example, I'll always let who just got unhooked have a chance at freedom and I'll go after the unhooker instead).

    I (for the most part) play how I would want to be played against.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    I like playing killer more, but I do play both sides equally I'd say.

    I'm always a good sport as survivor, never tbagging or flashlight clicking, at least not at the killer. As killer, if you annoy me or are toxic, I'm gonna shake my head or hit you on hook. Occasionally I'll give hatch, like if I'm already rank 1 and don't need to pip.

    I get all my characters to lvl 50, then find all the perks I like to play with for them, then use up almost all of their add-ons and offerings, then prestige them. Once they're P3, then I try to get all the perks on them. I've only P3'd Trapper so far.

    I do get tilted in this game, less so on survivor. It's just the matches where I do 5 gens worth of chase and my team does like 2 gens that I get mad. As killer, I'm tilted a lot, more than is necessary. And that's because you never really know if you're winning as killer. I've gone against great teams who did all the gens like they were nothing, and I've gone against terrible teams who somehow almost did all the gens. So in those easier matches, I have almost the same level of stress as the sweaty ones because I never know if things are gonna go sideways or if the survivors will suddenly turn their brains on and become efficient.

    I've only bought cosmetics with shards, and only for killer. I didn't get the first rift or 2 done, so I'm going back and buying the killer rift costumes they put in the store so I can get those. After that, I'll start using shards to buy killer cosmetics that I think look cool.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Are you a survivor or killer main? Or do you play both equally?

    I play both more or less equally.

    Are you a good sport?

    I'd like to think so. Unfortunately you have to define it today. There was a time when everyone knew how a good sport behaved. As far as DbD goes it means:

    1. Don't cheat, either by hack or lag spike.
    2. Don't disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    Do you feel the need to max out all of your characters with all perks and prestige them?

    No. I could care less about these things.

    Do you get tilted when playing this game?

    Not anymore... not for a long time.

    Do you buy cosmetics?

    I bought the Krampus skin for Trapper, but that's about it.

  • ZonkyWizard
    ZonkyWizard Member Posts: 568

    Survivor or killer main? Survivor main. I only play killer for fun/challenges/dailies. Not a sweaty killer who always aims to get a 4K nor do I tunnel/camp.

    Are you a good sport? Yes, I don't send hate mail, don't tbag killers during a chase, always cooperating as a survivor, I give hatch/gate to those who ask, if I feel bad for a killer who didn't get anyone and they've played well and was trying their best and they gave up at the end as a killer I favorite, I'd most likely die for them.

    Do you feel the need to max out all characters/perks and prestige them? Depends. If it's a character I really enjoy playing as or is considered one of my favorites or if I like their bloody outfit, I'll definitely P3 them. I'd like to get everyone's perks on T3 though.

    Do you get tilted when playing DbD? Sometimes. Usually when a killer is tunneling, camping or maybe even cheating with other survivors... That ain't enjoyable.

    Do you buy cosmetics? Yep for both roles killer and survivor that's what makes DbD fun.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144
    1. I consider myself a killer main. But I also play a lot of survivor because I enjoy it as well.
    2. I try to be, but I would be lying if I said certain killer/survivor setups do not annoy me greatly.
    3. Yes, all my killers are maxed out at P3 (just finished Trickster recently). I only have two survivors maxed out at P3.
    4. I used to get tiled when playing killer (sometimes I still do). But overall, I've really mellowed out when it comes to my killer game play. I still get plenty tilted while playing survivor because of solo queue. Sometimes I have a streak of survivor games that were simply unfun. I rarely experience that as killer.
    5. I've bought a few cosmetics that I really like. But I try not to give BHVR too much money.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    1. Killer main
    2. i like to think that i am. im not going around flaming people in end chat or anything like that, so i think so?
    3. Yes. at least for my killers.
    4. Yes. and i find myself struggeling with playing again after i started playing some other games again that dont tilt me.
    5. occasionally. usually im going for the shard ones though.
  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited May 2021

    1. I tend to lean towards playing survivor more as gameplay feels more laid back when compared to killer, although I do play killer a few times a week.

    2. 99% of the time I'm a good sport and tend to only BM if the killer/and or survivors have continously been doing it throughout the entire match. Taste of their own medicine, yknow? With that being said, I never send anybody messages in an angry mindset/mood.

    3. As much as I hate the grind, it's addicting and I do feel the need to prestige as it makes me feel like I'll always have a goal in this game since P3 all perks on everybody probably takes a billion hours.

