Teacher killer ??

JynxCreates Member Posts: 9
edited May 2021 in Creations

So yknow how there was originally gonna be some sort of teacher themed killer? I was thinking abt that and i came up with a sorta cool power

They would be kinda like pyramid head, as in inflicting some sort of status onto survivors and then being able to 'hook' them based on that status. But instead of the status being inflicted due to running into something (like ph's trails), the status would be inflicted passively based on skill checks. The status would just be a grade (A,B,C,D,F) above the player's name, and it would work somewhat like this:

Great skill checks=+1 point to the grade

Good Skill Checks=-0.5 points to the grade

failed/missed skill checks=-1 point on grade.

The only skill checks that would count are those of skillful actions (Gens, Healing, etc), meaning perk skill checks like DS or overcharge wouldn't count toward the grade.

If a survivor got downed and had a grade below an A or a B (i cant decide) the teacher could 'send them to school' where the survivor is teleported somewhere across the map outside of 32 meters of the teacher, where they would sit in a desk and complete skill checks for 1 minute max (without addons). Survivors can be saved from class, with the 'ditch class option' upon nearing a schooled teammate, but if they are not saved they will automatically be released. Going to school raises a survivor's grade to an A (just to avoid constant schooling). School counts as one hook stage.

Along with school, the teacher will spawn a desk in the center of the map, or as close as it can get. Apple will also spawn randomly around the map that survivors can pick up and place on the desk to up their grade by 1 point. Apples count as items but cannot be brought out of a trial, meaning that you cant hold any other item while holding an apple but bringing an apple through the exit gates/hatch grants you nothing.

The teacher would presumably wield a ruler blade (according to a power image in the game files), but i am unsure about perks atm

Does this seem like it would be cool?? Or would this suck?? Please give me feedback?? Thank you for your time!!

Also note- My art skills are not very good i know this but plz dont rip on how bad this looks lmao, i was pretty lazy doing coloring and stuff since im tired. Thank you for your time!!! <33


  • JynxCreates
    JynxCreates Member Posts: 9

    Also dont mind my awful typing habits <3 <3

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    This is a pretty cool idea I'd be cool with this. But I suck as skill checks so this would be my worst nemesis. Maybe have some perks that make skill-checks harder and it just seems like she should have an extra power that may be just me but she's just an m1 killer with a different hook maybe something extra for her.

    Also the design is pretty cool. Maybe the finished design could be like a 50's style teacher thats all dried up with the bloodshot eyes and everything else you have. Almost mummified if you catch my drift.

  • JynxCreates
    JynxCreates Member Posts: 9

    I get what youre saying about just being an M1 kinda gal, and i was thinking along the lines of some sort of ranged attack with a meter stick? those baddies can be real long (ive seen a like 3 meter long one before it was freaky) and she could smack someone with it. Or maybe a beating stick? i was trying to go for a more oldies styled teacher and back then it was completely okay to give bad students beatings.

    And ty!! I totes agree, depending on her lore i was going to do one of the following:

    -she just went insane and beat her students to death (more human, just looks insane kinda vibe)

    -some incident happened like a fire and she went cray cray (crispy like freddy and insane like doctor)

    -some incident happened and she bargained with the entity to save her students (Crispy corpsey but not as insane, just entity inflicted insanity)

    also depending on that kinda stuff, whether she willingly kills or it's just a deal, shed either just look crazy or have physical injuries such as trapper to make her cooperate ! Thank you so much for the input !! <3

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    The meter stick thing could be cool. Like just a longer M1 attack almost or do I have that wrong. Either way I get what you mean and imo I really like the insanity concept. In the 50's there were a lot of superstitions maybe one of those could be implemented into her lore, Maybe something like this " (teacher name here) got fed up with her students acting out and not following orders no matter how many beating she gave them so one day she went to far and killed the child (not sure how she does it) the kids stopped acting up so even though the first was an accident the many that followed weren't. And she was eventually found out by the parents and they burned her at the stake for supposed demonic possession" but then again just spitballin' what do you think

  • JynxCreates
    JynxCreates Member Posts: 9

    Oh and also for perks!! I like the idea, and maybe i could do something along these lines:

    -surge but instead of regression, the survivor(s) currently working on it or the ones that touch it later have to complete a difficult skill check (like overcharge)

    -something like huntress lullaby and unnerving where the more tokens the perk gets the harder skill checks get when in the teacher's terror radius, possibly either making it a hex or making it so the teacher can lose tokens some other way

    -whenever a survivor fails a skill check, they lose 1/3/5% more progress than usual and when you kick gens they regress 1/3/5% quicker

    -Skill checks when healing another survivor are harder/more punishing than healing yourself

    -Everytime you hook a different survivor, gain a token (up to 4). Each token makes skill checks 1/2/3% harder and grants you 25% more bp at the end of your trial

    Other ideas are just concepts, like group punishment, more successful to work alone on things, and maybe the teacher just getting more pissed as the gens pop (like fire up)

  • JynxCreates
    JynxCreates Member Posts: 9

    That sounds rad!! I def have to look into those superstitions, but i love that idea!! Shes like freddy but not a gross crusty pedo!!!!! So the original freddy!!!!

    I could also add stuff like "the class clown was being a dumb and got killed" maybe she could have like one class favorite (the nerd kid ofc, which could also be the survivor in her potential chapter??) that she never hurt but then that kid ended up telling all the people in town.

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    You have something here bud go chase it and get back with you're final decision I wanna see how far you take this

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    Oh yeah the kid could be the survivor or maybe his descendant since we're talking 50's here. Maybe a tag line of hers could be "The teacher isn't angry she's just disappointed and she wants you to know that"

  • JynxCreates
    JynxCreates Member Posts: 9

    oh boy 3d software here i come!

    and that is how you get a really angry 3d model of a blob