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Something I realized about the RE chapter speculation

Member Posts: 3,409

It's definitely a fact a lot of us are excited for it, it is fun speculating who the killer(s) and survivor(s) might be, overall it brings us together as a community. However there is something I hate to say and that is people care so much about the characters that they go to absurd, odd, and sometimes aggressive lengths to ensure that the characters they want are coming into this chapter. It gotten to a point where I've realized some people were sorted as Old fans, and New fans, it felt like two sides. Some people wanted the newer stuff while fans of the old games came to disagree, and you could reverse this statement it still has the same result.

As for ensuring the characters they want to come in, this is what I mean, and I'm not naming. I recently saw a post on another social media site stating Lady D shouldn't be the killer because she was new, and was sexist or something along those line. Which is funny because we got Freddy and we don't talk about his issues, and well, you get the idea. Or another saying they didn't want Nemesis because well hes too over the top and too powerful biologically, etc. Now aggressive well this is gonna be my experience.

So if you don't know already I really want Jack Baker, and he's not a bad choice. But from what I've received over the course of the wait for the livestream, was what was once civil discussions to backlash saying hes not 'iconic', to a lot of other different things. It was mostly on my other social media, and I was harassed over the fact I wanted the old man that personally scared me a lot more than the other villains of RE. SO the point of this is that the RE chapter speculation not only single handedly brought a lot of us together in excitement, but also in a way divided us. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels this way but I just had to say it


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  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Well, with a series as long going and far-reaching as Resident Evil, it's expected. Hell, I think there are like, what, over 20 Resident Evil games? The numbered of course and all the spin-offs? People choose their favorite, and when people choose their favorites they stick adamantly to that choice.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah I've realized that and tbh, it shouldn't be used when trying to argument why you want this killer or that survivor. There actions and terror they bring should be used for why they should come in. I want to see someone show that without saying the word iconic

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Its like obsession, its understandable but also ######### creepy. Sure they might be good character but they aren't real for gods sake

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Uh this wasn't supposed to be a discussion about whether who is the most likely candidate. Its about how this community has been when it came to the RE chapter speculation.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Why did I expect this discussion to blow up into a frenzy, and when I came back it didn't, thanking god it didn't

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    As long as we get two good survivors (Leon or Chris, and Jill or Claire) I'll be pretty satisfied. Personally, don't think Jack would work very well as killer. I feel like they'd have to just give him the chainsaw shears, and we'd have our third chainsaw guy. Hopefully the killer is interesting, and not just a reclone of another killer.

  • Member Posts: 977

    I don't understand why people think it'll be Lady D... This patch has been in development since before January. See below: Which means they werent going to add a killer that they had no idea was going to have any hype. Matt specifically said "Iconic", meaning early gen Resident Evil.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    We don't know, it could be from the newer games or the older games we honestly don't know

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Honestly, advertising wise, Lady D makes the most sense to me. Nemesis and Tyrant would just be as popular.

    No matter the decision, the new killer shall be loved by most. Hated by some.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Although there are 2 days left, I play it, maybe it's 2 killers and 2 survivors, (Nemesis and Mr. X) (Leon and Jill) although one of the killers is based more on a legendary skin of the other, I think that RE2 and RE3 happen at the same time in Racoon City, so the entity could bring both with their respective survivors who were chasing the city, to a macabre encounter, I mean, it would be illogical to think but it would be to get all the juice out of capcom so that this is one of the best chapters of the game after what happened with Trickster. Back then they could give us legendary skins from Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, Ethan Winters, Carlos Oliveria, Rebecca, etc. Like the killers, Lady Dimitrescu would be a perfect skin for Plague or Jack Baker for Trapper or Deathslinger I would say, or Wesker for Trickster.

    This legendary skins may happen as it happened with the Legion in the Silent Hill chapter. But I doubt it, I still can't stop thinking about the word of the devs, New escapes and New deaths.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Well if there's two sides, then let's aim for the middle by bringing in Sheva.

    Both sides will be equally disappointed, and i won't be. 👌

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    My only beef with the breast vampire is that that's the only reason that anyone seems to care about her or want her in the game. She's the face of RE8 for obvious, shallow reasons so that's why I believe there's a lot of resentment about the idea of her being used in place of genuine characters that longterm fans have gotten to know and love over the last two decades.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    What baffles me in addition is how people are getting at your throat for even suggesting there might as well be two new killers. It's the 5th anniversary AND the 20th chapter, so why not?

