Survivors, Killers, Can We All Just Get Along? (Slight Rant)

So...I had an interesting game. Overall I think it went well. Didn't feel too one sided for either side, no bullying or anything toxic happening in the game. The survivors did their gens, put pressure on them, they'd loop me (one of them was really good too and I was forced to break it off cus I wasn't going to catch them without wasting more time), overall the game felt winnable for everyone. I will admit, there was a point where I was thinking I might just get the one kill, cus they had one gen left to go when I killed just one of them, but I went and got a couple more hooks in before they finished.
So this is how the end plays out. I was in mid chase already with a David. They finish the last gen which boom, NOED pops right before I swing. I go and hook him, BBQ tells me where at least one other is and I go to meet them and cut them off after they opened the gate. I come out of cloak, cutting off their route, do a short chase and down them. Well...wouldn't you know my luck, right behind that person was the last survivor literally two feet away trying to duck behind a corner. So I go, chase them, down them and start hooking them all for the win. So then this happens. They all say "Wow, you're such a good killer" and compliment me for doing well. I was surprised that they were red ranked actually (legit I thought they were greens, or at least purples with how they played) and so I thank them and try to compliment them back, especially their Feng who was pretty good. Theeeen the salt comes in at the end.
Survivors...and hell, even my fellow killers. Please don't do this. There is no reason to go and get so salty that you tell someone to die. That's just rude.
And before anyone says anything about "Uh, NOED trash" and tries to defend this. Let me show you something.
These are the perks that I have on my LEVEL 15 WRAITH that I was playing here. What the hell else am I supposed to run? What, should I just swap out NOED for Iron Grip instead? Should I be handicapping myself even more just to make them feel better? They don't really seem to mind having BT and DH and their good perks on. So why should I cripple myself even more than what I already am? Also I do find it funny that one of the guys had the Detective's Hunch perk to locate totems and he was friends with the dude who told me to die. Pretty sure they were an SWF cus they both shared the same name, like Rick#1 and Rick#2 (no that's not the names they were playing as, I'm not gonna show who they were. Just using the names as an example of what I meant by the same).
But anyway, yeah. Please be kinder to your fellow players guys. There's no need to take this game to the extreme like this. That's all. Just be good people.
Red ranked team died to tier 1 noed? What a disgrace. I can't remember dying to Noed because its super rare. Once you get exposed you run after totem and scatter.
But to run into noed killer and get killed like noobs means they aren't that good at the game like they think.
Salt in this case is understandable, I would be salty too if I made such a silly mistake. Except I would never message anyone about it and stayed angry only at myself
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I just had a match in Haddonfield as a Pig where I got a 4k, the survivors still trash talked me in the chat and called me bad. Some people just can't accept that they lost fair and square and like to find other things to blame, and they rarely makes sense. Don't think about it too much, they aren't worth your time.
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It's a shame some people are like that. If somebody has a bad game the best thing to do is move on. Even if someone does feel hard done by, at the absolute most, they should say nothing, report if you feel there's a geniune issue to report, and then take a break.
Also, it's important to realise people aren't rude or toxic because they're a survivor/ killer main - they're that way because of the attitude towards life those people harbour. Some people just need to realise playing a particular role does not make you a bad sport, but a crappy attitude to life does.
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Nah, there is no compromise. All survivor players are evil and have zero respect for the killer both as a person or as a player. They don't care about our fun or what's fair. You can even see it in this forum, survivors make everything about themselves. BHVR spat on us, called Moris toxic and they are gonna get nerfed again, while at the same time adding A HUGE indoor maps with god pallets, and what are survivor players doing? "Oh gee i wonder how pretty my LGBT charm will be!".
Survivors never asked for a key nerf, they got Mori nerfed so they put the issue to rest
Survivors don't care about the hatch being unfair for the killer and project how they think they are entitled to win because their team is bad onto the killer saying we're the ones entitled for wanting a reward for playing well
Survivors. Are. Evil.
Which is hilarious because when Legion came out, even killer players were crying how OP he was, and now he's complete trash because of all of you. But god forbid a survivor will ever not be self absorbed and thinks for a second that keys might need a nerf.
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That's quite the over generalisation in my view, do you only play killer?
