Give me your best Legion, Huntress, Spirit, and Twins perk builds!

papichulo Member Posts: 271



  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Legion: BBQ, Monitor, Bamboozle, and Corrupt.

    Huntress: BBQ, Shadowborn, Corrupt, and Pop.

    Spirit: BBQ, Strider, Corrupt, and Monitor.

    Twins: BBQ, Corrupt, Pop, and Dying Light.

    These are just what I use. There are probably better builds, but these are pretty good.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    Stacking slowdowns is the strongest build for any killer. You really don't need to run slowdowns if you're a decent killer, but it's up to you. I'll give some perks which syngergize well with each killer though.

    Legion: Thanataphobia/Discordance

    Huntress: BBQ/Iron Maiden/Whispers/Nurses Calling/Bitter Murmer

    Spirit: Stridor

    Twins: I'm not gonna encourage you to play twins >:(

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Legion: Discordance, Ruin, Pop.

    The last is a toss up depending on what you want. Generally I'll throw in BBQ for a bit of extra intel and BP, since Legion can very easily max out BP by the end of the match. Thanataphobia is not a bad pick, though it's mostly there to try and get Survivors to heal and allow more use out of Legions power. Healing also creates a bit of slowdown. The issue is that "DON'T HEAL" is basically stamped into the head of every Survivor when playing against Legion, so most Survivors at purple and red ranks will ignore the Thana slowdown and power through it in order to deny Legions power. Thrilling Tremors is a good pick as well, since it's one of the better Intel perks in the game. Disco is great until Survivors split up, and Disco on Legion is basically a two-fold excuse to split up and never stack on a gen, so TT will possibly net you far more mileage. M&A works decently on Legion as well, so it can be taken as the last slot or used as a replacement for Ruin if you don't mind kicking gens from the start of the trial, though you will most likely be using it mostly when there are 3 or less gens remaining. The first two gens should be spent getting hooks and applying as much pressure as you can, as well as clearing the high traffic areas of resources by baiting out pallet drops.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Twins: BBQ, Ruin, Thanatophobia, Undying/Pop.

    BBQ is BBQ. Ruin is the Twins' best slowdown perk because it synergises with their map pressure and Victor's speed, and you rarely get the chance to kick gens with slow Charlotte. Thana is amazing on Twins because you'll be spreading injuries a lot with Victor and keeping people injured is very beneficial for the Twins. Plus, when someone kidnaps Victor, that's a minimum of 1 permanent Thana stack, even more when you injure others. Undying or Pop is personal preference - I prefer Pop though as i don't think Undying is particularly good, as the second totem is normally cleansed 20 seconds after the first.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


    Barbecue & Chilli, Dying Light, Devour Hope, Thanatophobia or Sloppy Butcher


    Discordance, Dying Light, Save the Best for Last or Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Twins: Whispers, Corrupt Intervention, BBQ, Sloppy Butcher

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Legion: Thanatophobia, Sloppy, BBQ, and Ruin

    Spirit: Ruin, Undying, Surveillance, and Stridor.

    Huntress: Corrupt, Iron Maiden, Nurses, and I'm all ears.

    Twins: I have no idea...

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Legion: Surge, Thana, Pop, Blood Echoes (Or Thrilling Tremors)

    I wouldn't recommend Corrupt on Legion. It causes survivors to spread out in the beginning of the match. It is definitely usable though.

    Spirit: Sloppy, Unrelenting, STBFL, Mindbreaker

    Twins: Ruin, Whispers, Pop, Sloppy

    Huntress: (I don't play Huntress much but whatever) Corrupt, Iron Maiden, BBQ, Pop

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    Twins: Corrupt/BBQ/Ruin/Undying

    Undying is garbage now but Ruin/Undying gets defaulted because ideally you're in Victor 90% of the time and Pop just feels very clunky with that. It forces you to waste a lot more time on Charlotte than you want to. Saving the kick time also ups your map pressure a lot on a killer that already excels in high map pressure. Stack that with Corrupt to amp the early pressure even harder. Most my rank 1 matches are 4k's at 4 or 5 gens still up.

