the trickster still weak. console

I bought this killer and I am disappointed, it is still too weak on console, its power is not powerful enough, it would be necessary to change its speed and improve the aim on console thank you
Ps: thank you for the Blight, he is so strong now on console, thank you very much.
Trickster is weak on any platform.
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Lmfao console doesn't make killers weaker.
In fact, low sensitivity is better for him.
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I'd like to see you attempt to control his recoil with a controller.
And yes, Console does affect a Killer's power, hence why Nurse and Blight were consistently NEVER played.
######### like this happens constantly
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I'm a nurse main on console, and I got adept blight the day he came out.
His recoil isn't hard to deal with if you know how to exploit it. Just tap the button instead of holding it, and you get basically no recoil.
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This looks like 50% sensitivity. It should be on 100% AT ALL TIMES. That's just a prerequisite for console killer.
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And for proof that nurse isn't weaker on console, here. It also has Trickster, but this was only my 5th game with him, so I sucked at him then.
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It's 100%.
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How do you deal with the constant freezing, frame drops and ect?
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I wonder if the devs will mention console optimisation in the anniversary stream, we really need it 😔
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I haven't seen a Nurse in over a year.
What platform are you on?
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I hope so.
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Then your controller is broken, or you weren't moving it at the speed I'm used to.
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I have never in my life experienced freezing, and frame drops do happen, but they're inconsistent and rare. Of course, this is anecdotal, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
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PS5 whenever my family isn't using it, which is basically never.
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I hated him on release. Took a DBD break and got Adept after a few matches on the evening I returned. Was totally unexpected.
Since then I have managed to get a few more mercilesses...but you're correct: he sucks.
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We should prolly lend you one of our Xbox1x machines and let you experiment some. I'd personally love to witness Doc or Freddy within Lery's middle room for starters...
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Oh I do hope so
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Xbox sucks in general. I've played this game on the new one and it was worse than the PS4 version. Thought the clip was from PS4 😂
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This game might not be built to handle Xbox one/S hardware. Because I played this game on my ps4 pro and never had lag issues like pulsar has had.
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Yeah. Xbox One s was the first time I experienced really awful lag and freezing.
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PC has recoil too. It's just when we hold M1 he has recoil so we tap M1 instead and it massively reduces the recoil. I think maybe if you tap R2 for ps4 or whatever button you use to throw knifes on Xbox it could reduce the recoil, maybe you should try tapping. I know we are used to just holding R2 when playing shooters on console and they don't suffer from recoil, but this guy does.
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That’s so strange.
I wasn’t aware that there was a stark difference between microstutters and game freezes between PS4 and Xbox.
But yeah, playing any killer on Xbox that requires any semblance of aim right now is pretty tough.
The lag and stutters have been getting worse for me as of late
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It's been pretty obvious from Blight and now Trickster that the devs are barely acknowledging controllers when designing new killers.
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Yeah. The differences are HUGE. I can't even imagine thinking of that as normal.
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That's what I told him to do 😂
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Yep they seem to think pc knifes don't have recoil but it does, if we hold M1 the knifes have recoil so we tap it instead. By tapping we don't get bad recoil. Maybe tapping the knife throwing button as you said will reduce the recoil.
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And if you can't afford to do that because you need to hit a Survivor with multiple knives asap? Remember that you need 8 knives to take a health state.
PC Trickster have the advantage of being able to easily keep their aim on the Survivor even with recoil. Console players get unfairly hit by the recoil, aiming is already hard on console tbh, there doesn't need to be difficulties that pretty much only affect console players.
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You can tap really quickly and get almost the same speed. You'll hit the same amount of knives.
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I'm actually becoming sort of a trickster main on xbox, and I can say that after realizing how his power works exactly. Merciless killing is easy even against red ranks.
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Perhaps that's true(?), but you're also forgetting that aiming is objectively more harder on console. I'm also not going to be debating this "aiming is harder" bit, it's already been well-established that aiming in video games is easier on PC than console.
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Trickster is really not great on console. But i dont have time to play every killer anyway.
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I play on console. This is coming from someone who knows exactly what he's talking about. I play a lot of Trickster, and he's easier on console. You want lower sensitivity with him.
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I guess you just have a better gaming chair then me, because everytime I play Trickster I find his recoil incredibly difficult to control.
Nurse actually just makes me sick tho.
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That's why you tap it to avoid recoil.
Nurse isn't for everyone, especially if you get motion sickness.
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No #########. But console naturally has lower sensitivity.
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Ranged killers on console are always going to be harder to play. Trickster may be the worst case of this issue since you need to hit 8 times in a row.
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You might just be really good. I switched to pc from PS4 and when I tried killer on PS4 again I was like how the ######### did I ever manage to do this
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I am def above average, but still, console isn't bad by any means.
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M&K just felt extremely natural to me on killer. On survivor the opposite, had to bully myself into learning it when my controller broke
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M+K was natural to me as killer when I still had a PC because I only played nurse. My left hand doesn't really have the dexterity to allow me to move like I can on console.
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Trickster is actually really good. Use his blades on survivors in the open, not at pallets. It'll do wonders for you.
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Trickster is actually really good. Use his blades on survivors in the open, not at pallets. It'll do wonders for you.
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I also like controller left hand mouse right but since a couple of patches ago that causes massive lag and it's probably too niche for them to even notice let alone fix
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Yeah, probably.
That really sucks
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The trick is a democratic killer, he sucks on every platform.