Why majority people prefer being a survivor main ?

Im not a killer/survivor main so I play both roles but I mean seriously is survivor that fun for people to NOT really play killer? I mean all survivors do is hold whatever button on a gen and get asked if you are still here by getting skill checks, bully killers, run whatever builds and etc. I mean sheesh yall should play some killer for once its fun using their power and certain builds despite getting bullied, salt msgs, gen rushed, clicky clickers, and facing strong swfs,


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    It's just a matter of preference. I just like playing survivor more then killer. Most of my favorite moments is survivors. And I don't bully killers.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 625

    Because survivor is the only role where you can play with your friends, killer is unfortunately for the most part a solo experience. Neither role is harder or easier than the other so I don't believe the whole notion that people play survivor because its "easier."

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    there can be multiple reasons for it.

    the biggest one would probaply be being able to play with your friends.

    since Killer is purely a solo gamemode its automatically less appealing to people who want to play with others.

    then on top of that killer is much more stressful, meaning anyone who just wants to casually play and / or not pay the game too much mind wont be choosing killer.

    also there is those who simply do not enjoy the killer gameplay and prefer the survivor one and those who never got into learning killer and now dont want to go in and keep losing.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    1- i can play with my friends

    2- even if im solo im still playing in a team

    3- killer is too stressfull and im dumb

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    I will play both roles but I play survivor more for several reasons.

    1. I like the survivor pov better. As killer after a bit of the first person I can start to not feel great. Some games first person pov is fine, others can hurt my head - dbd is one that starts to hurt my head.

    2. I'm on ps4 and poor optimization makes playing killer worse than survivor. Both have triggers but killer triggers can feel worse.

    3. I can play with friend and chat during the match about dumb stuff.

    4. I like the variety of going against different killers. Survivors are all pretty much the same so opponents just feel repetitive when I'm killer so I get bored. Because I get bored when I'm killer I end out just messing around instead of playing seriously. I find it more fun to be Ghostface and have the survivors try to find me than I do finding the survivors, just get bored being the seeker all the time. 😂

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2021

    Well I can say for those I know personally its because killer is too hard for them. They would like to play killer more but can't do well past like, yellow or green. As well as the stress that comes with playing killer.

    They much rather just play the easier, more forgiving mode where they have 3 other teammates as well as the advantage of communication if we're playing together. Even if they themselves aren't great survivors, they can hold M1 on gens and get them done at the same speed as anyone else while the better players distract the killer.

    For me personally, I started playing survivor much more (exclusively on most days) because I'm tired of the power gap if I'm not playing Spirit or something. I also like to have a decent say in how the match goes, something killers lack as the majority of the roster rely on survivor mistakes too much such as survivors playing inefficiently.

    TL;DR survivor is easier, less stressful, and the stronger role

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Let's ask the killer hive mind forum what they think about this? Not the best place.

    They have friend(s) who play. Or they like team play.

    All the easier and stress talk is foolish as it varies person by person. And neither side is that difficult.

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    It's a more casual experience for me. Also if you're having a bad game, you can head back to the lobby faster by dying, so you don't have to stay and suffer.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    Most people play games like DBD just because of the ''play with friends'' play style it has, I know that's one of the reasons I started playing and I know lots of small time streamers who play with their friends too, I always prefer to play with someone and I usually get bored when I play solo so I almost never play killer. All the other games I play because of the same reason, League of legends, dota, even fall guys I play because I just like to play with someone while talking on discord, I dislike solo games regardless of how recommended they are or how good graphics are like seikro red dead redemption, etc...

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,838

    I like the experience of being chased.

    But this post is just baiting a reaction, reminds me of Lord_Tony. Probably his alt considering the quality of posts.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    When i play survivor i can listen to music or be on netflix vs when i play killer i cant listen to music or watch netflix i alwaus need to look around because i need to spot the survivor vs i can just watch my gen while i watch netflix and when i hear the terror radius i look around a stealth killer will get me early cause of that but after im fine because i know what im facing and i have friend to play with too

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2021

    I play survivor when I really just want to dominate someone. I play killer when I just want to chill since I don't have to worry about others screwing me over. I don't take the match as serious unless someone clicks a flashlight at me multiple times. If they WANT my attention then they will GET my attention very quickly. I don't know why but something about playing killer and someone challenging you makes your brain switch to destroy them mode XD Otherwise, I play duck, duck, goose with Ghostface and Pig. Other times, I'll moonwalk as Myers after a hook while looking down until I'm sure that I'm behind something then walk away.

