HUGE survivor buff



  • springday
    springday Member Posts: 6

    @yeet said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @yeet said:

    "If you're a competitive person screw you!"

    I rest my case, a clear case of the game should be made for how I want to play, screw the devs and every other player I want it my way.

    competitive balance will ALWAYS be better than casual balance

    Are you aware this isn't a competitive game ?
    There are no means for this to be a competitive game, what Skill you have and others don't ? You are good at running around a car, or wait, you are good at strategicaly defending the hook ? spare me some time

    this game was meant as a casual / have fun with friends game, not for wanna be's go pro dudes

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @springday said:

    @yeet said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @yeet said:

    "If you're a competitive person screw you!"

    I rest my case, a clear case of the game should be made for how I want to play, screw the devs and every other player I want it my way.

    competitive balance will ALWAYS be better than casual balance

    Are you aware this isn't a competitive game ?
    There are no means for this to be a competitive game, what Skill you have and others don't ? You are good at running around a car, or wait, you are good at strategicaly defending the hook ? spare me some time

    this game was meant as a casual / have fun with friends game, not for wanna be's go pro dudes

    Then it shouldn't have a ranking system. Clearly, the devs want to split players by skill level, and if they want to do that, they need to balance the game at the top.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @springday said:

    Are you aware this isn't a competitive game ?
    There are no means for this to be a competitive game, what Skill you have and others don't ? You are good at running around a car, or wait, you are good at strategicaly defending the hook ? spare me some time

    this game was meant as a casual / have fun with friends game, not for wanna be's go pro dudes

    So two sides play against each other to win and you call that "not competitive"??

    If you play survivor YOU can have some "fun with friends", but for sure the killer player is not there to have "fun with his friends".

    You want the game to be balanced for survivor. You want a onesided balance instead of a balance that is "fun" for BOTH sides.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56
    springday said:

    @yeet said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @yeet said:

    "If you're a competitive person screw you!"

    I rest my case, a clear case of the game should be made for how I want to play, screw the devs and every other player I want it my way.

    competitive balance will ALWAYS be better than casual balance

    Are you aware this isn't a competitive game ?
    There are no means for this to be a competitive game, what Skill you have and others don't ? You are good at running around a car, or wait, you are good at strategicaly defending the hook ? spare me some time

    this game was meant as a casual / have fun with friends game, not for wanna be's go pro dudes

    If this game isn't meant to be competitive, why do the devs try to push tournaments and leaderboards?

    Yea, not competitive at all...
  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    well then, we are just gonna ignore the killers map, the killers perks, and not tunneling

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @yeet said:

    competitive balance will ALWAYS be better than casual balance

    That depends if its a truly competative game or one built for a fun casual experience.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2018

    @Orion said:
    When you balance games at the top, players of equal skill have an equal chance to win. This is healthy for the game and doesn't result in frustrating matches.
    When you balance an asymmetrical game at the middle, however, the strong side will be underpowered at the top, resulting in frustrating matches for both sides.

    Any highly competative game with a ranking system has tiers, the likes of Overwatch, CS:GO, Dota for examples have set brackets where when you reach a certain standard you do not play v's lesser skilled players but they also have enormous playerbases, they also dont reset ranks like in DBD as its not used as a monthly progression system but a way to have players of certain skill play v each other.

    So balancing around the top players works in certain games but in a game where the whole userbase is mixed with a few ranks it simply does not work, a game such needs to be balanced over the whole userbase and why they want it on a kill/survive ratio, its just how it is, to make it any different would need a complete overhaul of the system in place and they would have to create brackets to seperate the userbase just like games in my first part of the post do, they would also need to stop resetting ranks.

    The problem I think is too many players think of this game as a highly competative one, the devs dont mention competative play, the words they use are fun and engaging which tends to say a casual playstyle, now the ranking system in DBD is also just for progression nothing more, the fact they reset each month lends to that, its just to give players something to achieve, this also tends to say a casual than competative experience, frustration can comes in both competative and casual games and it normally comes from not doing so well in a match which can be caused by the fact a player is simply playing against other players that are just better than them due to an easy pip system but think because they are in the red ranks they should be winning more.

