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General Discussions

Maybe consider buffing soul guard

Member Posts: 1,878
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

It just hit me what the cursed condition of soul guard was meant to do: nobody likes losing their hexes, and therefore losing a perk slot for the rest of the game, so they added soul guard to give survivors a reason not to cleanse hexes, and let killers keep their hexes until it became absolutely necessary to get rid of the hex. The infinite self-recoveries is meant to be a benefit the survivor gets from having the hex up, so that they have a vested interest in the hex staying up as well.

But the issue is the totem is gonna go anyways because 1) that greedy Nancy just wants to get inner strength up, 2) Dwight the capitalist just wants some points, and 3) picking yourself up from a slugging situation isn't all-too common, and even if you're going against a slugfest, it's probably not going to be worth staying cursed. If there's a devour hope totem, no amount of picking yourself up when slugged is going to unmori you. So then even if you have soul guard, you're going to cleanse the totem, and it doesn't achieve much.

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  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I agree, please buff Soul Guard. I'm not really concerned with how they do it but let's see it happen!

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Its a cost for having infinite revives with 8 seconds of protection. Its a cost/reward just like hexes. You leave theirs up, you get a big reward, you take theirs away, and both get punished.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Main thing I want is for Soul Guard is to have higher priority than Unbreakable. If I'm picking myself up with an Hex it shouldn't spend up Unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 799

    my money's on soul guard becoming one of those boon totems we heard about during the livestream.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    That's literally exactly what I'm saying. But the issue is that the reward you get is completely overshadowed by the cost, especially for hexes like devour hope and ruin. Maybe you can live with blood favor, but then you'd still have to rely on getting slugged to get any value.

  • Member Posts: 672

    I agree, Soul Guard needs some sort of buff.

  • Member Posts: 222

    Soul guard is literally meta, no

  • Member Posts: 510
    edited May 2021

    Soul guard is more another/alternative counter to NOED, when survivors failed to cleanse all totems and lots of them are still alive. In this scenario, killer often starts slugging to maximize his potential number kills before any exit can be opened. Thus, soul guard perk purpose is not to prevent cleansing of ruin/devour/haunted totems ("if it glows, it goes"), but a nice touch and smart solution to strongly decrease the power of NOED

    Soul guard is a great perk at the moment and does not need any tweaking imho: neither trash like 60%+ perks, neither OP ... just a nice trade-off between power and weakness (or niche use)

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    It's pretty situational, I remember the killer had 75% of the team down and was looking for the last survivor. Apparently, the last survivor completed the final generator and was caught by the killer. Luckily for me, the killer used No One Escapes Death which cursed everyone, me included. This allowed me to recover and reset the entire team.

    While it can be very good, it needs a change. Perhaps give it a unique base effect to allow you to fully recover when within 16 meters to a survivor and gain the endurance status effect for 12 seconds, then for the cursed effect — You're immortal for a total of 20/25/30 seconds while cursed and are in a situation that would get you either killed or sacrificed. Essentially, in any occasion that you would die or be sacrificed, you instead live for as long as there's time remaining.

    What does this mean? It's pretty powerful actually.

    • If you're about to bleed out, this perk prevents your death for up to 30 seconds at tier lll.
    • If you're about to be sacrificed from either the hook, cage of atonement, or EGC, you will be protected for up to 30 seconds at tier lll.
    • You're protected from being mori'd for up to 30 seconds after the killer attempts to mori you at tier lll.
    • If you're about to die from a Reverse Bear Trap, the trap won't trigger and kill you for up to 30 seconds at tier lll.


  • Member Posts: 83

    Here’s my soul guard buff suggestion:

    Give the perk tokens that show how many Hex perks the killer is running, regardless of whether they have been revealed yet.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Get rid of the Hex & self pickup activation, and have it be 10s

  • Member Posts: 3,448
  • Member Posts: 66

    This thread has to be a joke. Soul guard gives you, for the entire reast of the game, free Endurance when you get picked up. AND if they have an hex perk you can get up on your own. It's a perk that has 2 op things in it and you want it buffed because a nancy left the killer with just 3 perks and now your super OP perk is less OP?

  • Member Posts: 222

    Soul guard, unbreakable, DS, you’re invincible. Not saying it’s op but it’s really strong, nobody runs it by itself because most killers won’t slug.

  • Member Posts: 13

    people saying soul guard is weak and needs a buff are exaggerating. people saying soul guard is not only OP, but "super OP," are also exaggerating.

    It's a solid and balanced perk that needs no changes, buffs or nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    This comment has to be a joke. That free endurance lasts for literally 8 seconds on the rare occasions that you get slugged AND serves to counter slugging situations in return for something like devour hope, which is probably going to hurt you more than soul guard will help you. It's a perk that has 2 very situational things in it and you want it neglected because you think that slugging happens every game and now your super underwhelming perk is less underwhelming?

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