This is Why I Play Spirit.

They keyed out at 2 Gens left.
This kind of matchmaking happens a lot. I consider this a solid damn win, but even them trash talking aside this was hugely stacked against me from the word go. I had to sweat mega hard and play dirty to even get any kills.
If I were on Pig like I've been practicing I would've maybe got 1 hook, and a bunch of teabagging at the exit gate (With the same amount of trash talk anyways.) Mega demoralizing.
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Use Ruin and Undying instead of Pop and Sloppy. You'll get better gen regression while being very aggressive at the same time. Learning tiles is also very important as killer. Final note, a key escape, I personally, consider it as a win as killer. That just means they had no other way to win so effectively, they got a "get out of jail" free card. At least, that's how I look at it.
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In matches like that, I just say 'thank you for the party streamer and gateau.' They're probably hyped for taking on a stridor Spirit.
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On Spirit, Undying and Ruin is better. Not only can you grab them while phasing, the random auras lets you know there locations so you know where to phase to.
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Haddon fun
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Congrats on the win. At least you killed the one that sent you to Haddonfield.
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This is why we play Nurse. And slug at 5 gens.
I legitimately hate people like this. It's one thing to use an OP item for an undeserved win, but to brag about it after and call the killer who could do NOTHING about it bad? This is an example of actual toxicity. People like this ruin multiplayer games.
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I'm sure your shining example will inspire the community.
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"This kind of matchmaking happens a lot"
Bother to show more screenshots like that during a same day instead of one?
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I mean this was one of my matches this weekend. I get these a lot, even when in green ranks. This particular team was a 4 man SWF death squad. They spent the entire match just circling me, taking turns with flashlights, with one guy off to the side healing them as they swapped in an out of crowding around me. This match was just a nightmare and not fun in any way at all and was just a literal waste of my time. And actually funny thing is I was lvl 9 at the start of this match too, so I have no idea how the hell I even pipped when only I got 1 kill at the end, as a pity kill.
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uhm can that be a swf? there's 3 crossplay.
Also dono if you usually pack franklin's but yeah, a 3 flashlight lobby, just swap it in. Survivors tend to be lemmings over their dropped items. Even if they recover them safely you're wasting about as much time with it as a totem cleanse. Also slugging nobody was running unbreak-a-bill. Also hillarious when you're playing some kind of ranged killer versus those clickers.... or someone that can break pallets fast ala billy, bubba or demopupper.
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Surveillance with no ruin, no slowdown so surveillance is basically useless, Franklin's against the worst survivor item in the game, Make Your choice on a killer with no mobility or good chase power... I can already see several reasons why you lost. And what kind of death squad brings autodidact+empathy, and self-care with botany knowledge lmao.
Imo Pig works better with either tracking or chase perks, I can't ever play her without enduring at least. And discordance is probably better if you want a gen-related perk and it works well with combat straps and the other ambush add-ons. Pop is probably a good idea too if you want slowdown, I don't personally like slowdown on her, the traps do enough if you can reliably down survivors without a threatening chase power at the start of the match.
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Good for you. I get key escapes all the time since people with keys just hide the whole match, let teammates die and if you find the hatch first they just open it again.
Keys need a nerf yet survivor players would rather keep crying about Spirit.
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Again for you too, this is a singoe screenshot not many. You can never hope for a day full of good matches because people will be people and you will get at least one match like these every day, survivors have their bad matches a lot.
Also, if they were turning flashlight saves because you kept picking then up, why didn't you try slugging?
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It would be hilarious if the survivors posted the same screenshot in a thread titled 'this is why we play haddonfield with a key'.
Sweatlords against sweatlords. I'd say matchmaking worked for once.
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Imagine keying out on haddonfield against a killer you're 8 ranks higher than and talking crap lol, the cringe factor is high in this one.
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I see stridor there,would not trash talk post game but i'd definetely teabag u all game and not feel guilty about it too.
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I wanted to say this too but you were faster :(
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Your name is very good tho
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@RiskyKara Kudos to you for playing properly, usually if I see someone use a Haddonfield offering I'll just meme about, stand in a corner, or facecamp someone for the lulz
Why do I do that? Because the risk of them being a good SWF is quite high when see this offering, and I don't want to risk trying hard and still losing and just stressing myself out for no reason. Also usually I'm not playing an S-tier Killer.
