Its time for us Killer mains to say goodbye

Auto ban system? Lul after 3 matches you will have enough salt reports for griefing, tunneling, camping, bloodlust abuse, power abuse, bbq abuse, noed, pop abuse etc etc etc.
Good thing this Zombie AI being added. A few more slight tweaks and we can have a full fledged killer AI.
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Reducing que times, genious idea
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I've been saying this for a lot of times: Not Only Killers Suffer, Nice Survivors Also Suffer. From Toxic Teammates And Toxic Killers
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Good bye 🖐🖐
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I agree but if you are a dedecated Killer main, you will see way more horrible things then you can imagine, my best friend is a survivor main and he even admits with more gametime then me that he cant understand how I stand those things.
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They're adding a ban feature? How so?
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Yes I think completely overreacting with no information is the wise thing to do in this situation.
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They announced it in the 5th anniversary livestream. A auto ban system will take place, if a person gets too many negative reports he will get banned.
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I got reported by a rank 3 back in october because i blocked a gen with repressed LMAO
Multiple times, So now I guess I'll have to part ways with Repressed T-T
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Don't worry, there'll be plenty of rank 20 resident evil noob killers pretty soon.
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I guess this is a joke right? i literally could report whoever i want for 0 reason and potentially that person could get banned?. i gues is jsut a bad joke for the 5 anniversary and thats it, i hope it was just a bad joke.
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No one knows. it was briefly mentioned that they are working on a new auto ban system. Now - just like clockwork in an elementary school - the forum has gone completely hyperbolic and hysterical. Instead of waiting for information - some people are just freaking out like scared children.
There are no details because the system isn't even completed nor has it even been internally tested yet. So for your own piece of mind I recommend just ignoring any threads about it as they will only be fueled by paranoia and speculation and have no facts whatsoever.
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To be fair, i can imagine survivors reporting each other for stealing items 😂
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Lets be honest this will definitely affect killers only users way more than survivors. Even people who just play killer half and half. The other day I went vs a TVV user, and I watched her stream and she reported me a "toxic" just for being near the hook for a while. So imagine killer only users they must surely get reported for things like that all the time. When compared to survivors you only get reported for valid things such as hacking, and sandbagging and working with the killer.
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its not like if things like this werent said before and the change like MMR was what everyone thought would be, and that with many other things in the past. so i think they have enough antecedents to think this way.
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It's perfect, you thought the A.I. was just added as a little benefit to you? No, they are here to replace us all & the new ban system will make sure of that. Soon this game will be played by only the A.I. and it will purchase things with cryptocurrency
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I've got reported multiple times because I ran the killer around for a while Lmao Both sides would suffer IMO
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Salty players to their adversaries after a trial:
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Well when they mentioned the EGC not doing ANYTHING they haved promised with the issue that it is way too easy to escape once all gens are done and the devs literally said its gonna fix that isse and it didnt happend at the end, ppl knew that. When they added the DC penalty also targeting ppl with random dcs from the game ISSUES not their connections and still getting a DC ban, we where also foreseeing it that the devs dont give ######### about that and well here we are, I am gonna tell you, the devs will not care at all.
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exactly thats what I am talking about, a man with a brain big as my emotions for this subject!
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Well you know what they say about those who assume.....
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Ok - keep spreading the hysteria. Eyeroll.
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I never reported anyone to be honest. I do find it not smart that a killer would report you for that. Either way I'm pretty sure, when you beat and SWF it's more likely to get banned quicker, since it's 4 vs 1 that is why is why some people are worried if it's being developed how everyone is assuming.
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They said something on how people with a lot of reports would be reviewed. However, they explained how this would work fundamentally by bringing up volume of reports and such. "Wait for more information" does not work here as a result since they gave the core concept, sorry Jasix.
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And keep simping for a company that keeps doing dumb decissions and literally ignoring the community.
