Asian survivor skill level (and culture difference)

I am a Rank 6 - 8 killer here in Japan but mainly in the evenings I get destroyed by local Japanese players they all seem to be rank 1 or 2 and I find matches instantly - lack of killers ???
Anyway I used a good VPN with a good ping and tried the US servers and I destroyed survivors so badly I felt sorry for them, there was a mix of Red and medium ranks.
Anybody else compared the Asian servers? It’s pretty big in Japan.
Another thing, the Japanese players NEVER give up or DC. If I catch the last survivor trying to open the gate and down them, even without DS they will struggle to the end, even though the game is over. On the US servers people simply stop struggling (which makes sense lol).
There are T-bagging Japanese survivors of course but they often apologize in the end game chat. Salty end game chat usually comes from the Americans who are stationed here in Japan or South Korea lol.
Part of that is because there’s a 12 ish time difference meaning your killing people in the morning who likely arent talking to each other like how survivors do at night. No one wants to play high level killer so it’s common to stomp or he stomped
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Have you taken into account you're playing on servers you shouldn't be? Your suddenly horrible ping could more easily piss survivors off and give you the advantage in comparison to when you're normally playing on the servers you're supposed to.
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It's true, Japan #1.
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I think its based off of culture of the society. Americans (I feel) are usually pretty toxic or petty but can be easily frustrated and annoyed. When they get annoyed, they tend to throw the game out of frustration or they just leave to take a break or find a easier game to make themselves feel better. I think in Japan, they tend to be more on the competitive side because they genuinely enjoy that kind of gameplay while also being respectful in that regards. (If I am wrong PLEASE correct me on this)
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This 100% lol.
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Alot of last survivors don't struggle because there are killers that will give that survivor hatch/gate if they don't struggle.
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Considering the Japanese tournament, I haven't exactly been impressed
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lol actually the salt in US is much better than in SEA. it's the saltiest one, sometimes i got player from China and most of the cheater comes from them too. you could see at least they got 1 ban in their steam profile
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Yeah, it's the same in AU servers. I also tried going over to NA West (with about 120 ping) and the difference is astounding. Even playing during peak hours for NA West it's so much more chill (but conversely, so much more toxic). Plus it's hilarious that the VPNer from NZ has pretty average ping.
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I'm from SEA, and the queues are really like that. I haven't have my killer queue longer than 20 secs in my entire playtime.
And players here are really not joking around. Everyone uses meta perks here and sweats like hell. It literally forces me to sweat every game. And the salt is real here. Everyone is blaming each other, not just to the killer.
This is why i haven't touched this game for 2 months already..
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VPNing to another country will always give you a significant advantage. It's not necessarily you being better than US survivors but you getting hits that you aren't supposed to get due to desync. I respectfully ask you to stop doing this along with any other VPNers.
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Being in Japan, DBD often automatically connects to USA servers anyway depending on the traffic over here. With a good VPN which I use I get a decent ping.
but looking at the comments I see the point now. daytime solo players are very different from evening players. However the Japanese players won’t bait you etc, they just get on with it.
if I catch a survivor first few seconds and get them on the hook, no DC. That survivor will recover and end up being the strongest in the game.
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Pretty much, I hate playing against foreign killers, They are pretty laggy and it's insufferable to play against them, I disconnect at the first fake hit I take, I wish people stayed at their servers instead of coming to annoy other players...
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I call bull but okay. I looked it up and found nothing and speaking from personal experience, I can only recall one Japanese speaking person ever being in my game, I've found more spanish and french speaking people in my matches than Japanese. It really sounds like an excuse to me because you weren't expecting to receive so much backlash for using a vpn instead of your main message how Japanese players are better and more respectful.
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Having played a lot on Korean servers, overall, the average skill set at rank 1 is higher there than on US servers. I didn't find Japanese players much better than Americans other than they've been focusing on gens years before it really caught on here.
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Playing on very high ping with big time difference is the best way of camparing people skill levels on different servers. Sounds about right
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If it's true about Japaneese players never give up then I respect it a lot. I'm not a good player myself, but I always playing to the end even if game going by worst scenario. Probably if I played in Japan I would never get to red ranks, but I absolutely respect such devotion.
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DBD Japanese ridiculous Server
Killers are camping.
Survivors are crouching for doing nothing.
These sh*t actions bring them to rank 1.
What a jOkE.
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Bad or good? I have no reference as that's who I am playing anyway. Seems to vary quite a bit to me, though I suppose it's not often you face a sweaty 4 man that runs the rule over you, but damn do you remember those ones.
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I only know that the player at the japan tournament were a joke.
But its hard to compare anyone with the matchmaking that we have right now. Isnt it normal everywhere to get instant matches with killer in the evening?