    BBQ I generally don't run on most killers but it works really well on Twins. Victor has so much speed that it can guarentee you a continued snowball since typically by the time you are hooking in the first place you've already got at least one other slugged and the rest injured.

    I personally think Corrupt is highly overrated and not even that great but it gets defaulted as well since it's the only early slow down we have and works better with Twins than most since she can guard a few gens better than most.

    While Sloppy sounds good on paper with their slugging, you are realistically hitting very few people with the Twins making this not very good.

    People also like Thanata but it's honestly trash. It really is doing very little, the numbers are just too low.

    Discordance is a decent perk on her if you like it. You'd basically be taking a slightly weaker early game in losing Corrupt for a more consistent strength all game. I lean towards Corrupt because for most matches there is no late game with how much early pressure you do.

  • AgentPug
    AgentPug Member Posts: 37

    If you want to use a really annoying legion build I would recommend Ruin, Undying, Thana, and Dying light.

    Undying could also be replaced with surge.

    This build has given me very consistent wins on legion but I doubt its very fun to go against when it works to its full potential.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    IRON MAIDEN!!! Thank you. I had actually forgotten my fourth perk on Huntress and put pop in as a filler. Iron maiden is the fourth perk in my huntress build, so thank you.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    Spirit I run BBQ, Ruin, Undying, Stridor. Lots of fun. Looking at dropping one of those for Tinkerer after I level my Billy. Salty Survivors, here we come!!

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    I don't need any slowdown besides corrupt for legion. It creates boring games, and I prefer to just get everyone injured and slug at 5 gens. That's why I never lose as legion.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Not a story, just my playstyle. I'm just saying that builds completely revolving around slowdown aren't necessary to win as legion.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Legion: Ruin, Undying, Dying Light, Thana

    Huntress: Corrupt, BBQ, Pop, Whispers/Iron Maiden

    Spirit: Stridor, Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer

    Twins: Monstrous Shrine, Insidious, Beast of Prey, Overwhelming Presence

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Replace Whispers with Deerstalker and you have my go-to Twins build. Everything you need to slug survivors.

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    Legion is one of my favorite killers at the moment, this is what I have been using:

    1. BBQ & Chili
    2. Thanataphobia
    3. Surge
    4. Infectious Fright

    I use BBQ on every killer and WGLF on every survivor because the grind in this game is horrendous, but the aura reading can let you know which gens are being worked on.

    Thana, Surge, and Infectious Fright all serve the same general purpose; punish survivors for staying injured.

    If the survivors stay injured all game, they repair generators 20% slower. If they do decide to start group healing, you can instantly undo it with Feral Frenzy and also make them waste time mending.

    The small amount of progress they do make can then be regressed by Surge. I prefer Surge because you don't need to waste time kicking generators (like PGTW) and its effects can't be cleansed (like Ruin).

    Infectious Fright is a good perk on all killers, but it works best on killers who can one-shot survivors to snowball pressure. If the survivors refuse to heal and only focus gens, Legion becomes exactly that. IF is amazing if you are ever in a tight spot and need some emergency pressure.

    Legion isn't an add-on dependent killer so I just throw on whatever. Like right now I have 2 common add-ons, the smiley face pin that somehow makes people blind and the piece of paper that somehow gives you more endurance.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Twins: SLOPPY. Sloppy is just hands down the most important perk. Deerstalker is a nice QOL to find slugs that you downed with victor, Crowd control can stop them from spam vaulting windows vs victor. Any chase perks to help you get the first hit with Charlotte. Obviously slowdown and like BBQ or discordance if you want. Franklins is also decent on twins to get rid of medkits. Maybe like nurses too just really anything to interrupt/slow heals, some slowdown if you want otherwise either bring a perk to help with victor chases(isnt really needed considering how strong he is in loops) , info perks and a perk to get the first hit with charlotte. I dont really run just 1 build but something like sloppy, corrupt, BBQ and crowd control works pretty nicely. Also yes I am a dumb hypocrite for saying I hate crowd control I just didnt realise the value on twins when I made that post.

