Dead By Daylight Resident Evil Chapter: Perks, Power, Add-ons, Mori and Map

This is mostly for people who cannot access the PTB but it's for everyone's reference. Featuring all perks at tier 3 and a video I'd suggest watching with no volume because my mic was too loud lmao.
Survivor: Leon S. Kennedy
Survivor: Jill valentine
Killer: The nemesis
Map: Raccon city Police Department (RPD) + mori
Sorry for audio issues, I've messed with the mic settings but I couldn't re-record the video so we're stuck with it. I suggest watching with volume of. Mori is at 14:32.
Lobby stances
(I'm working on the summary and I'll have it finished by tomorrow, hopefully. I wanted to get this post out first because I'm gonna use it in said summary)
Thanks for this. Unfortunate that the perks, as usual, are mostly D tier garbage with maybe 1 or 2 being B or A tier, and certainly none being S tier to compete with the ranks of Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Hex: Ruin, Pop Goes The Weasel, etc. Would be nice to have some strong perks change things up for a change, instead of the same ol same ol year after year meta of the exact same perks.
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Killer is cool. I think there needs to be more zombies tho.
Leon's perks are okay.
Nemesis's perks
Jill's perks are great.
Map seems like Hawkins/Midwich hybrid.
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Thanks! I really appreciate it!
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Bro I couldn't stop staring at you character portrait replacers.
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edit: i got a bit of time
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Man those look sick.
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I got something similar but its a ritual pack made by Happy clown
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like these ones..?
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Yes very similar but instead they look like this
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Lethal pursuer should show auras until you damage a survivor with a basic attack. Just so it's not a complete waste of a perk slot.
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I actually love all the perks should be interesting to incorporate into some builds.
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With the exception of Bite The Bullet and perhaps Blast Mine, these are all good perks. The problem is that the generic meta, especially the survivor meta, is mindlessly strong.
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Bite The Bullet = Self care, but this time we counter Spirit
Blast Mine = haha light go brr
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I'm excited to be working on a gen only to suddenly reveal my location and also be unable to progress the gen for 14 bloody seconds.
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me when im working on a gen and suddenly a mine detonates
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Dang these are awesome!
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Thank you for this greatly @GoodBoyKaru
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Bummed that they didn't call Nemesis "The Tyrant" (since he's based on the Tyrant-Class B.O.Ws and all), but I guess it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Though I definitely feel like his third perk, Lethal Pursuer, should have been a killer Offering, not a perk.
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Very informational, thanks for making this post.
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You should be on the design team these are amazing and would be cool to see in game
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God no they aren't mine!! Not at all! I credited the artist below- they've given permission to use their work in a portrait pack and it can be found publicly on Reddit. They go by Amnezis on Twitter. Please don't think they're mine- I don't have a lick of artistic talent within me lol
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Ok then pass my comment along that they should be on the design team
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ill do my best
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Thank you so much!
You really are a good boy.
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the name is like the hips, they don't lie.
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They responded
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These perks are being underrated imo. All of them have a use, and are a huge improvement over the perks in other chapters. Jill’s perks especially stand out, resurgence will be very helpful in solo queue.
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I like the look of the perks in general, maybe they aren't the best ever but should be fun.
Mainly I am happy it's Leon, and Nemesis as he seems interesting.
For anyone who is playing the PTB; Can Leon do multiple flashbangs per trial? I would assume so after getting another 50% done, but thought I would check.
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yes, flashbang can trigger multiple times
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Damn, those look sick!
What I truly wanted was the Vintage Perks Pack, but I am scared to get banned.
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I think the survivor perk look great i cant say for sure because pbe is more casual and you rarely see someone sweating. I can already see myself using flashbang and blast mine. Rookie spirit for when i play solo its already 3 more perk useful perk compare to nemesis eruption had some potentiel but the perk dont work with oppression.
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I really hope they add these to console.
They look amazing.
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They probably won't. They don't have any plans to add custom icons to the store anytime soon anyway.
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Unlucky. Even for them, because I'm pretty sure most console players would buy them for cells.