    And yeah, some of the reasoning why it can't be a certain character but MUST be another are ridiculous. Especially with Lady D, when people say 'she's not iconic enough' (and I look at the cater-to-k-pop-fans chapter that is All Kill which had for all we know a shorter development time than the collab for RE) or 'she's too big' (as if the entity hasn't messed with physical shapes before) Not to mention... about height...

    in the Game map, we have a passage was that say 1.98 m max... yet there's at least three heads space for Deathslinger and Plague... are you telling me these two are smaller than 1.98?

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Using the word iconic makes sense because think of it like this.

    Would you prefer an iconic character to a franchise or would you prefer a lowly pawn that no one cares for ultimately? That's the main thing.

    Adding a warning as I don't know how to do spoiler tags


    For example Lady D was great to an extent but I can't imagine her being remembered as iconic past being a character that is quickly removed since she is the first boss you face. She's actually not present in a lot of the game and was used purely for advertising for the most part. Which I believe was a smart decision on Capcom's part. I see Heisenberg, Chris and Ethan being the most notable characters in Village because not only was the entire story being juggled between those three throughout the narrative but they were around for most of the game as well.

    Lady D and her three daughters weren't exactly big parts of the game and I can't really imagine what power you would even give them as killers anyway.


    Where as if you played the older games there's plenty of room for power for the Tyrants such as Nemesis and Mr. X and I would definitely say they're more iconic as the lore behind them is more expansive and they're present through most of the game.

    In regards to the word iconic being used in arguments I mean well yeah it makes sense.

    Dead by Daylight's hook mechanic is based off of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre scene, most of the OG killers were based off of iconic characters from the horror and slasher genres, the maps are based off of iconic tropes in those genres. We have a lot of iconic licensed characters in the game too. The argument makes sense because that's the precedent BHVR has set.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    "In regards to the word iconic being used in arguments I mean well yeah it makes sense."

    Not all the time

  • Member Posts: 359
    edited May 2021

    The reason why people are using Iconic as an argument is due to this press release in which the devs state they will be taking Iconic content from the series.

    specifically this paragraph

    "In a press release sent out from Dead by Daylight following the reveal, Creative Director Dave Richard said it is "an absolute honor and joy to welcome the original survival horror game" into The Entity's universe, and that players can expect "iconic content and novel ways to sacrifice or survive inspired by the renowned franchise.""

    Edit: calling Jill(RE1), Leon(RE4), Nemesis (RE3)

  • Member Posts: 420

    Yeah it's the main counterargument I receive whenever I say Jack Baker should be the killer. I bring up points like how the other characters are too large for the game or their backstories aren't interesting (the tyrants are just bad guys made by bad guys to do bad things with no motives of their own), while Jack is the perfect opportunity for the devs to fully embrace a speaking killer (as what he was saying truly added to his intimidation), and he's large while not too large for the game. His mold leads to a lot of freedom for the devs to choose his power (this can be argued for the Tyrants too, but I disagree as most of the time they're just punch guys). Half the time they respond with Nemesis or Mr. X being iconic.

    Sometimes I receive good counters like how Nemesis is only unreasonably tall in the remakes, most of the time it's just iconic over and over. Then there's the horny fellows who want Lady D or the witches to be the killer despite the game being unreleased for the majority of the creation of the killer.

  • Member Posts: 420

    Two new killers would definitely be surprising, but I doubt it. They can't handle one ambiguous killer without breaking the game (Twins), you really think they'd make two different powers? Especially with characters that resemble each other so closely you could easily just make one a skin and no one would complain. It would explain why Trickster was so bland though.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    I agree for the most part saying either NEmesis or Mr.X should be the killer because their iconic is so no-brainer it literally takes next to no thought process at all. If you are just using the fact they are iconic as your best defense that's really terrible. Look at the licensed killers from before, and lets try to give them the reason why they should be in DBd without saying the word Iconic.

    Michael Myers: He is the literal embodiment of evil, and one of the first-ever slashers, and brought true terror.