    Other times, I'll down someone and if its their last hook, I'll nod quickly then move left then right multiple times then stare. If they shake their body then I'll take it as a no, I don't want to be hooked and I'll let them get up from other survivors and won't go after them the rest of the match. If they don't move after 10 seconds, I'll hook them. Just depends on my mood.

    If I'm doing a challenge that I think is a bit hard or annoying, I'll actually try really hard or if I'm doing a tutorial video as killer for other killers who want to learn how to play that killer better, I'll do my best to dominate. It's just a 50/50 chance of what could happen. When I'm Rank 1, I just 2 hook everyone for a brutal and max my categories by slugging at least 1 person down. Once everyone is 2 hooked, I just wander around for random chases to help them pip and walk into pallets on purpose.

    As a survivor, I usually always try my best to win but I'm very aggressive with DH and will do whatever I can to safely rescue someone or prevent someone from dying on hook. I just find it much more enjoyable to be in chases as both killer and survivor. So I guess you could say the reason I play survivor is because I know my loops well and I enjoy watching the killer struggle to catch me as gens are popping since they won't break chase. Gives me an adrenaline rush to see how much time I can waste. I don't like throwing pallets down unless I need to lose bloodlust. I skip a pallet and break a pallet. I use T/L walls as much as possible as soon as I see them to save pallets on the map.

    I just really enjoy being the teammate that saves everyones' ass, which usually ends up with me being the basement, camped or on a random hook with the killer about 3-4 steps, nodding at me. Just really fun, in my opinion. I've met some good killers on this game who were very impressed by my survivor skills. For reference, I don't teabag unless someone needs a break in a chase and I need to get the killers' attention but if I'm in a chase, I don't teabag unless they start to ignore me again. I got so many pics of me being camped on Steam, it's not even funny lol. Usually all with 1 hook state and 1 gen left to go. I don't know. I just really love this game and how different each side can be. With RNG, it's never a dull moment.

    Oh, my favorite moments when I was playing with my friends who does Twitch, before Leatherfaces' Tantrum, I would run down into the basement and circle around the hook and try to force him to tantrum into the pole so at the end, I could get a safe rescue then jump into a locker multiple times until I could safely run up the stairs with enough time to get through the window. Those saves were LEGENDARY. Now he's different but I'll still poke the bear to see if I can get him to rev enough to tantrum for a rescue attempt. My motto is to NEVER back down in the face of danger if your teammate is on the line and there is a chance to get you. Except Hag. Hag can eat my butt. If it's Hag and you're in the basement without me having a flashlight and she's circling around like a drug addict, I'm cool on that XD

    Final Note: When I do play killer and I see someone going for an unhook, I just let them have it. I hate it when a survivor won't rescue me because the killer is nearby so I always make sure to back up pretty far to let them safely unhook. I also use BBQ and head near a gen if I see a survivor aura around it, whether or not I see someone going for the unhook. It's just my personal preference. I try to make sure everyone has a good match and getting straight camped on first hook or immediately tunneled just doesn't seem fair or fun to me. I support camping and tunneling but doing it on first hook is just stupid. Don't do it. Just get help. Let everyone have a good match.


    Post edited by AVoiceOfReason on
  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,283

    Survivor is a much more fleshed out experience.

    You have to locate gens, identify 3-gen set-ups to avoid, you can stealth, you can loop, you can be altruistic, you can do gens, you can hunt totems, you can hunt items, you can scout...

    People like to joke that survivor is just M1 simulator, but that questionable honour goes to killers far more than survivors. Killers can only chase and use their powers.

    Killer gameplay is just much thinner than that of survivors.

  • Krunga
    Krunga Member Posts: 159

    Survivor is much more relaxed and fun (not in some cases) and like what Firellius said, the gameplay has more for you to do and is more simple and streamlined. Killer has to keep track of more elements all at once.

  • mildspice
    mildspice Member Posts: 32

    Personally, any game or mode in a game that requires first-person pov doesn't work for me.

    I don't know how to describe it other than having vertigo when I play first-person. I find it so disorienting, especially after playing.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited May 2021

    My reasons for being a survivor main:

    1. I hate Toxic survivors. And I don't have to deal with them as a survivor.
    2. Survivor is less stressful and frustrating.
    3. I can do so many more stupid things as a survivor.
    4. I want to be a friendly survivor in the hope to make Toxic survivors a bit more friendly.
    5. I like to defend killers as a survivor.
    6. I get generally sad when I down survivors as killer. Because they as sobbing on the ground.
    7. I don't find any killer enough fun to play them a lot.
    8. I like the feeling of being chased and helpless. (Even tho survivors are stronger)
    9. I don't have to take as much BS as a survivor.
    10. I like their design a slightly bit more.
    11. I like to get jump-scared. (Even if I get scared more often as a killer)
    12. I love to save and help others and sacrifice myself.
    13. If a killer had a bad match with 0K, I like to give them gifts or sacrifice myself to make them feel better.

