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I don't understand what the draw/appeal is if this is your new player experience

w00ters Member Posts: 2

I just started playing this game ~2 weeks ago, and peaked as a rank 9 killer. 80%+ of my games are 2-4 rank 1-2 survivors that are toxic as all #########, and even when I just say ######### it and open exit gates& stare at the wall so they will just leave, most of the time they wait til the very last second of egc to leave, and when I ask why bother extending it and not exiting, the response is to "troll/be toxic". Maaayyyybe 1 red rank surv will apologize about matchmaking/be not a dickhead, but that is the incredible small minority. I even tried de-ranking down to ~15 to get REASONABLE games(not expecting 4 sacrifices per game, but a game where i'm playing on a somewhat even playing field), but even there I'm still getting many red rank survivors that are thousands of hours on the game and giant dicks in the way that they play.

From searches, this seems to be prevalent and not a unique experience, and I guess i'm just gonna uninstall because I didn't start playing this game years ago to be able to actually have a chance and have fun(tried survivor, boring as ######### to me). Like I'm expecting a challenge, not perfect body blocks on first hooking event/constant tbags/everyone is a god at looping and 4 gens will be done before I've even caused 2 health states worth of damage.

I guess have fun with your long queue times on your gen-rushing simulator.


  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Yeah. This game is really rough starting out. But it'll get better. Think of those bully games as a chance to get better. Or play survivor until you've mostly figured out the game.

    I wouldn't recommend uninstalling, though. This game becomes really fun once you get a bit of experience under your belt.

  • w00ters
    w00ters Member Posts: 2

    Tried survivor, boring as #########. Game isn't fun enough to slog through that toxicity, I already uninstalled.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730
  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    They have been trying to fix it for years it isn't going to change killers are there for survivors to troll...come join the dark side

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    That’s really sad you uninstalled but it’s kinda how this game is for now until they implement MMR or something else like that. Because I didn’t play for 2 months and got the rank bug this reset was rank 13 and it was nothing but red and purple ranks, no matter what’s my rank it’s red and purple and for me I don’t mind I used to be red rank and omw there but I know for someone like you or even newer player like rank 13-14 being matched with someone with 1000 hours…. That’s feel bad man :(

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 2021

    The problem is that once you have a good grasp of mechanics it turns out killers are actually rather weak compared to a group of organised survivors.

    Unless you know all the tricks and can squeeze every last drop out of game mechanics, then its not that hard for survivors to run circles around newer/more casual killers. They then lose all fear of the killer and typically get obnoxious and in your face about it.

    At that point the thematic fun of playing killer nose dives and it becomes an e-sports loop simulator rather than a horror survival game.

    At lower levels this game shines because any killer can be powerful, its generally scary because survivors are less efficient, making it the game its meant to be. At high levels it falls apart as the power shifts toward the survivors over the killer. These same players then scream constantly for nerfs in the name of balance not seeming to understand the whole point of asymmetric play is that it isn't balanced, that's where the threat comes from.

    Why would I watch a horror film where the big scary monster is completely incapable of being a threat to the cast, same goes for this game.

    My advice is stay in the yellow and green ranks as best you can and just have fun there.

    Edit: you will still get mismatched games but you just eat those for what they are and ignore all the taunting its not worth your time. If you hang low enough you'll get a few fun games a session and can then call it.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    Yeah, the experience for new killers is horrible. I actually don't know why I stuck with it, because it was tremendously unpleasant for the first year I played. I think I kept hoping that I was going to figure out what I was doing wrong and be able to play like a pro streamer, because the killer gameplay looks really fun when you have 2K+ hours and memorize all the maps and literally play as your job. But, unfortunately, that's not the experience most of us are going to have.