Which killer/s has the best menu music theme?

Hillbilly, Legion, Demo, Pyramid Head, Blight, and Trickster's are all good but I think Blight has the best one personally.
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Cool. Blights menu music is another good one 🤔 totally forgot about him
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Slinger or clown
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Blight or Trickster.
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For me, it's Pyramid Head. It has something unique that I can't put my finger on.
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Hillbilly, Oni, and Blight
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Nice one
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Clowns menu music is annoying imo. Slingers is alright
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hillbilly and doctor i really love, they both just fit the killers so well
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Definitely between Demogorgon and Blight.
Demo has the synth 80's nostalgic feel that is also unnerving.
Blight sounds grandly orchestral that swells into a crescendo of the unnatural state that he is in
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Pyramid Head and Trickster have my favorite menu themes.
Hillbilly's menu theme is by far my least favorite. I'd swap it back to the default theme if I was allowed to.
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Blight does, but it doesn't even fit him. It's more suitable for killers with posh movement like spirit, plague or nurse.
They even gave him a fancy suit.
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Pyramid Head, Blight, and Clown.
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PTB Trickster
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That one has to go to Trickster.
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Clown and Pyramid Head!
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Hiwwbiwwy Aw Demowgawgawn
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Blight and Clown.
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Demogorgon, PH and Trickster
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I've never played the Silent Hill series, but I love the DBD theme for Pyramid Head.
It's just so calming and relaxing. I wish it played this music in-game while out of chase.
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Don't know that one
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Haven't played the SH series too.
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I'd say more suited to Nurse... Plague not really
Post edited by ZonkyWizard on0 -
Blight's theme is really sad. I love Trickster's tho, stands out so damn well. PH also has a good one, it's awesome. I love how they added the leitmotif from the Silent Hill soundtrack. Makes it sound sad and terrifying at the same time.
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Pyramid Head.
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Legion, for sure!
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Banger tier:
-Silent Hill
-Stranger Things
-Descend Beyond
-Chains of Hate
(Honorable mention to A Binding of Kin)
Lesser than banger tier:
-Everything else
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Pyramid head by far!
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Whoa someone likes ghosties? Nice
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Pyramid Head, Blight, Twins. If i had to choose one? Blight.
Best chase music is deathslinger by far tho
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Demogorgon and Legion's Menu music were definitely my favorites...but I also loved Clown as it remind me of being back at all my favorite carnival-themed Halloween haunts of years past.
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When I first heard it I thought about nurse right away, I hope they give her a unique chase music too. Something dramatic.
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Nice to see someone who enjoys plagues menu music theme
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Is it weird that I like blights chase music more than his menu music theme?
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Demo FTW
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I like the OG one. So essentially wraith, trapper, huntress nurse, hag.
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PTB pyramid head.
Honorable mention to Ghostfaces menu music.
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I actually don't like doctor or hillbilly menu music. Doctor's laugh and hillbilly's moaning is annoying.
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Twins menu music is great. Good to see someone who likes it
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Post edited by ZonkyWizard on0 -
I haven't listened to all of them closely, but just from my experience I always fun my self jamming to Hillbilly's music.
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For me the most iconic is the clown's because that's the first menu theme I heard playing this game. But now my favorite has to be spirit, I love the light flute and the eerie atmosphere it gives.
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Not a big fan of Spirits menu music theme but alright
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Pyramid Head has the best by far.