  • Vadim239
    Vadim239 Member Posts: 217

    It's a big buff of the survivors. And a weak killer again. The last strong killers were the nurse and the hllbilly. Why are you so afraid to make a strong killer? Because some people are screaming "Killer is OP" for fun? I like how Ardetha told about this. Pls watch

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @Orion said:
    When you balance games at the top, players of equal skill have an equal chance to win. This is healthy for the game and doesn't result in frustrating matches.
    When you balance an asymmetrical game at the middle, however, the strong side will be underpowered at the top, resulting in frustrating matches for both sides.

    Any highly competative game with a ranking system has tiers, the likes of Overwatch, CS:GO, Dota for examples have set brackets where when you reach a certain standard you do not play v's lesser skilled players but they also have enormous playerbases to be able to ustilise this, they are also Esports games built for competition.

    Balancing around the top players works in certain games works, in a game where the whole userbase is mixed with a few ranks it simply does not, a game such as this is being balanced over the whole userbase and on a kill/survive ratio, its just how it is, to make it any different would need a complete overhaul of the system in place and they would have to create brackets to seperate the userbase just like games in my first part of the post.

    The problem I think is too many players think of this game as a highly competative one, the devs don't mention competative play, the words they generally use are fun and engaging which lend the game to a casual playstyle, frustration can comes in both competative and casual games and it normally comes from not doing so well in a match which can be caused by the fact a player is simply playing against other players that are just better than them, in DBD this can easily be do due to the easy pip system and being able to climb an artificial progression in the form of ranks fast.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    this game would be balanced if surviors wouldnt abuse everything they have

  • @Ihatelife said:
    You guys know that balance is not only about buffing the killers and nerfing survivors, right?

    funny that you say that. Where were you when only killers received nerfs and survs only got buffs?

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    You guys know that balance is not only about buffing the killers and nerfing survivors, right?

    funny that you say that. Where were you when only killers received nerfs and survs only got buffs?

    probably on a different game any veteran knows the struggles us killers go through

  • @friendlykillermain said:

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    You guys know that balance is not only about buffing the killers and nerfing survivors, right?

    funny that you say that. Where were you when only killers received nerfs and survs only got buffs?

    probably on a different game any veteran knows the struggles us killers go through

    That is true indeed

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    You guys know that balance is not only about buffing the killers and nerfing survivors, right?

    funny that you say that. Where were you when only killers received nerfs and survs only got buffs?

    probably on a different game any veteran knows the struggles us killers go through

    That is true indeed

    my second main trapper is still waiting for his buff i remember when he was s teir i was unstoppable i have always been amazing at chess (4 semi finalists and 1 finalists no victorys :'( for state tournaments) and my powers of prediction with the bear traps made trapper the scariest beast to face then he was broken shattered by the merciless group known as swf they beat the trapper and imprisoned his soul then they stripped him of everything he once was some still say the trapper remembers his glory but only for short bursts it seems as if his legacy will never recover a moment of silence for everyone's original favorite killer

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959
    edited November 2018

    @twistedmonkey said:

    frustration can comes in both competative and casual games and it normally comes from not doing so well in a match which can be caused by the fact a player is simply playing against other players that are just better than them,

    Which is actually wrong. I often lose against survivor that "think" they are very skillful and "deserve" that win and behave toxic in the after match chat, but in fact, they suck and got protected by tons of broken game mechanics.
    Right now, if both sides are on the same skilllevel, the survivor will win.
    The killer has to be waaaaay better than the survivor to "win" (more than 2 kills).
    They -the Devs- should adjust the game by rank. The higher ranked the match the fewer pallets should spawn and in low ranks the skillchecks made bigger, while in high ranks the great skillcheck zone needs to be reduced, etc, etc.
    But since everything is the same from rank 20 to 1, it is still the same.

