Why does Tinkerer cause Undetectable?

I'm not mad, I just don't know why
Cause it would be a very bad perk otherwise.
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It already is a bad perk on everyone except Blight
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Really any high mobility killer can make good use of it, though blight is definitely one of the best.
I like running it on ghostface so I can trigger undetectable more often than just with my power. Also it confuses survivors and they mess up trying to stare at you to break you out of your power.
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Ehh, it's pretty damn solid on Bubba and PH. You'll most likely have time to make it to the gen when it's at 70% without high mobility.
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A tinker is somebody who is fond of, and shows some ingenuity towards inventing things.
Gnomes are often tinkerers by trade.
Gnomes can also be pretty sneaky, as shown by Chompski.
Therefore it is only common sense that Tinkerer remove your terror radius and make you as silent as a gnome.
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the gens are tinkered to the point where its impossible to hear a killer once all the pistons are running.
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tough words mister dwight.
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try it on oni.
OF COURSE! It was so obvious!!!
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? Since when? Billy, Bubba, Freddy, Nurse, Oni can all make great use of tinkerer
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I've been finding some solid success with Tinkerer on Deathslinger. Obviously I can't get across the map to defend gens almost finished, but it does make it very easy to keep control of a small area with Surge.
Not sure why someone would think Blight is the only good user of it. Plague can snowball pretty hard with it too, especially if she has Corrupt Purge.
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Spirit, Nurse, Pyramid Head, Bubba, Hillbilly etc
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If it didn't have Undetectable, noone would use it
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Well I think that Tinkerer is a device the killer paced within the generator. Once you trigger the device the killer gets his notice and the generator makes enough noise and distraction to mask the killer. At the same time the killer starts acting more stealthy to capitalise on the disctraction provided by the generator, resulting in the Tinkerer effect.
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Tinkerer is great on any killer that has any ability for traversing the map faster than normal, and it's still above average for the rest of the killers that don't.
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The idea is, "Hey, the gen is about to pop! Sneak up on them and stop them!" So it gives Undetectable to allow it.
Also, it gives something to scale for perk tiers.
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I don't know but it should be nerfed honestly. Either some kind of cooldown or reduce the amount of time Tinkerer stays active. It sucks but some Killers just make it way too oppressive (Blight) and some of these same Killers can't really be changed without ruining them so I'd rather the Perk get some changes.
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Devs thought it would be fun to screw you over when you're about to fix a gen and out of nowhere Bubba chops you to bits.
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I would beg to Differ. I love this perk on Demo, Billy, Nurse, Spirit, and Even Freddy!!. The perk is overall meta imo. I see alot of killers using this perk because of good it is. Pair it with ruin or pop and Discordance and you have yourself a pretty strong build.
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Thats only if you are not paying attention or you are on a map with walls. lol All i know is once i realize the killer has it i am super cautious. Even before i realize lol. And tbf I always run spine chill. That and dead hard are staples in my build. If i am playing with friends or have a challenge for safe unhooks i run BT but usually mix 2 perks with the staples. Spinechill is and always has been SUPER under rated because of how all the potatoes use the perk.
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To be fair that is pretty fun.
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It's supposed to help you sneak up on them so you can get a down or a grab. I'd really prefer it if it didn't, since the terror radius is an effective way of placing pressure, but it's really just meant for you to get a grab or catch them off guard.
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Originally it effected some killer's powers making them faster. Some killers, at the time it allowed Huntress, Hillbilly, and Leatherface to use their power faster. You can see how niche it was. I actually much prefer this current version, plus it seemed to affect a lot of killers. More mobility killers get the most bang for their buck, but it's still good on anyone. Jump scare Leatherface is my favorite build and it uses Tinkerer. Heck, if you want to sacrifice a gen, you can go somewhere else to cause the most destruction.
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What do you mean why? So killers can sneak up on unsuspecting survivors. Why does any perk do anything?