    I have more reasons, I just can't remember them right now.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Survivor is simple.

    You can be a hot chick, do it appeals to weebs and weirdos (as long as they don't notice the models are complete crud)

    Good guy vs bad guy, you want to be good guy

    It's easier to win as survivor as your skill in the game scales.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    Like many have pointed out- being a survivor, in a swf anyways, is far easier and takes much less skill. Solo surv is a much different ballgame, but swf survivor is easy peasy titty squeezy. So much so that it's always amusing when i get toxic mail from the very like who think they've actually accomplished something worthwhile. I don't care who tries to argue against it, a solid group of communicating survivors is nearly impossible to best with the majority of killers in this game. It's a problem, but the people who matter don't want to admit it, and were I in their shoes I probably wouldn't either lest I lose the twerps I'm discussing, who by my count have to figure into the majority.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I play both sides, But I play survivor more for these reasons:

    1. Survivor is less stressful/frustrating than killer.
    2. I like the third person POV survivors have.
    3. There are more objectives as a survivor.
    4. I like hiding from the killer and getting into chases.
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    Because they want to bully, and it's done way easier with survivor because they're stronger than the killer. And there's 4 of them so it opens an avenue to group bullying.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    Spoken like someone who isn't at a red rank competitive level. Because if you aren't this is true. Otherwise this is a ridiculous statement. Those who have arrived and spent some time there knows which side the scales are imbalanced towards, and trust me, if not the many many people who have been voicing the same opinion/borderline fact for years- killer role at said competitive level is anything but easy.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    October 2020. My partner told me he found a game for us to play during Halloween. We like to play horror games during Halloween.

    Of course, as we were playing together, we went on the Survivor side.

    After Halloween, he dropped the game but I kept playing it. I was used to the Survivor role... I tried to play Killer as well.

    Rank 20 against purple and red each time. So... I'm waiting the MMR now to be back to play Killer a little bit. When I play Survivor, my matchmaking is fine most of the time.

    I'm a Survivor main because it's the first role I've played and... I quite like it too.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Survivor is less stressful.

    if you lose as survivor it doesn’t feel as bad since your team probably still got stuff done.

    for killer, it feels really bad to for example only get less than 5 hooks in a game, sometimes gens fly by even though you are always in chases and actually perform relatively good.

    that and of course being able to play with friends.

  • jarjargist21
    jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444

    It's easier and less stressful as survivor and if they're playing a swf and depending on their skill they could win 80% of the time. It's more survivor sided if I'm completely honest. I do like playing killer more tho and I do like a challenge. But if a survivor wants to be toxic, I be toxic right back. Most times when I play survivor I play solo because I like a challenge. I don't need a swf to hold my hand to play a game, if I do play swf we mostly mess around.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Because I can play with... With... Please forgive me for saying this: with my friends

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510
    edited May 2021

    I also play both, but I do tend toward survivor. Not because it's necessarily easier, I mean you are holding M1 but that is only so you have a mini-game to do while you wait to be chased and there is a lot you need to know in order to do well as survivor.

    As for why most people prefer survivors - here's my take:

    1) There's potential for killer to feel a lot of pressure to perform. Unless you can train yourself to just not care and do what you can. People may prefer not to deal with that pressure and are attracted to the thrill of being hunted.

    2) Killer is a solo experience - you don't get a sense of team (even if the team is not really working as one) like survivors and no real interaction with friends for the most part to work toward the same goal.

    3) Killer is the bad guy in this story - least that's the way it's laid out. Let's face it, it takes a special someone to chase people, beat them to the ground, then drag them to a hook and impale them on it. Look at horror movies. They seldom treat you to the killer's point of view for the majority of the movie, unlike the protagonists. Survivors are generally more relatable as they are just normal people.

    4) Killer is invulnerable, there's no thrill of seeing how long you can last in a match - because killer has no chance of being ejected early.

