Rework DS
It’s severely situational on survivors and It’s still can be abused on killers, both parties aren’t happy.
Perhaps make it only activatable in a chase so outside of a chase it deactivates (i.e. carelessly fixing generator as killer is approaching, entering locker, etc.) and maybe get rid of the current actions that deactivates DS, with perhaps a bit increase of timer and maybe longer stun duration if you got chased right after you got unhooked? This perk is a mix of absence and abuse at the same time, it needs a change.
How would you rework DS?
thanks for reading.
This isn't very balanced. First of all, you can't do a gen with DS anymore, and second of all, getting into a locker is fine, because they still can't progress the game like they could before. You can leave and then come back, or just eat the DS and tunnel them later. I think that new DS is fine.
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I disagree, when a survivor enters a locker, they’re completely invincible for 60s, there’s literally no counterplay whatsoever, it’s bad and it needs to change. At the same time, survivors aren’t using it anymore (and the numbers are still dropping) as it’s ridiculously situational, I think it’s time to give DS a final rework as it desperately needs it right now.
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Yes, but since they aren't progressing the game, it's fine. Survivors aren't using it because it isn't abusable anymore.
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The chase mechanic isn’t solid enough for this to work IMO. Some killers (e.g. Ghostface) can easily force the chase to drop while following you, which would make it useless.
Personally I’d allow it to be used twice. If the killer tunnels you off your first hook they’ll probably do the same for your second. And I would make it deactivate if you open the exit gates so it’s not as strong in end game.
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DS is fine where it is, I don't think it needs a rework. But if I would rework DS, I would make it so that DS wouldn't be deactivated if you Unhook or heal yourself if you're in a chase. But if you're outside a chase, it would be like the current DS.
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Only thing DS needs in my opinion is to activate in both hook states. Tunneling is tunneling, a survivor DSing the killer shouldn't mean the killer is now free to tunnel the survivor without any other punishment. People can't progress the game while having DS active anyways, in it's current state it's just too weak to prevent tunneling.
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I second this