  • gentacle
    gentacle Member Posts: 260

    My usual twins build is BBQ/Thana/Corrupt/Whatever. Corrupt's been touched upon earlier. Thana's numbers suck but it's the only perk in the game that basically lets Victor affect slowdown as you want to be off Charlotte as much as possible. I would like to like Dying Light but giving someone the ability to heal injured states even faster destroys what you want to do as Twins because you always want to leave the slugging snowball option available.

    I like Sloppy/Mindbreaker/Agitation as a fourth perk slot because hex rng has never been on my side. Sloppy for the rare and elusive Charlotte m1, Mindbreaker because it makes hitting survivors easier off a gen and just slows down the rate people get dead hard back, and Agitation just because it feels good being able to reach a hook from wherever.

    Some out of left field options are Deathbound and Monitor and Abuse. M&A is great for intel and getting in more hits with Charlotte. I haven't unlocked it yet but I believe Deathbound is based on Charlotte's position so it's a great information perk for Victor and trying to interrupt a healing reset.

    If I didn't use Thana, I'd probably use BBQ/Corr/Sloppy/M&A because it really gets those Charlotte M1s to help out with a Victor snowball.

  • Animal_Mother
    Animal_Mother Member Posts: 149

    Yeah, not buying it. If you run no gen regression perks on legion and never ever lose a game, then you are playing potato survivors.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Oh 100%. Most survivors are potatoes, and even though I'm rank 1, I haven't gotten a skilled team in months. It's quite sad, really.

    And I never said that I don't run slowdown. I said I don't run an entire build revolving around it. I run corrupt, and that's all I need.

  • Animal_Mother
    Animal_Mother Member Posts: 149

    You must either play at odd hours or be the most skilled killer in the world. You should start a Youtube channel. You'll be bigger than Otzdarva and Dowsey combined.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730
    edited May 2021

    Excuse me what? Can I have some of what you're smoking?

    😂 I'm definitely not more skilled than Otz with legion. Dowsey...maybe. Idk bc I haven't seen him play them. I've seen like one Dowsey twins video and that's it.

    Although, you can't really be GOOD at Legion. They don't have a specific skill cap to learn. I'm just good with M1 killers, and everyone I go against is bad.

    Maybe it's just Easy coast(I think. I've never really known where they switch)NA servers. I can never find anyone good. And I define good as worse than me, but still competent, as well as better than me. I literally play against straight up idiots.

    For reference, watch this. This is the survivors that I get, ever since PH released.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Legion: bbq (optional) or surveillance, discordance, pop, surge, sloppy.

    Twins: I hate them I don't want them anymore.

    Huntress: my build is corrupt, bbq, iron maiden and bitter murmur but you can use the classic whispers, bbq, nurse's calling, ruin/ corrupt.

    Spirit: I use the same as legion, you can use stridor but you are going to be hated by the community if you do so.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Legion: Thana, Pop, Corrupt and Discordance.

    BBQ will lose you a lot of games because it's not very useful on them.

    Sloppy/Nurses is a waste of perk slot. Good survivors don't heal and you don't need these perks against bad survivors. Use mangle add-on if you want instead of sloppy

    Thana is a great perk. 20% speed debuff is easily maintainable and gives you 80/0.8 = 100 sec on a generator for survivors. 20s more for solo susrivor. And they will always be solo because otherwise you'll see them with discordance. Pop Now destroys 25s instead of 20s of progress. Corrupt is needed for survivors to group up so you can make them all injured and then real game starts

    Surge is also not a bad choice if you hate pop for some reason