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against spirit + stridor + sloppy what u can expect? ....that build is like saying "gen rush me or u guys are gonna die" is that the guy who send u to haddonfield have that deserved XD i hate GOD LOOPS EVERYWHERE the map
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That could've been more of Haddonfield if anything for the struggles. A Haddonfield is one of the few maps in my opinion that can be harder for Spirit.
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Well, Haddonfield is hard for pretty much everyone. Except Nurse, of course. You can manage it with Freddy, on my experience, but it is complicated.
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Everything aside, why is it that usernames such as yours get my attention the most? 😥 I really need to work on my humor.
Play whoever you want, you don’t need to give anyone a reason. All I ask, is to try not to be rude like your opponents in that screenshot. Always be a good sport. 👍
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As a nurse main, I'd argue that Lerys is preferable to Haddonfield. In Lerys there is lower chance of blink inconsistency at least. In Haddonfield you can waste tons of time just because you were a meter too far or aiming too much to the side on a "blocked" house, so you just didn't blink anywhere.
Also Haddonfield promotes counter #1 to nurse: early W and stealth (arguably the counter to every killer, but i think hag and spirit could actually have it easier in Haddonfield than nurse)
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Map's amazing on Hag from my experience.
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For a very long time, I would've agreed with you completely simply because Old Lery's was my favourite map. And Haddonfield is painful for everyone, so...
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Well, I don't play Hag at all, so I literally have no idea. But I've seen some Hags get 4Ks on that map, so I think you are right.
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I completely removed old lerys from my memory. I really don't remember how it looked like (same for all reworked maps except corn ones and nurse/clown ones, just because they're the newest)
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The narrow pathways and areas of traffic being predictable make it a Hag heaven.
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Please, allow me to refresh your memory with a picture from a better time:
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i wouldn't mind this post if i didn't see stridor since you're using the cooler addons, passive phasing
but you're using stridor
lol stridor spirit
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Yeah, this I've seen a few times. Also, a "Hag heaven" sounds scary on its own.
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Stridor Spirit? Gross
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Why can't it be SWF with crossplay?
Can have someone on PC, PS, Xbox, and all be chatting through Discord.
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So you use your psychic powers before searching for a match to determine if they have a key?
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Who doesn't?
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I'd feel bad for you for the matchmaking, but Stridor Spirit. If I found a key, I'd have left too. Messages were still uncalled for.
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I feel like most of my games the key holder is usually the weakest player. The one who makes the dumbest plays and lets the team down.
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if its stridor spirit 4 keys survivor would be rrally acceptable
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Matchmaking does suck. Feels great to have a chance against players more experienced than you. As much as I loved to play Stridor Spirit, it actually got boring to the point that I played Nurse for a bit.
Have you given Wraith a shot? Love playing him way more than Stridor Spirit now that he's got mobility.
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lol current wraith now is much more fun than previously this buff makes him great to play again
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Spirit already got her nerf in late 2019, don't expect another major one anytime soon, or at all.
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This is the same reason I gave in and just started playing stridor spirit. I play a night, so every second game is always a swf with a massive ego. Since switching to her, my games have been much more enjoyable, not to mention swf stop clicking and teabagging once I can hit and down them within 15 seconds.
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It was so... blue :o
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So do I. It used to be my favourite map and I loved it to death.
Playing on it as Old Freddy was very interesting, because of how bright it was.
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In my defense I'm still a relatively new player and don't have many perks unlocked yet. Which brings me to my point where I am no where near the same skill level as any of these people so I'm not even able to counter most survivor plays. I literally just try to make do with what I have with what I got. In all of my games. It's just not really fair that I get paired up with sweaty rank 1 players who have everything and that I barely have anything unlocked to be able to even try to counter them.
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I couldn't slug. If I downed one and left them on the ground they'd either disappear for a bit and let me get the hook, then swarm me while one gets the unhook, or they'd still surround me and body block then after the first hit each they'd just blind me while the other picked up the other dude. Again they were very well organized and I couldn't really do much against them.
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No it won't. This community needs Jesus