    4. When I play survivor I tend to get tilted over my teammates more than anything. As killer, I'm always on edge so I'm more prone to getting frustrated especially when it comes to BMers.

    5. Love cosmetics as I'm one of those people who constantly has to either switch outfits or switch survivors in order to stay interested because I eventually get bored with the same combination. I mean.. have you seen that new summer skin for Dwight?

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited May 2021

    Survivor main but play killer also, probably 80-90% of my games is survivor.

    What is a good sport? I play to win on both sides. That means I loop the killer, throws pallets and DS stun them. As killer I tunnel and camp if I need to or just wants a more relaxing game. I still see myself as a good sport because it's free to play how you want. I have never ever t-bag or used flashlight clicking as survivor because it does not win games it's just toxic. Camping and tunneling is not toxic. But I know many disagree.

    I have played 3300+ hours so getting all perks maxed out on all killers and survivors just happens because I use every character and need to spend BPs on something right? But I don't prestige I see that as a waste.

    Getting tilted is very rare but it can happen if I'm not in a good mode when playing.

    Cosmetics I get with shards. I only use real money to buy characters that you can't buy with shards.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    75 survivor, 25 killer.

    I'm not here to make any killer mad, but if a survivor bit more than they can chew of my tolerance for their bullsh*t, they have to go.

    I max out every killer with all perks and max prestige, but i only prestige and get every perk on the survivors i feel like id actually want to play (or listen to...poor Jeff.)

    My survivor teammates piss me significantly off more than the killers I face. A killer creates an issue, then the survivors compound that issue with either their incompetence, their fear or by literally sabotaging everyone else so they can be the last one standing

    I'll buy any cosmetic that'll make a survivor sexier, or a killer hotter/scarier. RIP Pyramid Head's ass, now I have no reason to buy that torn up apron Linked Cosmetic.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,160

    1. I play 50/50. Being able to play both sides helps develop an understanding of the overall game and experience, plus I also feel this is how to get the most out of the game.

    2. Yes, very much so. There's little to be achieved from being salty, and I've yet to come across an opponent who responds negatively to a compliment for winning - especially when the compliment is about a specific part of their gameplay. If a loss is incurred, objectively review what could be improved on and move on.

    3. No, because it's about the journey and not the endgame. It's not important to me to get these items, because completion isn't my objective (which is to just enjoy it).

    4. It would be a lie to say nobody get tilted. Everyone gets frustrated, and there will always be those odd trials where I'll be annoyed. Yet I'm able to be objective and look to improve. This very quickly deals with the tilt; turning it into a learning exercise. It's using the emotion positively.

    5. Yup! I'm not a mad spender, but there have been a fair few purchases in my time.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2021

    i play both sides but not equally anymore. in the past i would of played more killer now is the opposite still rank 1 all seasons (as if was hard anyway its not.)

    good sport? if the survivor team is not sweaty yes if not will create 3 gens, come back to hooks, slug, etc- if i dont need no. as surv? i chill with friends.

    p3 all characters? only killers no survivors they are all teh same

    sometimes i get stress out of this game yes.

    buy cosmetics? yes some with real money and others with game currency.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    I was a killer main and i avoided tunneling and camping. Now with the new maps that are heavily and obviously survivor sided i just want to quit. I wanna play the game but ik that the devs dont care much for the killers (before you try to counter me just know that im a crap survivor but ive still run purple ranks for 4 gens in both the game map and on coldwind. Survivor on these maps are easy mode)

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Killer-only player in 2016-2019 (when I wasn't on hiatus). Survivor-mainly player afterwards and to this day (I seem to be eternally burnt out of killer, and don't enjoy it anymore).

    I think I'm a good sport. I don't BM killers at all because I understand how horrible that can feel. I also tend to take protection hits and even die if it means saving someone on death hook or at end-game.

    I do not feel the need to max any prestige, because I don't see the point in it. Though I may do it in the future one character at a time for something to do, if/when I ever get every perk on every survivor and killer.

    I can get frustrated, but I rarely tilt.

    Things that can frustrate me include: Spirit and Bubba (when no window loop is around). Things that do frustrate and also risk tilting me are: Teammates doing nothing, or doing something stupid.