    At high ranks all the training wheels that survivor have should get disabled.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @Wolf74 said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    frustration can comes in both competative and casual games and it normally comes from not doing so well in a match which can be caused by the fact a player is simply playing against other players that are just better than them,

    Which is actually wrong. I often lose against survivor that "think" they are very skillful and "deserve" that win and behave toxic in the after match chat, but in fact, they suck and got protected by tons of broken game mechanics.
    Right now, if both sides are on the same skilllevel, the survivor will win.
    The killer has to be waaaaay better than the survivor to "win" (more than 2 kills).
    They -the Devs- should adjust the game by rank. The higher ranked the match the fewer pallets should spawn and in low ranks the skillchecks made bigger, while in high ranks the great skillcheck zone needs to be reduced, etc, etc.
    But since everything is the same from rank 20 to 1, it is still the same.

    At high ranks all the training wheels that survivor have should get disabled.

    This is negating complaints from both sides, take a survivor game who was hit by a huntress axe when it was a couple of meters away, hit through a window due to P2P lag, found due to an aura perk playing stealthy etc, both sides can win or lose due to mechanics in the game and to think otherwise is only one sided is highly biased, it is a problem with people who main one side, they cant see something objectively its all about how they are affected.

    Now take a top killer, not your average one who thinks they should be doing better but an actual really good killer, if they can 4k most of the matches, does this mean they are too skilled at the game? should they look at balancing survivors against those players? how would that affect the other killers of lesser skill? in essense this is what most people who think balancing it for higher rank play do not see.

    The problem they have is yes the game pits everyone into one bracket, the ranking system has nothing to do with skill but how long they have played each month, both sides are easy to pip with, both sides have mechanics which seem unfair and can be claseed as training wheels but overall its a game and designed for fun, it is not designed to cater to those who are just not that good at the game because they feel they should be, if right now you struggle playing as killer then I dont know what to say.

    No reducing pallets is not the answer, skill checks also with ruin is not the answer, downing someone quickly is not fun for either side due to lack in game oppertunities, sitting on a gen for 2 minutes due a killer never leaving a ruin totem is not fun, if you truly think that way It makes me glad they dont listen for the most part to the community as it would make for a very mundane experience.

    The only way forward is to prolong the game so those long engaging chases can stay intact without the risk of 3 gens being done by the way of adding more meaningful objectives as you gain rank, this has to be done hand in hand with not allowing deranking, right now it cant be done as the newer players suffer the most and it hurts the playerbase as they wont stay, a change is needed but it has to be done as a way so each and every player can have fun, not just do it for those at high ranks.

  • Wait, so Nurses doesn’t register people mending themselves? #########.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @twistedmonkey Sorry, but you sound pretty survivor biased here.
    There are way more broken mechanics in the game holding the survivors hand than the other way round.
    That the reason why this game is so survivorsided.
    To many training wheels for bad survivor player instead of a good top down balance.
    (Like all the new unhook buffs; exhaustion relief, invu frames, BT buff coming up)
    Asymetrical games are not meant to be "fun" for everyone. If you are the one eliminated first, bad luck. Maybe not much fun in that match, but that's how asymetrical games work.
    You can't be a part of the side with the superior numbers and still want to play the whole game.
    The killer needs to reduce the team to have a chance.
    You are talking like this is a regular versus game and ignore the asymetrical aspect.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited November 2018

    All you Cry about BT... that means all of you are Campers/Tunnelers. Just Stop Camping and tunneling and BT is a wasted Perk Slot for Survivors.

    Im Rank 1 Pro Killer and Rank 1 Toxic Survivor... The Killer Perks are good, might use the one with the Gen Aura (Counter against Gen Rush as EVERY of you noob Killers wish for). But the Survivor Perks are Crap. I need my WGLF, Self care, BT (Since 90% of Killers Camp) SB/Plunderer.

