Why is it it taking so long for a key nerf

Im mean I don't hate keys to the point where I start blowing steam out my ears when I see one but it's been like 5 months since the mori nerf does it really take that long to nerf keys. they could add a new animation which doesn't really take that long since it only took a week to make victors locker animation. Tbh they don't even have to do a new animation they could just make it so the hatch only spawns when 5 gens have been done or there is only one survivor left.
I know some people will say that " kEyS ArenT BaD OnLy A feW pEopLe eScApE WiTh tHeM SiNcE StAtS saId So" . which is true but according to stats nurse is the weakest killer and all of know that isn't true. So That's not a very reliable source
Because it's a survivor item 🙂
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Because nerfing keys isn't the only thing bhvr is working on.
We just had a mid chapter with various of different balance changes. I'm sure the devs are working on it, but it was just not a priority for the last mid chapter.
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Keys are complex. I think the simple solution is to make the hatch spawn one gen later than it currently does. That means no more 3-man escapes after 3-genning yourselves.
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it already spawns at 2 gens
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Keys arent a problem. Comparing it to moris is just ridiculous
As killer im fine with keys, its happens like 1 game on 10, and when, well just bring Franklins and.. git gud.
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I personally would say there’s definitely validity to comparing keys to mori’s. Both of them have/had the potential to end the game without actually completing your objective. Now old moris were without a doubt stronger than keys but it doesn’t change the fact that keys in their current state are extremely unhealthy
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It isn't that simple, there's a formula to the hatch spawning:
In order for hatch to spawn, the survivors must have repaired X + 1 generators, where X is equal to the number of survivors remaining in the match.
4 survivors left: 5 generators must be repaired
3 survivors left: 4 generators must be repaired
2 survivors left: 3 generators must be repaired
1 survivor left: Hatch spawns regardless of how many generators have been repaired
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A key nerf requires much more than the mori nerf did, the mori nerf was a simple number change, changing a 1 hook requirement to a 2 hook requirement. Keys on the other hand, will most likely require much more.
We may see a new channelling requirement
New animations
Possibly even changes to the hatch as a whole
Not only that, but the key nerf could very well happen in the next update, it is highly unlikely that the devs will tell us about the nerf in advance. That way, people won't just use all their keys before the update drops.
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even doesn't happen often they are still a broken item
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The key change doesn't need to be difficult. Just make it so only the person using the key can escape.
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Then they'd be creating more work for themselves as they'd have to change achievements
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We're most likely getting info about it tomorrow during the anniversary stream. I'd be surprised if we didn't.
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That makes "Where'd They Go?" Impossible to accomplish.
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Like others have said, it would make an achievement impossible to get which is apparently a no-no from MS and Sony.
Personally I suspect that they’re working on something that will affect the end game in a bigger way, not just keys.
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Ahhh...I did not realize that was the case. That does indeed make it more difficult to sort out.
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The hatch is an interesting dynamic and it'd be a shame to see it reduce to obsoleteness, but as it stands it is pretty unfair.
Personally, I think only pink keys should unlock the hatch and they should only be available in chests, and no longer spawn in the bloodweb. It would make them much less frequent for killers, and give rise to some more niche perks such as plunderers/appraisal.
It would also prevent everybody spamming them in their matches to use them up before they are nerfed, unless it was another stealth nerf like moris.
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Blight had bugged POV since release for 6 months until they fixed it.
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Keys are a whole item, with addons, achievements, and tome challenges attached it's not as simple as people want it to be.
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Which one? "Where did they go?" Still doable if everyone brings a key so a change like that would not affect the achievement.
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The achievement says “all survivors escape through the hatch at the same time”. You can’t escape through the hatch at the same time if every survivor has to open the hatch separately.
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Probably because it’s going to be yet another instance of solo survivors paying the price for SWF being OP.
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Because keys gives advantage to survivors, not killers. That is reason.
But yes, they nerfed it, now only hatch stays open for 10 seconds :)
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HEY EVERYONE! Buddy here thinks he's getting a key nerf! keep hoping friend but don't hold your breath.
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A perk shouldn't be forced onto you just to counter an item
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Because changing keys take more than changing just the numbers. The mori change was simple and effective, but keys need to be adjusted more so that the change is effective, but also reliable.
At least, I hope that's the reason it's taking so long and they don't just show up one of these patches with like "hey look at this, now you can only escape on your own and don't take people with you!".
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if ya want a key nerf then explain how should they nerf it
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"Tbh they don't even have to do a new animation they could just make it so the hatch only spawns when 5 gens have been done or there is only one survivor left."
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It took them years to change moris from one hook to two hooks.
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I think they are not happy with their own ideas and dont want to make quick fix. They want to fix keys and then never touch them again.
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I mean, would you rather have a rushed nerf that either doesn't do anything or makes keys a detriment to the team? Or would you rather have a nerf that takes a while but is really well thought out and makes keys balanced?
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Multiple reasons while the biggest one is most likely they are focusing on something more important like the mmr system, they have to nerf the 🗝️ in a way that won't screw teamates over
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just for info, although it contains a "Kappa": keys alreagy got nerfed if noone noticed. hatch used to stay open for 30 seconds, now it only stays for 10 seconds.
ehm, only if 2 survivors are dead. with his suggestion there would neet to be 3 dead, or 4 gens finished to allow a double escape
you could bring 4 keys. or change addons to allow a 5 second window after the key usage