Nurse is very inconsistent

Im really struggling to see how nurse is all that good outside of an "if", because literally everything that relates to her is inconsistent. Her blinks travel a ######### ton more than what your muscle memory tells you or less than it should, the blinks get shorter depending on wether or not the game decides to let you go through an object or larger if it actually decides to let you go through something you didnt want too.
And dont even get me started on her ######### lunge, tier 1 myers has a better lunge than whatever the hell nurse's lung3 is, and even that is inconsistent.
Are you really trying to tell that such a buggy mess with such amount of inconsistencies and such a ######### big learning curve is supossed to be better than spirit that has the same results with less effort?
Now that i got that out of my chest, any tips on how to play nurse? Because im about to create a smurf account solely for learning nurse because trying to learn a kew killer in high ranks is forbidden.
Oh I thought this was going to be a nerf nurse post.
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As a nurse main, she's not inconsistent. You just have to be good with her to know this.
Also, nurse has the longest lunge in the game.
As for tips:
Don't predict where survivors are.
Learn her muscle memory completely. You'll realize that there are very few inconsistencies with it. Those inconsistencies are called blink deadzones, and you can't blink at all in them.
Only use one blink to traverse the map.
Don't give up. Nurse is on a whole different tier than every other killer. This is only offset by the time it takes to learn her. If you have any intention of giving up, don't even bother with her.
Practice, practice, practice, leads to mastery.
Post edited by Rizzo on11 -
No its an i have been getting bullied all day long because ive been playing nurse post
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What're you talking about? She's perfectly fine.
Nothing wrong here.
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yehah the blink hit bounce off survivor bullshit hitboxes.
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Nurse is overrated. Years ago she was great. But now it's not worth to go through all the hassle to master her.
You'll get better results in mastering any other killer in a fraction of time.
This is also reflected in her kill rate.
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Well... if you learn her at high ranks, you will eventually derank to a point where you can learn. the problem is you will get full red squads all the way down to r10 thanks to the lack of killer players.
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This happens so often it isn't funny. I had this happen to me in the middle of shack.
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There is some inconsistencies patch to patch. Some blink zones can end up breaking rendering the nurse unplayable in some maps. However there isn't any other killer with the sheer potential to wipe a team as hard as a nurse. Her blinks will gain considerable consistentcy with practise. I recommend avoiding messing with add ons too much so they dont mess with the learning curve.
Finally not sure if your console or pc but avoid learning nurse on console. At least not until they implement keyboard and mouse functionality. This killer was made with a mouse and keyboard in mind. You need surgically precise tools to play nurse.
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My advice: don't try to learn Nurse if you're not willing to lose, because you will lose, a lot, until you learn how to play her.
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Both her blink range and lunge attacks are consistent. Kick off with a couple of guides, give dbd wiki a shot (f.e., the lunge thing on nurse and hag is indeed not very intuitive so you need some extra sources of info to learn that).
As a side note that's barely mentioned anywhere, keep in mind that survivor models also have collision your blink adjusts to, and some masterminds can essentially block your blink on junk tiles positioning themselves into the spot you are trying to blink to.
An okay guide for nurse:
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How hasn't this discussion been taken down yet
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I’ve tried playing as the nurse many times throughout the years, yet I still cannot get the hang of her design.
I find she’s very ineffective, with the blink function being such a total frustration to use.
Definitely my least favourite killer.
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I still get the audio bug. If i get slammed by a pallet i can hear the shockwaves of it in the next game!
knowing whether my blinks will get eaten by some {VERY BAD WORD} is annoying. But i know even the best players have their blinks eaten
I can have a game in red ranks and ruin everyone but then again i can have a green purple game and get a 2k. Its all situational
comparing her to all of the other killers i can actually agree that she is the most inconsistant killer but i actually dont mind it too much.
its fun to mess up in places where most people wouldnt. but then its fun to completely ruin them when they think your a baby
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But her hitbox when just swinging is bigger.
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I only hate the fact that they gave Nurse a normal lunge instead of her quick swing like in the old days. That took SKILL because you had to pretty much land on a survivor to hit them. Now you just have to be in the ballpark for a hit and that isn't what Nurse was about when people use to respect her. Bring back her short, quick swing and we'll see who actually plays Nurse good when you HAVE to use GOOD blinks.
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Not that. I'm not even talking about lunging. I'm talking about standing still and swinging. You have a higher chance to hit survivors doing this than any other killer. This has been proven, and it's intended.
I assumed that it applied to lunging as well, but maybe not. I don't know, because this hasn't been tested.