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I made even recently a post where a swf reported me with their friends for "griefing" and "potential aura reading hacks" cuz I hit the last person on the hook just 4 fun cuz they naughet at the in the middle of the game and also I for listening grass moving and they reacted like "HOW DID HE KNOW" xD
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IDK why do you guys think that you will be insta banned .Probably after few reports you would by checked by EAC or by human i think it be good idea to do something like overwatch from csgo in dbd when players above dev 1 would check other players
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Well said, why not wait to see how it is implemented? If it is done badly and leads to undeserved bans then people can flip out as much as they like.
The current report system does nothing clearly, and it's not a good thing, if someone is ruining the game for others with DCs repeatedly then they deserve a ban.
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- I'm not simping. Leave the childish implications out of your replies - it does nothing but paint you as someone who in incapable of having a mature conversation. I don't normally reply to such things because people who tend to use those tactics generally are incapable of holding an actual conversation in an adult manner.
- I am an adult who waits for actual information before reacting.
- I am in control of my emotions and actions and think people are needlessly wasting their time and energy freaking out over something they have NO idea about.
- Here's hoping the implement an ignore feature on these forums - would save me so much time and allow me to read posts of value.
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Do you guys ever stop and think "Ok, maybe what I'm about to say is a bit dramatic, maybe I should take a deep breath first" ?
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ROFLMAO I get called "cheater" in about 20% of my games when playing T1 Myers with Scratched Mirrors. I guess I'll get banned pretty quickly if they implement this thing. RIP
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LOL have you read these forums?? Hyperbole, vitriol, and hysteria are the norm. It's difficult at times to read through all the garbage posts in threads to get to the ones with merit and actual information/insight.
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It is not doing nothing, it does even the reverse.
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*Yes I think completely overreacting with no information is the wise thing to do in this situation.
You literally ignored my entire reasoning without even trying to talk about it and call that beeing in control of emotions and capable of having mature converstations? I am speechless oof
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This was obnoxious and uncalled for. Please refrain from assuming anyone not agreeing with you is a shill. As it happens, I also am concerned about the implications of auto-bans due to reporting. I voiced those concerns and now I'm done with it. Attacking Jasix personally for not agreeing with you would make you exactly the kind of person who would abuse such a system. You would do well to apologize.
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No because they hurt the deepest fraction of my soul laying in the most peaceful and clearest part of my mind, when I heared that my entire world, feeling and surroundings just got ripped apart and crumbled to the ground like shattered glass.
I am upset okey
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I didn't ignore it. I just don't think you qualified your overreaction since there is no information about the autoban system, and had no need to go into it any deeper just so you could call me a simp again. I stated my opinion and I stated why I think people are overreacting. I won't be joining others on the freak out wagon.
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What? I am saying the current "system" does nothing. I am not sure you understood my previous comment properly.
Not having a way to punish those that do deserve bans is not a good thing, they have announced they are trying to fix that. If that leads to unwarranted bans then all would agree it's a bad thing, but we have no idea as yet. So I agree with Jasix and the others saying that wild speculation does no good.
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Also you are acting just as childish as me by rating posts to a value only because of your own subjective opinion. Ppl like you that ignore the feeling or reasoning of other ppls and think their own way is the superior is not the right way. You should maybe open yourself more and think how others might think. Here's a picture that might clearefy what I say.
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I know what you mean but well its something very complicated, I guess this leads nothing to keep the conversiation, but I definatly know what you mean.
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I know a friend who always wants to report the killer for something, even if they were just playing normal. This spells disaster for the fair players of this game.
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Agree. Bye bye to us killer mains... They all will Be banned from the game in few days.
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I duno why you made a thread just about killers. killers cry about survivors stuff aswell, we will all get banned lol.
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Egc isn't a tool for killers, so I don't see an issue with it.
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But they said it was back in the days :)
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Well, it technically is. I mean, it can kill survivors by itself, and it leaves very little room to risky plays and tactics, encouraging things like camping or straight up leaving your teammates behind.
Some of the countless reasons why I despise it.
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Nope. It's always been to force the game to end.
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It's to force the game to end. That's why it can kill them. They need a timer so they don't hide all game like before.
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Well, I share the highly unpopular opinion that EGC shouldn't have ever been implemented, but that is not the point here.
The fact that it has the potential to kill survivors already makes it more inclined towards killers, does it not?