The Left Behind challenge.

My entire life's been ruined today.

My soul, torn asunder. Rent from my body and split in twain, my very essence dissolved into the ether and never to be found again.

JUST when I thought I would complete this dumb, stupid, very bad, no good Left Behind challenge, because i'm cursed to never find the hatch once I actually want to.. the Trickster utterly destroys me.

We load into Hawkins. Awkward map, but could be worse. Turns out to be Monitor Trickster, and I learn exactly how sneaky a 16 meter terror radius is on an indoor map. Rough start, but we bring it through 'cause it's Trickster. Poor Yui gets hit by the sneaky Rancor, but everyone else is out.. and now it's just me, my map and I.

Desperately sprinting through the halls, glancing left and right, desperately looking for the glow of that hatch, literally running through the entire map.. until I see it. The glorious glow of the Hatch's aura, just around the corner. Success! God bless!

And then I finally round the corner.

And this goddamn clown-lookin' yee-yee-ass haircut killer is standing on top of the hatch, slamming it shut.

I could barely drag myself through the gate I was so damn dejected.

The next game, everyone lives and I find the hatch, but the David intentionally stays the entire EGC to deny me the hatch escape.

I'm so tempted to just bring a key and a hatch offering, though I know I shouldn't.