    Leatherface: he was the very first Slasher in existence

    Freddy Krueger: He gives people the fear of falling asleep and is stands among the other slashers

    Pig: She represents the twisted sadism that only few can endure even though shes not Jigsaw

    GF: He literally is the Deadpool of the slashers ( by Deadpool I mean he constantly pokes fun at the slasher series) all the more while still being scary about

    Demo: Its a literal ######### monster, that is from a popular Tv show, plus he's a good puppy dog

    Pyramid Head: THe literal embodiment of damnation, and punishment, how can you not add that.

    Now looking at Nemesis and Mr.X, they have next to nothing on what I just listed

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    That is literally lazy and bad work. If they did that, I will literally ######### fal asleep

  • Member Posts: 359
    edited May 2021

    You're just going to ignore the press release where the game's director literally states the content coming to dbd will be iconic

    again specifically this paragraph:

    "In a press release sent out from Dead by Daylight following the reveal, Creative Director Dave Richard said it is "an absolute honor and joy to welcome the original survival horror game" into The Entity's universe, and that players can expect "iconic content and novel ways to sacrifice or survive inspired by the renowned franchise.""

    How is it a terrible argument when the devs literally state that's what's happening.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Oh I've read but you need to realize that just because there iconic that its not a good idea to add them regardless. You need to watch this video to help you out a bit mate

  • Member Posts: 359
    edited May 2021

    It doesn't matter if it's good for the game or not

    it's happening whether you like it or not

    "In a press release sent out from Dead by Daylight following the reveal, Creative Director Dave Richard said it is "an absolute honor and joy to welcome the original survival horror game" into The Entity's universe, [Let me make this bold for you] and that players can expect "iconic content and novel ways to sacrifice or survive inspired by the renowned franchise.""

    I mean all the evidence is staring you in the face... and your response nah that's dumb.


    Edit: I take way more stock in the game's CREATIVE DIRECTOR, then a dbd youtuber, sorry/s.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I personally believe the killer is going to be Nemesis, since he is the character who is the most likely to bring in money.

    Mr. X is literally a downgraded Nemesis, and any power they could make for him, they could easily give it to Nemesis and make more money.

    Jack Baker is definitely iconic, but he isn't featured in nearly as many places as Nemesis and his appearance just isn't as recognizable either.

    Lady D is far too over-hyped imo, she has basically no power to work with and is only featured in a single game that released months after the chapter started development. (Not to diss anyone who wants her, I respect your opinion)

    I do hope that the chapter has something crazy like 2 killers, 2 survivors, and a new map, but I am doubtful that they would want to put too much content in one DLC when they could separate the content for more money.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    I never said it was dumb, I only said it would be ill advised, but I can't seem to convince a deadset mindset.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    And doll lady for twins, dimi or lady for plague, hammer boi for trapper or billy

  • Member Posts: 359

    No you can't change the devs mindset.

    Also do you know what paraphrase means?

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Yes I do, it basically it saying the exact same thing but in different words, your point?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    if you're discussing who you want, i agree, but in terms of what's likely? iconic characters are the go-to. nemesis is more recognizable and popular than lisa trevor, and as cool as lisa trevor is, nemesis most likely brings in more money.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    So, I knew for a long time that resident evil existed, but never really played the games because I didn't like that kind of horror. After it was announced that re was coming to dbd I did a 2 days research to keep up with the lore and everything, just like in silent hill. The lore is pretty interesting, serviceable, I'd say, for the series because it gives them a ton of freedom to do whatever the ######### they want, and I came to the conclusion that nemesis, Mr x, jack baker (is that how's spelled? I'm dyslexic so I have an excuse to fk this up :p) and the main villain for the first 5 re games (the stars solider that turned bad, he was kinda lame and I forgot his name) are the 4 possible candidates as dbd killers. I have a lot of explaining to do, so here we go:

    Lady d isn't gonna be added because the dbd chapter would start it's development alongside the resident evil village development, so since the re company wasn't sure if what they were building would be accepted by the community, it would be a great risk for behavior to ask for her as the main face of the chapter.

    Nemesis is really well known by the community and has a lot going for him, although I'd say it's not entirely possible that he'll be able to be added since he usually fights with ranged weapons (like a rocket launcher? Ok you do you resident evil 3).