    “Rank 1 Pro killer and rank 1 toxic survivor” so that’s what nerd cringe looks like in boasting form? 
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @Wolf74 said:
    @twistedmonkey Sorry, but you sound pretty survivor biased here.
    There are way more broken mechanics in the game holding the survivors hand than the other way round.
    That the reason why this game is so survivorsided.
    To many training wheels for bad survivor player instead of a good top down balance.
    (Like all the new unhook buffs; exhaustion relief, invu frames, BT buff coming up)
    Asymetrical games are not meant to be "fun" for everyone. If you are the one eliminated first, bad luck. Maybe not much fun in that match, but that's how asymetrical games work.
    You can't be a part of the side with the superior numbers and still want to play the whole game.
    The killer needs to reduce the team to have a chance.
    You are talking like this is a regular versus game and ignore the asymetrical aspect.

    I am anything but one side biased, I have championed for killer buffs but also for changes to survivor, balance is not a one sided problem and I have posted warning lots of people for over a year now that with the incoming killer buffs happening they should really try to stop camping and tunneling to show the devs the real stats on what happens when you play, so many overly competitive players just said its a strat ill pay how I wish without thinking about it properly, yes both are legit strat yes I have told many to just get over it as I said they will make it harder and end up changing things and look what happened! who is to blame for these changes you are complaining about right now?

    As I said the game is meant to be a fun engaging experience, the game is huge grind and playing in such a way removes those aspects, now is the time to stop and play in a less I need to win way so the devs truly start to see imbalances and then bring out more objectives, its not about training wheels as both sides have them.

    Asymetrical games ARE meant to be fun for everyone, you should enjoy your time in th match, tell me how fun something is to be downed in 20 seconds and then sit on a hook? why would anyone continue to play if that is the norm? its a game, all games are meant to be fun, you are meant to play and enjoy your time in them, answer this, who would actually plays something they are not enjoying? sorry but that is a very weird outlook to have on any game.

    Yes the killer needs to reduce the numbers but it has to be done in a sort of natural progression, not down hook and bang they are dead, it does not work in a game one where the grind is so huge that you feels like its a waste of time joining and playing, that is one of the major problems with this game, this is not a regular versus game you are right, I only use examples of those games for people who think it should be balanced on the ones of the highest skilled players as that means the vast majority of players do not have a fun experience.

    As I said chases are not the problem they are one of the most fun aspects of the game, one hit downs, NOED, pallets and loops are not the problem, the problem is the time it takes to down someone and hook them v gen time, to keep the mechanics intact and also have a game where the killer wants to hunt and the survivors feel like they have a chance to outplay means making games last longer.

    Both sides need to feel like they have a chance, both sides need to use skill to win, both sides should have to play well to get the end result they desire but by removing aspects of the game or leading people by the hand to an objective does not help this, it makes the game more and more mundane.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767
    edited November 2018

    @Might_Oakk said:
    How do you people play. Maybe 1/5 games a BT goes off in my games. I pressure generators not hooks. No wonder people complain about gen rush so much here...

    Lol then show us some footage of you winning against a decent swf team with the legion and his super power.
    Killers remind me of dull totems.

    Also I use borrowed time every round, because a lot of killers are camping, because they can't kill without defending their kills.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @yeet said:

    when survivors are still the stronger side, they don't deserve buffs to already extremely powerful perks

    Survivors being stronger is subective to the person playing killer/survivors.

    BT was a decent perk but not great and highly situational, the fact that once unhooked the player could just be followed until they dropped made it only really strong when the exit gates were powered, nothing has changed as you still need to hit them and they are down, if near the gates you were screwed anyway, if far from the gates well you have longer to get them, any other time in game it was more of a slight time waster, its pretty much like the NOED change to all tiers, it happened as the perks main reason for being wasnt that great.

