Insulting someone by calling them a tryhard makes no sense

I mean, both sides are trying their hardest to win, are they not supposed to? Like, calling someone a tryhard is just letting them know that you are frustratingly good.
It’s a tactic to demotivate other players. That’s the only sense I can make from it.
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To quote an interaction I had yesterday.
"Gg :D"
"Trash tunneling ######### tryhard."
"Yeah, I tried to win. Didn't you?"
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I still think of something more specific than simply someone trying to win whenever I see the term. You know, that player. The one that combines trying to win with going nuclear when they lose, a complete inability to admit they made mistakes, and classic hypocritical scrub behavior like getting mad at their opponent(s) for "tryharding" just like they're doing.
But I'm well aware that most of the time that's not what people mean when they say it, it's just a form of "stop playing in a way I dislike" like all the others. Guess it's because the word at least used to be used for that kinda player in the games where I first heard it mentioned and it stuck with me 😄
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I don't get the meaning of that so-called insult either. I've always taken it as a compliment. I've even responded, a little tongue in cheek, "have you considered actually trying hard too?" I try to resist that because it isn't really abiding by my code of being humble in victory and gracious in defeat. All of those terms (tryhard, sweaty, etc.) are cut from the same cloth and have never made any sense.
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Nothing wrong with playing to win.
We can still make fun of people who play like their families are being held hostage and the only way to free them is to win though, right?
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If you want to? It isn't really making fun of the Players doing that, but rather of yourself, i.e. stating that you aren't trying. It begs the question of why you aren't trying hard, why you are even there.
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Some people want to play more chill. So to some it appears like they are overdoing it in their playstyle.
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There is a difference between being good and being a tryhard. I know it might sound crazy but some people play for fun so they don't like it when they are playing against someone who plays like their life depends on it.
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Look at you, making a thread trying to unwrap a compliment made to look like an insult.
I'm offended to the lengths you go to speak common sense, friggin' try-hard.
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Unrelated: Congrats on 6,000 posts, Pulsar!
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Thanks <3
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It reminds me a bit of when I was at Junior School, and when someone was beaten in a race or test they say: "Yeah, well I wasn't really trying anyway. I'd beat you if I wanted to!"
Mostly, it says more about the person declaring it; that they're just sore that they weren't any good, and heavens forbid they'd admit there's anything they need to change!
Also reminds me of what I overheard my neighbours saying a couple of days back. The father was saying to his son he needed to go to school, and the son replied: "Why? I already know everything I need to know in life". He's probably one of them.
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Tryhard is genrally meant to be used as a way of saying your going way over the top for little to no results. Its like shooting a worm with a cannon you can do it but by no means was it necessary.
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That is fine for THEM. They can play as chill and low effort as they like. But that doesn't give them a permit to make fun of people ACTUALLY trying to give full effort.
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^ This.
I don't call players tryhards. Well, I don't talk to other players at all, but even if I did. I get it, there are players for whom winning is the goal. But there are other players who are more casual or outright memeing, and it's not either side's fault that the other is playing on a different level, that's on matchmaking.
Half the time I play killer like a blind, deaf slug, and I'll go against survivors where that playstyle is fine and we get some chases and have some fun, but then I have other matches where all the gens are done before I've finished a single chase and hooked anyone, and I get the majority of my points from opening the exit gate without ever even seeing two or three of the survivors. In those cases our playstyles didn't mesh because they were intent on winning not knowing (or not interested in slowing down a predetermined match) that they had a guaranteed 4e from the start. They're decked out with meta perks, offerings, items, and add-ons while I brought like two perks and nothing else, but the survivors didn't know that. The game doesn't tell them beforehand that hey, you're bringing a WMD to a Nerf-gun fight. [[shrugs]] If they were going against another player trying to win, then that amount of effort would've been necessary; it just so happened they went against me, instead.
In short, I think players looking like "tryhards" is more on matchmaking than on anyone's playstyle.
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On the other side of the coin, not playing to win and then complaining about losing afterwards is a little backwards too.
(I am guilty of this, as I only solo queue and I don't run meta builds or bring any items or addons beyond the occasional brown/yellow.)
This is why I think certain perks should be shown on the HUD. They aren't meta or expected or well-known or often used, but I have no way to tell my teammates I'm using them, which adds to why they aren't used as often (outside of SWF).
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If you are playing spirit you aren't really trying that hard lol
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- But that doesn't give them a permit to make fun of people ACTUALLY trying to give full effort.
They don't need a permit to do it, you know that right? Speech is not restricted by loisences. And I don't follow, you don't get to say "Ha! Tryhard is such a stupid word! you're not insulting me you're complimenting me!!!" and then throw a tantrum when you get called tryhard.
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Yup. Got called sweaty for playing Stridor Spirit even though it was a breeze. What really had me sweating was a match as Demo. Abandoned the chase with a god looper and tried looking for other survivors, but they were super immersed while gens kept flying.
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smh you sweaty tryhard posting 4k times on the forums.
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What if playing as best they can is how they have fun? What if intentionally holding back is not fun for them?
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Good for them but I doubt it. People who play to win only have fun when they win. Which means there is no room for laughs in the meantime and if they lose, what do they do? jump off a bridge?
Nobody told tryhards to stop being tryhards, people just comment about it in disgust because you ruined their fun or whatever. Crying camper or gen rusher sure as hell doesn't stop anyoen from doing it, so why would tryhard be different?
Sometimes people just look for an explanation as to why someone tryhards though, like, if I see a SWF sending me to haddonfield with 4 balanced landing popping gens in seconds and using a key to escape I do wonder "why?".
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What do you mean "I doubt it?" That is a thing. I have the most fun when I am pushing myself to play my best, even if I am nowhere near the best.
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Nice comeback sir 👏
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No, there isn't. This is a very silly statement. How do you think people GET good? Do you think it is by giving minimal effort? :)
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In point of fact, you do not have free speech here. This is a private Forum with specific rules you agree to when you sign in. :) And it happens that shaming and trying to grief other players is against the rules. It is bad sportsmanship already, which tells us all we need to know about you.
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I take it as a compliment, because everyone who says that is so bad I don't have to try at ALL to win.
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Gonna steal that comment lol