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I sense a lot of sarcasm in their post. Don't mind them - you'll get used to the sarcasm and see the humour in it.😁
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Lmao they were running dead hard and unbreakable and they trash talk you for noed Lmfao
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The Detective's Hunch player wasted a perk slot.
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That's the thing that I thought was funny too lol. Also three of them were running BT as well. Surprised none of them were running DS on top of it too. But again it goes back to what I said. Should I handicap myself and run a useless perk like iron grip just to make them feel better? I would like to try to win too you know lol
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So I just stumbled on to this video a few minutes ago and I wanted to share it as it does relate to my post here of toxicity and just wanting us to chill and be more respectful here. I agree with what he says and my hope is that by posting this here, that hopefully it reaches out to enough reasonable people within the community so that we can actually come together, be less toxic as a whole, and just chill and play a damn video game with each other and have some fun.
*(Disclaimer I guess? I am in no way affiliated with or related to Spooks and Jukes and am not being paid or coerced in to reposting his video. My intention is to only help spread within the community what I personally thought was a good message.)
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Your response is just an addition to the toxicity that circles around the point. Ranks mean nothing. It is more an indication of time played, than skill. If you are not new to the game, then you should know that red ranks derp just as hard as other ranks.... throw themselves at hookes, etc.
The point is that its a casual game.... not competitive... and toxicity only serves to harm the player base and give us less people overall to play with or against.
Your response and expectation is part of the problem. Play the game to have fun. Ignore chat and move on if you think it is toxic. Those players have other issues in their life, that they feel the need to say that in a video game. They shouldn't react that way any more than what you said. Both are damaging and if you like the game you should want to build a fun community with iconic survivors and killers we all love.
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except that should have made it easy to eliminate noed.... so def not worthless.... they just played poorly around it.
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Finally something other than the (rant) (vent) (rant) threads.
Sorry this was just my (rent) (vant) (rent).
Anyway, yeah we can definitely get along.
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I personally dissociated myself from more of a major community. I lurk here and there, maybe make a post or a comment. But, I've enjoyed it more. When I first joined dbd, I was happy and naive. But, the community just beat the heck (cringe lol, but trying to limit my swearing.) out of me. "You're scum, toxic." "NOED?! God you're trash!" "Dead hard is OP" stuff like that was the norm for me for awhile. I'm still fairly "new" I joined what feels like two maybe three years in the forums, but I was exposed to this stuff long before. One time I had someone wish that my mother would die of cancer because they stepped on a bear trap I set at a gate.
What I did was just limit myself and try to be positive while being as neutral as possible. I love a non-aggressive community and I feel bad that I was one of them once, but now I'm trying to be the good members haha. Sometimes I even show it in games I go against with streamers. But, anytime I get hate, I just tell them to relax. "It's a game, we have good days and bad days." But, if they're particularly nasty, I just send a random meme and move on. Having a mainly pvp game does that, it's not just Dead By Daylight
Edit: When I said one of them, I don't mean I was homophobic or racist. Dear God no. I was just.. bitchy. I also want to reiterate that I'm not defending it or trying to make a joke or ignore it. I'm just tired of people, if they want to complain and say awful hurtful things, then Karma will bite them. I will report it, I will get evidence to help them get what they deserve. But what the hell happened? What caused this huge surge of entitlement? We're trying to take one step forward at a time, yet some people get lost and move five steps back.
Post edited by DwarvenTavern on0 -
Whoops I misread who you were responding to. Ignore this, sorry!
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The funny part is that some people around here actually think like that, just not very vocally.
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Megs are the true source of evil, hence why Nemesis felt it necessary to yeet her in to the next world in the trailer.
(I'm joking obviously lol)
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This is a over generalizing and terrible mindset to have. Not every single survivor is a terrible person. Thinking this way your no better then the awful survivors.
I honestly hope you don't have this mindset in other areas of your life.
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- Thinking this way your no better then the awful survivors.
Why yes, for thinking all survivors i'm evil I'm no better than survivors who tell me to kill myself at the end of a match because I win, or because I lose even, i found out survivors tend to be extra toxic when they are the ones who won.
But you keep playing victim, you poor opressed survivor, here, have another indoor big map.
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Totally missed that at first.
Imagine bringing the counter to hex perks and not utilizing it.
Sorry you had to deal with this, OP. I will never understand why people feel the need to act like this over a video game, it's disgusting behavior.