I'm calling it, Springtrap will be a surprise bonus killer revealed at the end of the stream

idk, it's just a hunch for me. There's been a lot of arguments made on how there could be a bonus killer reveal at the end of the stream, and given all the mentions of how dbd came from "humble beginnings" makes it seem that the possible bonus killer will tie in with that idea. I mean fnaf was a game created by 1 guy after years of trying to make a successful game, with fnaf becoming a popular series.
I already know I'm gonna get clowned on in the comments, and if there isn't a bonus killer or if there is but it isn't springtrap, I'll gladly take the L and the clowning.
But I will scream "I told you so" if he does come in this steam.
Wanna bet?
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This isn't something i am willing to bet money on due to FNAF's contentious nature and kiddie reputation but i won't complain about it if it happens
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I'd put down money that FNAF won't be announced at the end of today's stream.
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They're not gonna take away from the hype of the RE chapter by announcing another licensed chapter. Capcom would be pissed.
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Sorry. Not a chance. Il eat my hat if that happens.
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I hope so 🥵
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I hope so, means i can finally quit this game.
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Not enough apparently
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That is chemically impossible.
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Wow, didn't happen. Who woulda thunk?
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Sorry chap, all you're getting is a FunkoPop license
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Yeah... maybe when hell freeze's over.
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*hardest facepalm in human history*
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Seems ligit