No Mention of Console Optimization in Stream

Very disappointing to see.
I was hoping that there would be some mention.
You still have hope?
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Considering MandyTalk said they'd look into getting some answers, yes.
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I think this has been a lost cause for a while. So we'll have to get the next gen consoles for that.
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For the old gen consoles? I thought that them giving the game free to people who owned the game before with new gen consoles was their idea of console optimization.
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I can't buy a $700 console to play a 5 year old game.
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I was hoping they would mention it but I was too optimistic.
our only hope would be mandytalk.
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It's like 500 but I get that some people aren't as fortunate when it comes to money.
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Not when they're all out of stock and the only place to buy one is from scalpers on ebay. Screw those people. Seriously.
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You'll have to wait less for a console optimization if you decided to save up for the new console than for some forgotten update by Behaviour, most likely.
Also, yeah those people are really scummy.
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@GoodBoyKaru gave us some prices and it is not 500
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Right, but you would be buying the console that is over valued.
I would never spend more than it's worth, which is 500. At that point you are either purchasing a bundle or from a scalper.
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They are sold out of Consoles. You can only get them from scalpers.
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No, some stores sell the console and controller with some games and even a gaming chair as a bundle. It can cost up to 1000 dollars with all that.
Scalpers have charged that and more for just the console and maybe a controller.
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It's £500 at regular retail price.
The scalpers have gotten there. You cannot find any next-gen consoles in the UK across most major games console retailers, like GAME, Argos, or Amazon with the exception of the Xbox series S, which is all digital and has lower specs than the rest. Amazon were hosting third-party sellers of PS5s- all of them over £950. That's over $1,344(US) and 1,097€.
All across ebay, where there's no guarantee you'll even get the console, PS5s are around £700. The digital version is £600.
This is all in the middle of a global pandemic when the economy for most countries is recovering, and in some places they're still locked down. Money is tight and many people have been removed from their work. People cannot afford to spend £900 on a video game console when the current generation hardware should run it perfectly fine.
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Yes that's nice to know, I've already considered the reasons for why they're hard to get, and yes they are worth no more than 500 unless you purchase from a scalper or get a bundle, as I've mentioned already.
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Hope is a dangerous thing, my friend. When you have a lot of hope, disappointment hits even harder.
I suppose I share that disappointment, though not for the same reasons.
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And as I said, good luck finding one at £500.
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I did, so did my sister, I guess it's an area thing.
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evidently so because every major online retailer in the uk is sold out of all but the series s.
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That's too bad, I hope you, or whoever else wants one, can find it for what it's worth.
I don't know how it works in the UK, or if it's the same over there as here in the US, but online prices are adjusted depending on the zip code you are in.
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The point is over 2 years ago they had a roadmap with a bullletpoint about 60 fps and optimization on the then current console gen. Over 2 years, and they swept it under the rug. They dodge or flat out ignore questions regarding the status of it. All they have to do is give an honest answer and we would stop hounding them.