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She's still the best killer if you master her.
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Yes, she's inconsistent. But trust me, once her bugs are fixed, she's gonna be unbeatable. Even with her bugs right now, she's in S tier always. The top percent Nurses are way tougher to verse than the top percent Spirits.
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She's not inconsistent? oh then please! Tell me how you fix her blink issue.
The one where her blink decides it doesnt want to work anymore and you get an endless audio loop of her attempting to blink rapidly.
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That's a bug that doesn't happen very often. It shouldn't be losing you games. It never has for me.
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Also, blink hitting a survivor gets rid of it when it only happens on the chain blink.
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This. I don't like it (I know I'm opening a can of worms here but I'd like it if killers had different weapon stats) but I've learned to deal with it. It still causes quite the eyeroll when she hits me sideways as I'm already almost all the way around a corner though.
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This is honestly the main bug I experience with Nurse even in a random open field I'll get a hit sound as if I hit a random object. Meanwhile if you pan your camera to do a full 360 you'll almost always hit the survivor. I feel it should be the other way around but oh well.
Post edited by Dustin on1 -
A bug that doesnt happen very often? I literally get it every game, multiple times a game when I play Nurse. I use double recharge addons.
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That's your issue. It pretty much doesn't happen if you don't use add-ons. I play her without add-ons, and I haven't had it happen to me in months. But the second I put some add-ons on, it happened a bit more consistently.
Don't use add-ons. If it's happening to the point where you can't win with her, don't use add-ons, or only use range add-ons. Range add-ons don't make it happen more.
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Look at the nurse Wikipedia or whatever it's called. It is actually accurate. I tested it in a custom a few months ago. Plus, you can tell once you play enough nurse. It's pretty much what makes her better than killers like Spirit on console.
I don't have a video though, no.
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Where are those nurse gods then?
Last night I had 2 matches against nurse. First one was a 4 man escape. Second one I maxed out chase points without getting hooked. At the end i just let her get me. Because the others were dead and the hatch was closed.
It's not that nurse is good, it's survivors being bad.
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Probably the few people if not first person to compare Nurse's lunge to Tier 1 Myers.
Guess that's better than most survivors comparing it to Freddy's stretch lunge.
Reality, it's the same as all other killers.
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The lunge you get after a blink feels short af. Vant even get survivors close to me unless im literally clipping through them
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Oh hey, ive seen you before
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Definitely not the same. Atleast the post blink lunge is inexistent
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I just had a bunch of trials where I forgot to turn on my VPN to lower my ping (for some reason, it takes my ping from 70-80 to about 50), and I was having a lot of issues like what you're describing. It was almost a 50/50 as to whether I would hit the survivor in front of me or if I would 'miss'.
So, my thought process is that maybe she gets hit by lag even more than I thought. I'm a rusty Nurse and I kept screwing up my blinks, but if not for the robs I actually would have won most of those trials.
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Ive played her since 2016.
I looked at it. Her lunge is a bit shorter than other killers, but her just swinging hitbox is larger than other killers.
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This is misinformation. A killer's lunge distance is completely based on their current movement speed. So a nurse's lunge should be shorter than everyone's. This is also why wraith's out of cloak lunge is super far cause his movement speed jumps to 6.9m/s
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Her lunge distance should be shorter lunge distance is based on movement speed
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Honestly even though I know nurses blink timings fairly well I still use plaid flannel just because it shows if your blink is gonna get eaten by something or if you are gonna blink into the basement you didnt even know was there and honestly nurse doesnt need addons all that much so I dont mind tkaing up 1 of my slots.
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The *based on movement speed" part in general just applies to speeds above 4.6m/s ever since the devs had standardized how lunges work. Do your research before YOU become the one spreading misinformation.
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Can we stop trying to see who has the bigger informational penis and move onto other things? Thanks.
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This content has been removed.
chill out my dude I was wrong. Don't be mad
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Your reply is one of the best i have read. Well said.
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Thank you:)
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Lets end this thread right herez this is the answer i needed and magnum opus of this entire community, well said
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The nurse is an old broken killer who needs a rework.
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Her multiple nerfs (which, let's be honest, is what people mean when they say "rework") over the years haven't been sufficient?
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I want a complete rework of the Nurse Power (exactly rework, but not nerf). But it won't be soon)
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exactly rework, but not nerf
You already said she's "broken", which I'm guessing is why you want a "rework" in the first place. Or were you actually referring to the bugs? Because those can be fixed and don't require a rework.