    No, I do not buy cosmetics.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306
    1. Mostly killer. I almost never play survivor because I literally don't have time for the queues.
    2. I'm a fairly good sport, I would say. I do tend to be a bit bitter after getting bullied for eight minutes straight though.
    3. I will prestige pretty much as fast as possible once I run out of good add-ons (I still don't have IAE on PH somehow).
    4. Yes. I'm not exactly a calm person, if you couldn't guess.
    5. I've bought some, and will probably buy some more in the future. But only if I really like both the character and the skin.
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,215

    I play both.

    I'm usually a pretty good sport. I give what I get. If the other side is chill, I'm chill. If the other side is trying to be optimal, I'll match it.

    I max perk killers. Only prestige the killers that have good P3s. I'm slowly P1 max perking survivors for the memes.

    I definitely get tilted when I get robbed by the servers, bugs, etc. Not so much at what the other side does, but more that it's too easy to be unprepared. Full meta is complete overkill in 99% of my killer games, but I hate losing games that I don't have to lose. That's what tilts me. I either 4k at 3 or 4 gens 99 out of 100 games and kill everyone's fun or lose games I shouldn't lose because I'm trying to be a good sport.

    I buy cosmetics.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    well i think i can say im a bitchy player

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404

    I play both sides equally. I never bm, but i play often without mercy. I have one survivor p3 all perks and all killer with all perks. I have only my first killer (Billy, Hag), licensed ones and new killer (after deathslinger) p3. I dont buy cosmetics with auric cells and get rarely tilted. When im tilted it lasts only at max 5min after the game. When i started it was way worse.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited May 2021

    I play both, going between survivor and killer based on my mood/ goals. Said goal is primarily earning as many bloodpoints in games as I can. I consider it a point of pride when I'm top scoring survivor despite dying, especially if others made it out. I'm not concerned with prestiging, though I may do it for at least my main(s) down the line. I've been more focused on getting things unlocked. I'm solid if/ when cross progression hits and in good shape even if it doesn't since I have every current killer perk unlocked.

    I try to be a good sport. I don't go out of my way to antagonize the killer and, if me and my team roflstomp them, I'm usually fine letting them have the kill on me so they come away with one kill and a few more bloodpoints. I'll make an exception if the Killer is a tunneler, as that's the one thing I hate running into.

    As killer, I avoid going out of my way to tunnel because, again, it's something I hate encountering as survivor. Furthest I'll go is slug off hook if given the opportunity, but not re-hook. This is to both to avoid DS and to allow a chance for a pickup. Way I figure it, if they have borrowed time they're forced to stop and mend. If they don't they're forced to Unbreakable or rely on a teammate leaving an objective for pickup. Pressures survivors either way.

    I'm fine letting Survivors go. I don't go out of my way to farm (unless someone D/Cs out the gate) but once I have whatever I want in a game (ritual, rift challenge, bbq stacks, 2 hooks on everyone, etc) I'll mess around a bit more to max out points. Especially if there's Bloody Party Steamers or cakes in play.

    In fact I regularly play killer during bloodhunts precisely because that seems to bring out the sweatier killers, and I figure people will enjoy at least one more chill game among whatever else they're getting.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674
    edited May 2021
    1. Survivor Main but i also like to play Killer when i'm in the mood.
    2. Yes, until i encounter the usual disrespect like Killers nodding, hitting on hook, Survivor tbagging etc.
    3. Yes i am working towards that on Survivor side at least. I have 5 Survivors maxed currently and everyone P3-50 except Ash
    4. It can happen after a streak of really bad games.
    5. Yes i buy cosmetics. I personally have a lot of fun mixing and matching. Plus it does help prevent the game from getting stale in a way imo.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,021

    I play both Killer and Survivor. While I love Killer the most, I think I wind up playing Survivor the most with friends or communities I am in.

    Definitely like to be a good sport and have a fun trial regardless of which side I am playing. Especially as killer if I feel one or two survivors might be new to the game, I'll ease it back and let them practice skill checks. And sometimes I've had survivor matches where I could tell Killers were learning powers, I'd stay for a bit and let em practice at the end of the match.

    I have maxed out many characters and prestiged a few, but I primarily focus on getting teachables and most-wanted perks and add-ons, primarily.

    I can sometimes get upset when playing (true for a lot of online multiplayer games I enjoy), but not too badly; often getting up for a few minutes and getting some air, or playing with friends, will alleviate it.

    And I have purchased many cosmetics, as well as the Rift Passes... Krampus skin for Trapper is my #1, I love Krampus so heckin much lol Favorite Survivor cosmetic is Jeff's Holiday Sweater... I need it in real life, and I don't care its too hot here to wear it lol