    But its Borrowed Time, not indefinite time. The fact you get hit and dont go down immediately is a blessing. Having it give you free time until you get hit a second time, or looping forever will only cause more killers to complain, and more survivors to farm with WGLF because "well I got you off the hook, now it's up to you to loop them, you got all the time now".
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2018

    @yeet said:

    @Ihatelife said:

    @yeet said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    You guys know that balance is not only about buffing the killers and nerfing survivors, right?

    when survivors are still the stronger side, they don't deserve buffs to already extremely powerful perks

    Lmao, So you wanna only see 4 DS, 4 Adrenaline, 4 self care and 4 sprint burst in the matches?

    yes actually, as long as i stand a chance against winning
    if both sides are trying their best to win, both sides should have a fair chance at winning
    sadly for DbD this is not the case

    ### nobody wants to face that stop chatting lad. Lol (imagine that in those voices those 'chavs' use). You obviously don't want to face that. The borrowed time buff is big yes, but it's to counter tunneling. Now I will stop complaining about tunneling and facecamping and I'm sure everyone will. But the buff wasn't needed yes but it's not really as annoying as you think it will be. It will only effect tunnelers and campers. But after exit gates it should be deactivated or only able to be used once in case ur forced to camp.
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @friendlykillermain said:
    this game would be balanced if surviors wouldnt abuse everything they have

    sadly that is the nature of online games

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @Poweas said:

    @yeet said:

    @Ihatelife said:

    @yeet said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    You guys know that balance is not only about buffing the killers and nerfing survivors, right?

    when survivors are still the stronger side, they don't deserve buffs to already extremely powerful perks

    Lmao, So you wanna only see 4 DS, 4 Adrenaline, 4 self care and 4 sprint burst in the matches?

    yes actually, as long as i stand a chance against winning
    if both sides are trying their best to win, both sides should have a fair chance at winning
    sadly for DbD this is not the case

    ### nobody wants to face that stop chatting lad. Lol (imagine that in those voices those 'chavs' use). You obviously don't want to face that. The borrowed time buff is big yes, but it's to counter tunneling. Now I will stop complaining about tunneling and facecamping and I'm sure everyone will. But the buff wasn't needed yes but it's not really as annoying as you think it will be. It will only effect tunnelers and campers. But after exit gates it should be deactivated or only able to be used once in case ur forced to camp.

    "Now I will stop complaining about tunneling and facecamping and I'm sure everyone will."

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    BBQ nerfed, BT buffed. So we killer should do the right thing and just hard camp every sucker we get and ask them later if they enjoyed it.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Wolf74 said:
    BBQ nerfed, BT buffed. So we killer should do the right thing and just hard camp every sucker we get and ask them later if they enjoyed it.

    BBQ did not deserve that nerf holy sh!t. That perk shouldn't counter BBQ

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    What I fail to see is how this "discourages" camping... Wouldn't the logical thing now just be to stand closer by the hook and grab the guy with BT? If it's an swf, I'm usually banking on only one survivor having BT anyways, otherwise there's a team of survivors wasting a perk slot... So if BBQ gives me no ticks, why now should I not Literally face camp a survivor? Not that I would, because I don't litterally camp every hook I get, I barely even play this game anymore, but just a thought.
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    How do you people play. Maybe 1/5 games a BT goes off in my games. I pressure generators not hooks. No wonder people complain about gen rush so much here...

    If this buff goes live you'll see it more because theres no reason not too hook rush especially if the one being unhooked has breakdown
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Ihatelife said:
    Ooh maybe otherwise: As long as you don't camp and don't tunnel, there is no problem with BT. Chase the rescuer instead.

    Isn't that like 1) or 2) of the "The Way Survivors Want Killers to Play" rule list?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    It's always a cheap excuse.
    "BT is only a problem if you camp."
    And of course ignoring any hook rushs or legit situations where camping would be logical.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Insidious Leatherface with noed is the answer. Bubba will chainsaw right through your bt buff.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @HellDescent said:
    Insidious Leatherface with noed is the answer. Bubba will chainsaw right through your bt buff.

    I don't think so... why should he? BT always ignored "insta downs".

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @Wolf74 said:

    @HellDescent said:
    Insidious Leatherface with noed is the answer. Bubba will chainsaw right through your bt buff.

    I don't think so... why should he? BT always ignored "insta downs".

    You hit them with chainsaw multiple times, that's why. If you time it right not even dead hard will save them

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Wow. This change merely slows down tunneling. BT is not that powerful.