Killer Perk Tier List

How did PWYF end up in S+ tier?
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How is Rancor an S tier perk?
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I was about to ask the same thing.
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Echoing the previous points about PWYF and Rancor, and Remember Me and Fire Up ain't A-tier either. Spies also isn't F-tier, it's got more general uses than the other perks in the trash bin. I think I'd also move Distressing to D because it's an awful perk on its own, and its only use is to pair with other TR-dependent perks to magnify their AOE. If you're going to put Stridor in D despite its clear usefulness on Spirit, then I think Distressing belongs in the same category, because it's a handicap perk otherwise.
Other than that, list largely checks out to me.
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Lightborn belongs in F
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Why is Blood Favor a Hex again?
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Well damn, i always considered my favorite build not meta, but in your eyes i would be using a meta one.
Barebecue & Chili, Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Undying & Make Your Choice, btw.
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It shouldn't have a cool down then it would be a decent hex
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Same on Doc I run BBQ, nurses, sloppy, and whispers (which sbfl is going in once I finally level Mikey)
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Wait, Blood Favor wasn't always a Hex???
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Which Killer is this list based off of? Because perks like Save the best for last are most definitely not all that great on a Killer like Blight but would be decent on a killer who can get normal M1s with their power.
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No it always had been, it just shouldn't have a cooldowm
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I personally think PGTW is overrated. In the games I see people stop chases to kick gens or kick gens that aren't far along so they dont waste a perk slot. Ruin/Surge can do similar damage without needing time to kick gens and by engaging in chases.
Its not a bad perk, but I'd say A+/S at most
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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but you all realize that the Killer and other perks in combo are huge factors on how good a perk is. Creating a "generic" perk tier does not work at all. Use BBQ on Trapper or Hag....complete trash. I wouldn't but it above A tier on any killer in fact. It's used for farming BP. There are tons of better info perks (all rated lower on this list ironically). Franklin's S tier? Maybe A tier when combined with Hoarder AND the survivors are all using at least yellow/green items. Franklin's is fun (it's my freak'n profile pic cuz I use it so much) ... it's a waste if you are stealing brown items, green keys, and any other items the survivor doesn't care about. In fact it can hurt you if you steal a green key and guard it, thus allowing the survivors to crank out gens on the other side of the map.
Before you say this list is rating the perks on their own merits alone, let me point out that Distressing (easily the worst killer perk in the game on it's own) is rated C. Distressing is hot garbage on any killer but Doc unless combined with a perk that uses the increased TR. It literally is a negative perk on most killers if you ran it as your only perk.
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Oh, okay xd
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What? yeah it gives you a speed boost but lets be real, the time it takes to find the obsession and build up your stacks far exceeds just chasing normally. It doesn't even work on bubba anymore which was the one use case scenario that it use to have that I wouldn't laugh at.
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idk why Shadowborn B tier ,idk how M&A is S tier its only good on like 2 killers,idk why play with your food is S+ ,idk why Franklin's demise is S tier ,idk why thrill of the hunt is B tier,idk why cruel limits D tier
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I don't disagree with any of the other placement questions you brought up, but M&A is a great perk on anyone who isn't a stealth killer, Huntress, or Doctor (ironically.) It's amazing on a few killers - Deathslinger to snipe before they hear you, Myers to get an 8m terror radius for most of the game. But for everyone else, -8m TR is still really solid even if they don't have an especial synergy with it. Survivors have less time to hide or gain distance when they hear you coming and they will frequently think they're safer than they are until you're right on top of them.
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Cruel limits is doodoo F tier
Nice commitment with such a large tier list tbh good job
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M&A is ######### on huntress becuse even tho you does not have Terror radius they can hear your huming they are a lot of better perks for deathslinger trust my i main him