Flawed matchmaking

Im a rank 12 killer and every time i load into a game i end up getting destroyed by teams that have 3 red rank players and then a single green rank. How is that fair! What makes it worse is that i am then tea bagged at the exit gate because im 'trash' like no its because all 3 of you are red rank vs a green rank. Needs sorting out asap,
Yea it can be very frustrating when you get a run of being matched with people who have way more experience. Just try and keep chill, maybe take a break from the game for a little bit.
I also know how irritating some players can be, gloating is very common as you match lower ranks. Nothing really to be done about it, if you are gonna reply it's best to flip it with some sarcastic comment rather than playing into their desire to make you salty.
Basically they are ######### and don't seem to realise that by pissing off killers by gloating and insulting they are increasing the chances of things they don't like; face-camping, true tunneling, longer wait times etc.