What killer and survivor do you see the least?

Killer and survivor mains alike, what killer do you find most rare to see, and what survivor/s do you find most rare to see? For me it would probably be Plague/Tapp or something.
Killer: Twins
Survivor: Adam
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Oh actually you're right, I have barely seen any twins so I forgot they existed lol.
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I hesitate between Twins and Hag. I very rarely saw Twins until recently, where I've met a few of them the last two weeks. I was amazed. I like Twins, but I think it's because I've met only the ones who don't camp.
Slugging, a bit, but it was never a real issue as we most of the time were able to recover. ("We", I mean, I'm solo, but against Twins, I'm always with good Survivors...).
Hag, I rarely see her and I'm not unhappy at all about it. I don't like Hag. I've been playing for enough long for not being scared anymore by the game... But man, her traps always got me. Some maps, they are hard to see, and I don't always have a flashlight with me. The only time I wanna run Urban Evasion. 😹
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For killers, Twins, Billy, and Plague outside of her current tome challenges.
For survivors, Jeff, Tapp, and Quentin.
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Killer: Ghostface. Survivor: Jeff.
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Killer: Twins (And I am happy about that)
Survivor: Jeff
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blight and spirit
Jeff Johansen
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For survivor Tapp, for killer Nurse (she's not popular on console with crossplay off). Quentin, Adam, Demogorgon, Plague, and Blight are also rarely seen.
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Billy since his rework which is a shame. He is one of my fav to play against and I love his chase music.
Quinton or Jeff... I rarely see them :(
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Not sure Quentin is even in the game if being honest.
For Killer I'd say Clown.
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I feel like I've been seeing a ton of demos lately, but maybe he's less popular on console.
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Right after the patch I saw a few and was hopeful but haven't seen any since. Same with Blight, saw few after update to his height but none since. Plague I'm seeing because of the Tome but I'm will to bet once her challenges are done I won't see her anymore.
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Killer: Twins (I never ever see them at all!)
Survivor: I see everybody now and then.
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Killer: Nurse
Survivor: Tapp and Quentin
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Killer: Hag, Twins, and Billy.
Survivor: Jeff and Quentin
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Killer: Twins.
Survivor: Tapp.
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Killer: Before this archive would have been Plague by a lot now probably Twins or Billy
Survivor: Quentin
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Twins and Tapp
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Jeff/Tapp and Billy.
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Killer: Twins (I've only seen 4 since I've started taking data and I've played 324 survivor matches since then so they're pretty rare.)
Survivor: I'd have to say Quentin, he was pretty popular for a while on switch back in December but I think that's only cuz that's when NOES dropped on switch and it was right next to Twins which were (and kinda still are) viewed as pretty weak killers.
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If I am being honest I don't know why a survivor would never not be played since at the end of the day survivors are just skins with perks that can be taught to everyone else. There is no uniqueness to survivors besides their look.
But for a killer I never see. I never see twins.
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Regardless, there are survivors people prefer the look or cosmetics of, and so naturally there are less played survivor characters.
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That makes sense actually I see what you're saying. I wonder how much of this is also due to people not owning a certain character as well. I wonder if everyone had all survivors unlocked would we see more of a mix? And now that I think about it same probably goes for killers too. But I tend to over analyze this kind of stuff lol xD.
But I'd say twins for sure for killer and for survivor... hmm Quentin Smith actually.