    Mr x is also incredibly interesting and well known but let's be real people, in the context of dbd he's not interesting. He does exactly what the other dbd killers do, but in resident evil. He stalks and attack in close range. Both tyrants have no goals, besides blindly following umbrella's orders, so there isn't a good explanation on why they're in dbd.

    The father of the baker family is probably the best candidate for dbd. He is only attacking in close range and makes sense on why he's going to be stopped by pallets, since he's still somewhat human. He also has limited control over his mutation, so he's serviceable. He has plenty of weapons to choose from and the dbd team will have a lot of freedom with his power. The only problem is that he was used in only on re game, whereas the other characters were featured in successful remakes as well.

    Lastly, one of the most boring villains (in my opinion, I come as an outsider remember), he is featured in 5 or so re games and he is pretty popular. The problem is that he's lame and his power is lame, just like Mr x, he has nothing that makes him unique in the dbd cast.

    So yeah those are my opinion, completely unrelated to the actual discussion point kappa

  • Member Posts: 359
    edited May 2021

    "I never said it was dumb, I only said it would be ill advised,"

    because I did it to you.

    The question was rhetorical by the way.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    This was literally the same thing this guy said

    I mean you have a good point the thing is for me with Nemesis. Its just I can't imagine him using rocket launcher as his power. I actually had an image in my head where Nemi shoots a missile at a survivor and its a direct hit, and they are put into the dying state. Just #########, I mean come on, how the ######### do you survive a DIRECT hit from god damn rocket launcher, just how. Mr.X I wouldn't mind but coming up with a power that unique and not a rehash power would be rather difficult.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Personally I am hoping for Leon and fine with any of Nemesis/Mr X/Wesker even.

    However I think the debate about the use of "iconic" has gotten a bit warped, yes it does imply someone who is an icon of the series, so not Lady D, but also it's a press release and can easily just be PR hyperbole. So I wouldn't read too much into that, thankfully we will know shortly, then everyone can flip out about a known thing at least instead of raging at each other for interpretation of wording.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    While I'm betting on Nemesis being the killer, I think the 2 words "iconic content" doesn't necessarily mean survivor and/or killer would be iconic.

    There are probably going to be a butt-load of legendary skins, and those skins could be all different types of characters! David as Barry Burton, Nurse as a daughter of Lady Dimitrescu, Yui as Ada Wong, Felix as Ethan Winters ... they all would work, and some of those skins may be for iconic characters.

    Granted, I'm more inclined to feel the survivor and killer will be well known ones (Chris for survivor, perhaps? Also, R.P.D building for map?), but if it turns out to be Ethan Winters and Lady Dimitrescu, with skins of Leon, etc., then they still followed through on the phrase "iconic content".

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Personally I am not as excited for RE chapter as I was before hand. Not because I don't care about it but, because with all the debate and raging it has worn me out. I'll still be happy nonetheless but now I'm just tired

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    The one thing I dont get is why do people think lady.d is iconic it takes months even years to be iconic she may be famous

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    The word Iconic, is very subjective if not equally as subjective as for what horror is. Some would say Pennywise is more Iconic than Jason for example, or whatever its really just peoples perspective

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    It was expected since Resident Evil's got such a large cast of characters. And Nemesis is perfect for the game in RE 3 we see how despite being powerful he gets looped around the entire building breaking through walls and even getting sliced by a rock like it was Decisive Strike. He's a perfect fit for DBD

  • Member Posts: 67

    Are they saying she's iconic? Or simply saying it can still be her despite the use of that word in the press release. Because those are quite different things.

    I don't think the use of "iconic" is as clear an indicator as others' do, it just looks like PR talk to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Yes but wouldn't iconic fit the time narrative better with put a doubt they are both iconic

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Yes I was just trying to make an example and those two. The point I was trying to make was that people might have a higher opinion on a character than someone else does.

  • Member Posts: 67

    PR = public relations.

    As in the press release could just be using words to hype up the announcement, not necessarily thinking "well if we say iconic, then it has to be someone from the old games"

    Don't get me wrong, I'd rather they are from older ones as I don't have RE Village but I think the focus on the word "iconic" isn't a completely solid argument.

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