Disconnect Penalties need to be more flushed out

Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

More than 90% of my disconnects were while playing as Survivor. The dc penalty is to prevent players from ruining others' fun match after match, but

A) I quit towards the end of the match so there was little fun left to be had except for me to wait until I bleed out or until the killer finds the last guy, yet I still receive the same penalty as if I had quit in the first 10 seconds;

and B) I don't dc as the killer, so why am I being barred from playing the killer if I'm not going to "ruin others fun," and if I do disconnect as the killer then just lock the killer role too at 1 penalty level higher than the already-locked survivor role.


The penalty amount should scale with how far along the match is, and it should only apply to the role you were playing since the roles are effectively two different games.


Solo survivor is frustrating, but I can't even relax and play a brainless M1 killer build to destress because it's locked


  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    They're good the way they are.

    I dc sometimes because I'm far from perfect but I don't mind taking the penalty because it holds me accountable and stops me from doing it again because I know if I do I'll have to wait even longer next time.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Doesn't sound like a problem with the DC penalty, but a problem with the downed mechanic. You should instead ask for a button to "Give Up" after staying on the ground for a minute, no need to touch DC penalties when they are working fine.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Because you DC at the end of the game doesn't mean you shouldn't be punished for it. You purposely quit the game. It's not like your PC/game crashed and that is out of your control.

    Like you said there was little time left for you anyway so why DC ? If you get slug just go watch a short video or something ^^


    It's honestly not that hard to not DC. The only time you should do it is if you are buggued or a survivor is buggued and there is no way for the game to end.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Believe it or not but DCing at the end also affects the game. By DCing you deny stacks for certain perks or the use of Pop. You deny the possibility of the last survivor to pick you up. You create a scenario where the hatch opens up and the last survivor escapes before the killer can get there or vice versa. You deny the scenario where the killer gets tired of looking for the last guy and just picks you up which can take him enough time for the other guy to find the hatch.

    You're basically altering the possible outcome of the game artificially by DCing. Chances are the game would've ended in another way if you hadn't DCed. If this would've been a better/worse ending is another story but you're still changing how the game plays out.

    Plus your suggested solution would make SWF hatch escape DC exploiting or whatever you want to call it easier by not even being punished with a DC penalty. (You know...the games in which the SWF knows where hatch spawns/is and the second to last guy DCs so the last guy gets hatch 100%).

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    good to see the dc penalty is working

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    I still don't understand the point of DC penalties. Whenever someone wants to leave the game now, he just lets go on the hook. If he gets rescued - he can just run straight towards the killer and try again. If a survivor wants to leave - he will leave. The only situation where you can't do it is when you are being BM'd by the killer in the end of the game, because you can't die on purpose on the ground. So the system prevents people from leaving while they are being BM'd while still letting leavers leave freely.

    I myself have been punished by this system about a dozen times, and only once did I actually DC (as the killer). All the other times were because of that stupid bug when you "lose connection" in the middle of the game, even though the game actually continues, but you can't do anything other than DC (and get that penalty). Pretty good job so far.

  • MintberryCrunch
    MintberryCrunch Member Posts: 67
    edited May 2021

    Yea I agree with the other comments; why DC even at the end? You are affecting the fun of both the killer and the other survivors. Because you aren't there you are reducing the chances for the other survivors even if it's minimal. You also could likely affect someone's challenges/daily rituals, there's just no need.

    Any DC is selfish in my view, impacting others for the benefit of what? A minute of extra wait. "there was little fun left to be had" this only applies to you, so yes it is selfish.

    If someone has an internet issue then that is one thing but to purposefully DC is just obnoxious, no reason to do it, at any stage. I would be in favour of larger penalties for someone who DCs often.

    Just because you don't care about your bloodpoints at the end, to me just giving other's a chance at more is reason enough, they might actually need them.

    If you are on the hook it is particularly absurd, you should try and buy your teammates any amount of time, even if minimal it could make the difference. If you are slugged then hide/recover, someone might get to you even if it takes them a while.

    If it annoys you to be punished, then don't do things that cause it.