    5) Survivor dynamics - I play solo when survivor, so every game has that anticipation of not only not knowing who the killer is, but also how good or bad your fellow survivors are. Killers have an good idea what they are walking into when they first join the lobby. Sure the survivor perks are a variable, but for the most part survivors run the same, they hide the same, they have to do gens all the same. Survivors (those that want to live) have to adjust their play style to each killer's unique power and that helps keep each match interesting.

    6) Survivors arguably have nice models and more choices in cosmetics to individually customize to their likes. Choices are more limited in killers.

    7) Got one more - seldom is anyone going to congratulate killer for doing well in a match, so each victory feels somewhat hollow which is one reason I feel some killers like to let that last one go. Survivors however have more potential for back pats and kudos and if everyone died, well they are still smarting from getting killed to usually say anything beyond a 'gg'.

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    I like playing both roles.

    I have to out think and outmaneuver the other side regardless of which one I play. That's a good challenge, it makes you think. You have to change tactics as you learn about the opponent's habits.

    Killer is not truly stressful 🙂

    You can get brutal or sometimes ruthless killer even with zero kills.

    It's ok to get zero kills, better luck next time.

    Flashlight knights have helped me become much better at avoiding blindness as killer. Practice makes perfect 👍🏾

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Basically, survivors don't get a ton of anxiety when playing the game, whereas most killers do. Also survivors can play with friends and get points, unlike killer

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    Im a 4500hr player and 4k at rank 1 killer almost every game I play against red rank survivors/SWFs, of coarse the odd experienced SWF will 2-3 man out against me once every now and then but those are experienced groups/death squads.

    The solo queue survivor in red ranks experience is more miserable then playing killer for me and I play both sides equally.

    A 4000hr killer main will have a WAY easier time winning games then a 4000hr solo queue survivor main will simply because of how easy it is to get to red ranks in this game. The majority of player base is survivors and the skill gap of actually becoming a good enough survivor to win/predict mind games and outplay an experienced killer is pretty big.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I play Survivor over Killer for a variety of reasons but one that I don't think I saw anyone talking about is the FOV for Killer. I play plenty of first person games on my PC but the FOV for the Killers makes me so queasy for some reason. I still try to do it sometimes but I often end up feeling really disoriented or even outright ill.

    I'm also on a PS4 and I think the framerate feels really low in this game regardless of my internet speed. It's less of an issue when playing third person as a Survivor!

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    killer is too stressful.

    though as a solo q survivor my teammates can make it very stressful for me

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    I enjoy survivor and like to play with my friends.

    Killer is too sweaty, I play enough to complete Rift challenges and, I don't care if they all escape.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404

    I play both sides, but survivor is more relaxing. As solo survivor i have really annoying matches, but i mostly dont care when i lose or better when i had never the chance to win. And when you play survivor you have downtimes. As killer you always need to avoid wasting time and if you make a mistake you have a problem.

    I never got hate messages as survivor and a killer rarely taunts me.

    And so i dont want to lose as killer, but i dont care when i play survivor.

  • latigresa
    latigresa Member Posts: 88

    Biggest reason for me: I only need to unlock perks on 1 person to play survivor. But I have unlock perks for each and every killer I want to play. I already play a few killers enough and are bored with them. But to play the other killers I need to amass millions of bloodpoints just to be competitive. If I have an hour, I'd rather hop on survivor and use all my perks than hop on killer and feel weak because I'm playing with random perks.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Survivor is easier. You sit on a gen pressing skillchecks, then get into a 10 sec chase after which you get hooked and look around from the hook. Yeah, this is a bit exaggerating, but it has some truth in it.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    When you start playing the game as killer most players hit a wall where gens fly and survivors are being annoying to them so a lot of people just ditch playing killer and just play survivor instead because it's less stressful.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Survivor is easier 

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited May 2021

    LOL. Neither side is complicated. They both have very simple mechanics and gameplay. And yes, the bad killer mains have cried for years even now when the game has been been greatly swayed to a different state of being with major nerfs to Survivors. The current era Killers have no idea how much easier things have been made for them. And I have been Red Rank easily, but the fact you even bring that up is silly since Red Rank means literally nothing more than you played a lot. Competitive level is silly, it'd be like playing Mario Party as a competitive game and bragging about your dice roll or winning a luck minigame. This game should never be taken THAT serious. And both those Killers and Survivors are only making the game more miserable trying to pretend this game is ESPORTS, and I HIGHLY doubt you're remotely on their level yourself to speak yourself.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Some people don't like killer gameplay. Survivor is more chill and you can play it while talking/playing with friends or listening to a podcast or something.

    I play killer when I want to play seriously as I know its going to be tougher.